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Top Five Favorite Top ___ Topics in Other Games Forum

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1: Top 10 GBA Games by Folgore Green. It's the best because it's not a top 5, it's a top 10. Double the power. Also, the GBA has a shitload of good games.

2: Top 5 SNES Games by Holmes. It's about SNES games. Kick ass! SNES rocks! Would've gotten first, but no one mentioned Sunset Riders.

3: Top 5 MegaDrive Games by Raven. This topic has spirit! I'm not a big SEGA fan, but I respect the effort put into this one. Keep it up Raven!

4: Top 5 Wii Games by CR-SO1. This is a good topic because the wii is a (well, relatively) recent system, so it's nice to keep up with the more recent releases (even if Skyward Sword is one of the only good games released for this system in months).

5: Top 5 GCN Games by ZM456. Honestly, I don't think there are a ton of great GCN games, but I give this topic credit for honoring the excellent ones that, IMO, made this system worth buying (factory refurbished, years after the GCN release date).

Besides these 5 excellent choices, I would say there weren't any top ___ topics in other games (on the first page anyway) that were worth anyone's time.

Edited by Jet Black Gunner
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I agree with all your choices, but the N64 had a lot of great games, such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Bros., etc.

But hey, this was great to see!

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