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Breaking Bad


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Has anyone else been watching this? I just finished season 4 with a friend and it was craaaazy. I thought I'd see if any other SFers were into it, although most of you are probably too young :o! The characters are probably the best I've seen in a TV show, and the drama is ridiculous @_@. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire last half of the fourth season, and practically falling off of it during the finale.

Can't believe I have to wait until July for season 5, I think I might die :P:.

Oh and Walt has my vote for best TV character of all time.

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I have been watching this myself...

I am at the middle of Season 2 myself. Great Series, i must say!smile.gif

I liked the episode where Walt and Jesse get kidnapped and get to the point where Walt insults the guy near the end...

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Breaking Bad caught my attention when it was first being advertised. I watched the first season religiously, but... well, some things happened, and I haven't been able to watch it since.

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I have been watching this myself...

I am at the middle of Season 2 myself. Great Series, i must say!smile.gif

I liked the episode where Walt and Jesse get kidnapped and get to the point where Walt insults the guy near the end...

I can't even pick a favorite episode of mine anymore. At the end of season 2 I really liked S1E6 and S2E2. But S3 and S4 had so many amazing episodes I can't pick one. I've never seen a show that didn't drop the ball in at least one area at some point. BB has been good to me :P:.

Breaking Bad caught my attention when it was first being advertised. I watched the first season religiously, but... well, some things happened, and I haven't been able to watch it since.

You should start watching it again when you get time! You'll love it :P:.

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Walter is a horrible human being. He deserves all the bad things that happen to him, even if his family deserves none of it.

It's a very well made program but it isn't for me. I makes drug abuse look very ugly, which is something I applaud.

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Walter is a horrible human being. He deserves all the bad things that happen to him, even if his family deserves none of it.

It's a very well made program but it isn't for me. I makes drug abuse look very ugly, which is something I applaud.

That's the plot of the show. Walter wasn't a horrible person, and he certainly did not deserve what happened to him (his research being stolen and given no credit for it while the thieves become millionaires using it, getting cancer, etc). Walter became a bad person to provide for and protect his family in the 18 months he had left. His character development from season 1 to 4 is incredible to watch :P:. Watching Walter go from an extremely overqualified highschool chemistry teacher & family man to one of the greatest drug manufacturers anyone has ever seen to the ruthless mastermind who would do anything to protect his family and Jesse he is at the end of S4 is a ride! Plus the mental battle between Walt and Gus throughout all of season 4, finally coming to climax in the finale is some of the best TV I've seen in a long time. Walt basically goes from one of the good guys to an evil genius over the course of the show :P.

^ Probably my fav scene, I love how Walt visibly accepts that he's "the bad guy", after trying to justify his actions for so long :O.

where's breaking bad

serious question, like where would i find this show because i've never heard of it


imdb page is here if you're interested :P:. It airs on AMC, but it's currently in between seasons. Final season starts in July. It's not too tough to find it online, AMC even has full episodes up on youtube for some seasons. I doubt they have all seasons up on YT, or even all episodes.

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That's the plot of the show. Walter wasn't a horrible person, and he certainly did not deserve what happened to him (his research being stolen and given no credit for it while the thieves become millionaires using it, getting cancer, etc). Walter became a bad person to provide for and protect his family in the 18 months he had left. His character development from season 1 to 4 is incredible to watch :P:. Watching Walter go from an extremely overqualified highschool chemistry teacher & family man to one of the greatest drug manufacturers anyone has ever seen to the ruthless mastermind who would do anything to protect his family and Jesse he is at the end of S4 is a ride! Plus the mental battle between Walt and Gus throughout all of season 4, finally coming to climax in the finale is some of the best TV I've seen in a long time. Walt basically goes from one of the good guys to an evil genius over the course of the show :P.

^ Probably my fav scene, I love how Walt visibly accepts that he's "the bad guy", after trying to justify his actions for so long :O.


imdb page is here if you're interested :P:. It airs on AMC, but it's currently in between seasons. Final season starts in July. It's not too tough to find it online, AMC even has full episodes up on youtube for some seasons. I doubt they have all seasons up on YT, or even all episodes.

Sounds like its about to get much better from where i am... Wow...

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Wellll Walter not being a terrible human being is debatable. He does some pretty morally ambiguous stuff over the series

remember poor Jane?

, is excessively proud, and is often an asshole. Sometimes it's for the better... sometimes it isn't, really.

Nonetheless I started watching this at the start of last year and have not regretted it one bit. Though I am stuck wondering where the show has to go now that

Gus is gone.

By the way, which was the season with the kray kray twins? That season was amazing. And the plane crash season. God this show is awesome.

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I've heard good things about this show from some friends of mine, but I never allocated time to actually watch it. But seeing as you're all praising it too I'll try and see what I can do so we can discuss!

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Wellll Walter not being a terrible human being is debatable. He does some pretty morally ambiguous stuff over the series

remember poor Jane?

, is excessively proud, and is often an asshole. Sometimes it's for the better... sometimes it isn't, really.

Over the series he does some pretty terrible things, but before he was diagnosed with cancer he was a great father and did his best not to wrong anybody. Saying he deserved everything that came to him is pretty awful :P:. Now, everything that came to him as a result of his own decisions afterwards is another thing.

