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My untalented friend...


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He insisted on me letting him play fire emblem.

So I let him play Sacred Stones and on easy mode he logged an hour in before he finally beat chapter 2.

And then later on I let him play Radiant Dawn, also on easy. I watched him get a game over at least 7 times before he beat the prologue. He just threw Micaiah out in the middle of bandits with Edward standing off to the side

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Looks like Fat Tony should stick to rapping.

Well, actually, he probably shouldn't do that either.

Hahaha not that friend.

And allow me to elaborate that neither me, nor fat tony think we are good at rapping. We do it because it's funny.

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sharing games can be surprisingly hard. Less so for people with at least experience holding a controller, but it's a delicate thing to avoid making somebody feel like shit and give up when they're not doing well their first times.

Some people you can show examples of awesome playing that'll make them go wide-eyed and say "I WANNA DO THAT," but sometimes simply playing the game with somebody can constantly remind them of how much more in control you are than them.

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The thing that confused me the most about is that he is great at strategy games, such as chess, stratego and whatever else he plays.

And the tutorial told him not to do exactly what he did Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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The thing that confused me the most about is that he is great at strategy games, such as chess, stratego and whatever else he plays.

And the tutorial told him not to do exactly what he did Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

He was worried the CPU was just feeding him bad advice to make his victory easier. Never trust the enemy!

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He was worried the CPU was just feeding him bad advice to make his victory easier. Never trust the enemy!

It's done that before.


although yeah overusing him would be a legitimate risk to a new player so it makes sense but w/e

Compare Jagen's averages at level 20 to Zealot's bases if you want a laugh sometime.

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I remember C4 of FE8 being the worst thing ever on my first playthrough. My only prior Fire Emblem experience was up to C16 on my friend's FE7.

Those were glorious days.

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