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Weapons stats and stuff.

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Since I saw Vince was trying to keep DLC info separate, I thought we might as well have one for weapon stats and stuff. I'd post some, but that huge thread is a pain in the ass to go through, and I spent a half hour clicking through spoiler boxes trying to find stuff with no avail. So if you have weapons and item stats, please post them in this thread. Much easier to find with its own thread.

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Is it just me or are there no A rank dark tomes? Heck the Gimre tome is B rank @_@

The only A rank tomes we've seen so far of any type have been FE4 Holy weapons, so that makes sense. A rank seems very restricted; we might not see Loptous itself as A rank Dark, but whatever we see, it's going to be powerful.

There aren't any S ranks for weapons. :(

Does this mean we can A rank multiple weapons?

Looks just like FE5/11/12, where A rank is the maximum.

And yes; we've seen characters with multiple A ranks. Would cause some troubles with the reclass system if you couldn't.

Edited by Othin
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So uh, does Fire have ANY redeeming factors? Thunder is the strongest and has a critical chance. And Wind is cheap with Flier Effectiveness. (Though the E-Rank Wind Tome isn't stronger than Thunder even with that, but D and higher are.)

I suppose the slightly lower price and superior hit compared to Thunder might make Fire a decent choice on Lunatic mode. But aside from that, it doesn't seem like it will see much regular play unless it has effectiveness vs Taguels or something.

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I don't think we'll be seeing enemy Taiguels, though.

Well Beast Buster implies that there should be some kind of "Beasts" that will have an effective bonus against, so maybe not a Taguel, but something else.

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Well Beast Buster implies that there should be some kind of "Beasts" that will have an effective bonus against, so maybe not a Taguel, but something else.

Both Beast Buster and the Beast Killer also work against Horses, not just Taguels. So unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. I've also looked at the enemy data for almost all of the chapters, and aside from single-digit numbers of Zombie and Mummy enemies in one map, everything so far seems to have at least relatively "human" classes.

I'm guessing Griffin Knights share the Beast distinction with Taguels, but it seems to be functionally the same.

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Both Beast Buster and the Beast Killer work against Horses, not just Taguels.

I'm aware, but it does specify "Beasts" meaning that there's likely something. Could be Griffon Knights, but who knows.

Fire just seems disappointing for the most part.

Edit: Well if there's apparently no proven example of enemy beasts, then I guess there isn't anything.

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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It's probably just for flavor and Griffin Knights, yeah. Manaketes have a dragon-effective ability, so Taguels having an ability that hits "beasts" in general is more interesting than just being "Horse Buster".

Fire seems to be a middle ground, but that doesn't necessarily have any purpose.

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Wait. The list is also missing Tor Hammer.

Julius and Ishtar DLC? 8D

Mistoltin, Thorhammer, Narga, Loptous, and Valkyrie are the * weapons from FE4 that have not yet been revealed.

I'm sure we'll see Mistoltin and Thorhammer in some form. Valkyrie seems unlikely, especially since defeated characters don't always die: from what I hear, parents will just retreat permanently, much like story-relevant characters like Soren and Seth, to avoid creating a time paradox. But this would mess with the "revive from the dead" idea of bringing back defeated characters.

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They could retcon the Valk staff into something like Latona. (Fully restores all units on the map) :v

True; I'm sure there will be some A rank staff, probably with an effect like that.

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Is there Hammernne or its equivilant confirmed for this game?

Hammerne staffs are indeed in this game. They're B rank and have one use each, and they can apparently be bought from traveling merchants for 2000 gold.


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Yeesh. If they're sold normally like that, this game must be insane on Lunatic+...

I'm more scared by the Rescue staffs. 5 uses for 1280 gold, and usable at E rank?

Hey, I wonder if Weapon Saver works with staffs.

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