He did that to protect Jesse, but yeah, it was definitely an awful thing done for selfish reasons (he hurt someone else to protect someone he cared for from going down that path)

I think there are only a few instances where his pride really got in the way of his judgement. One COULD have been not accepting the money from Gretchen, but those people stole from him. I 100% understand his reasoning there. The other is with his formula. He absolutely refuses to accept anyone else trying to replicate it, because he respects his chemistry hates that their quality can never match his own :P:. That definitely got in the way a few times!

Nonetheless I started watching this at the start of last year and have not regretted it one bit. Though I am stuck wondering where the show has to go now that

Gus is gone.

I wondered where the show was gonna go after every season. They're really good about tying up loose ends. If I had to guess it'll be more focused on Jesse/Walt's relationship.

By the way, which was the season with the kray kray twins? That season was amazing. And the plane crash season. God this show is awesome.

I think that was season 3, wasn't it? Season 2 had Jane in it, and season 3 had those guys.

Also what'd you think about the last few eps of season 4? Once it was revealed that he was basically manipulating everyone, I instantly remembered the scene in his apartment with Jesse, where he left the gun there knowingly for Jesse to pull on him, set up Gus at the same time, etc. It was the most amazing part of that season for me, just thinking about all the times Walt pretended as if Gus was always 10 steps ahead of him when in reality it was the other way around during those scenes.

I've heard good things about this show from some friends of mine, but I never allocated time to actually watch it. But seeing as you're all praising it too I'll try and see what I can do so we can discuss!

You should! It's the best show I've seen on TV in a long time. You won't regret it :P.

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imdb page is here if you're interested :P:. It airs on AMC, but it's currently in between seasons. Final season starts in July. It's not too tough to find it online, AMC even has full episodes up on youtube for some seasons. I doubt they have all seasons up on YT, or even all episodes.

welp mom i have no channels

i guess YT or bust

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Also what'd you think about the last few eps of season 4? Once it was revealed that he was basically manipulating everyone, I instantly remembered the scene in his apartment with Jesse, where he left the gun there knowingly for Jesse to pull on him, set up Gus at the same time, etc. It was the most amazing part of that season for me, just thinking about all the times Walt pretended as if Gus was always 10 steps ahead of him when in reality it was the other way around during those scenes.

That was very much a HOLY SHIT moment for me, though I have to admit, at that point the focus had shifted so much onto Jesse that I genuinely thought Walter was going to die. Guess who was wrong?

You should! It's the best show I've seen on TV in a long time. You won't regret it :P.


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That was very much a HOLY SHIT moment for me, though I have to admit, at that point the focus had shifted so much onto Jesse that I genuinely thought Walter was going to die. Guess who was wrong?


GoT is not the best show I've seen on TV in a long time. In fact I couldn't even watch more than a couple episodes before stopping :P:. See my posts in the game of thrones thread for more info.

Haha, I know right :o? Walt has some serious darkness in him :P:

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I've been meaning to watch it. That and The Wire, as my friends all recommend them to me, but I can't seem to get into American television. Used to watch Anime on a regular basis, now I just watch movies :\

The Wire is great! Season 5 is kind of a drip though.

Maybe I should check this one out sometime though.

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GoT is not the best show I've seen on TV in a long time. In fact I couldn't even watch more than a couple episodes before stopping :P:. See my posts in the game of thrones thread for more info.

Oh, you're the one who had a whine about the nudity or something, right? As if window-pushing and Kit Harington wasn't enough to keep you onboard. Try again? It takes a few episodes to get really interesting - I think after episode 2 I was definitely hooked. The fact that it steered away from most fantasy tropes and more towards humanity (I genuinely cried when Ned had to kill Lady) was something that truly fascinated me. The sexposition can get a bit excessive but you need to approach it with a casual attitude; it is HBO, after all. I was kind of glad that they didn't shy away from the sex, though, since it's incredibly grounding.

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Oh, you're the one who had a whine about the nudity or something, right? As if window-pushing and Kit Harington wasn't enough to keep you onboard. Try again? It takes a few episodes to get really interesting - I think after episode 2 I was definitely hooked. The fact that it steered away from most fantasy tropes and more towards humanity (I genuinely cried when Ned had to kill Lady) was something that truly fascinated me. The sexposition can get a bit excessive but you need to approach it with a casual attitude; it is HBO, after all. I was kind of glad that they didn't shy away from the sex, though, since it's incredibly grounding.

I shouldn't need to approach a show in a specific way to enjoy it :P:. There is no way for me to enjoy a show that does that stuff anyway; I don't like pointless, excessive nudity and sexual content, so I don't watch shows that do it. I'll watch shows that have occasional nudity and sexual content, and I'll even watch movies with a lot of it if the point of watching it is to laugh at it, but I won't watch shows I am expected to genuinely enjoy if it has excessive sexual themes. Plus I just don't think GoT's writing is as good as some other shows out there. Namely, BB and The Wire. I think they're both much smarter. I got a little over halfway into it before I just dropped it to try something I knew I'd enjoy more.

But that's just my opinion, surely you don't need to convince me of anything to enjoy the shows you like :P:.

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I really love Breaking Bad. It's just... wonderful. I've only seen seasons 1 to 3, however. I really wanna watch season four...

And my favourite character is Saul Goodman. Oh man, I love him to bits. Uh, RJ Mitte is pretty hot too.

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