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So I just realized


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That's kind of amazing. And is suspect to some sort of masochism. Though it could be like a friend of mine who feels pain when he is tickled, so the response is the same..


Out of the folks on SF, I'm among the least likely to be a masochist.

Also, I've never seen anyone faint of pain.

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I laugh when I'm i pain.

And I haven't cried out in pain since I was 3 ft tall.

You need to be in more serious pain. But really, you're a G for that.

I laugh a lot of things off, even minor pains and aches, and I usually just ignore everything, but when I'm in serious pain, I can't help but say "ahhhhhhhhh"

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My buddy has some nerve disease and he doesn't feel certain pain. Maybe you have the same thing?

I had psoriosis in my knees since I was 7. I managed to get rid of it around my 19th birthday.

I can't feel anything on my knees. I recall one street hockey game where my knee was sliced open, bleeding all over. I had no idea until I was told. When cleansing it, peroxide spray didn't tingle or anything. In fact, ripping off the bandage did nothing more than pull some hair off (which I found out only by looking at the bandage).

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