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Ok. I think I've finally made up my mind here. Darros, I don't trust the way you've been acting here. You've just been all over the place with your accusations, and then I haven't really been satisfied with your explanations. So.

##Vote: Darros

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If one of you, I guess Darros now since he has the most votes, has a role we shouldn't lynch. PLEASE say something. I don't want this to be like the game where we lynched our doctor day 1.

Also Excellen, please e less silly dry.gif

Ugh. ##Unvote.

##I'm sorry: Darros

This is to avoid a tie if someone comes in here trying to do crazy shit at the last second idk.

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ugh you guys he isn't even that scummy stop it

strawman you're going to get a lot of shit if he's town. scorri too.

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Bizz: Why? Because I made a decision? I went with my gut. I'm not sure it's right. But honestly, I'd rather make a decision than have a three way tie in the end and have someone be randomly lynched. I don't like the way Darros has been acting, and honestly I don't think he has been especially helpful. So yes. He might be town. But I don't have a read on the other people either, so I'm going with the slight feeling I have.

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Darros I see you lurking, come on and defend yourself! I'm going to refrain from voting this round... unless I have to vote to tiebreak, or soemthing.

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If Darros can defend himself well, I'll unvote him. I don't really think he's scum, but out of the people we're voting for he's the most scummy I find. I'm sorry if he's town, but I don't want to see a random lynch...

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If one of you, I guess Darros now since he has the most votes, has a role we shouldn't lynch. PLEASE say something. I don't want this to be like the game where we lynched our doctor day 1.

I already told you, I'm not a cop. My role isn't incredibly important or of dire need. I don't know what to say. I've backed up my actions. I find Rapier scummy, and I found Helios defensive on Rapiers behalf. I voted on it, because it's my belief that action>inaction. I would've voted Rapier but I voted Helios instead to avoid ties. Then Bizz removed her vote, and in a long post I defended my actions and voted for Rapier, not having to worry about ties.

Now Excellen is being confusing as hell, and telling everyone they need to learn how to read, and throwing votes left and right. His actions make no sense.

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So I'm back from sleeping and I see that we have many votes on Darros. Also I see Darros replied. and I have to check it out. And I'm now seeing people not satisfied with Darros' explanation, so eh. :|

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I've skimmed through the thread really quickly and I'm horrendously confused.

If one of you, I guess Darros now since he has the most votes, has a role we shouldn't lynch. PLEASE say something. I don't want this to be like the game where we lynched our doctor day 1.

Actually, Darros had less votes than Rapier who had 3 and Darros had 2... if I'm votaling right...

(0) Balcerzak: Marth, Bizz

(0) Prims

(0) Shinori Iris

(0) Proto/Luster Purge 13th Folgore White: Shinori

(0) Helios: Bizz, Darros, Darros, scorri

(0) Bizz/Levatamos/CM4 END FLAVOR

(0) Aere: Marth

(0) Marth: Excellen

(0) Strawman the Sprite Dude: Shinori

(0) scorri

(0) Kay

(0) Manix: Strawman

(1) Excellen: Rapier, Manix

(3) Darros: Helios, Rapier, Strawman, Marth, Manix, Excellen, Scorri, Strawman

(3) Rapier: Darros, Bizz, 13th, Aere, Excellen

(1) TheTinyImp/Folgore Pink: Balcerzak, Excellen

PLEASE say something. I don't want this to be like the game where we lynched our doctor day 1.


I actually have to go practice piano since my dad is super mad at me, and I'll be back in 15/20 minutes doing his bidding. -____-

Seriously, Prims is probably laughing at us (it doesn't help that he votes through mod -- so like eww, lynch tie -> random lynch better not happen). . .I don't even know if I should vote since Darros seems to be here (scorri can probably switch votes if he defends well) and I have to go and shit, andmight not make it back before end ofphase, I feel useless :/

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Darros I see you lurking, come on and defend yourself! I'm going to refrain from voting this round... unless I have to vote to tiebreak, or soemthing.

My computer crashed, I'm on my iPod now.

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darros there are 20 minutes lefftt in the phase and people don't really seem to be convinced -- you might need to claim or something? at least this isn't FE4MAFIA.

okay dad yelling, bbl -____-

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If Darros can defend himself well, I'll unvote him. I don't really think he's scum, but out of the people we're voting for he's the most scummy I find. I'm sorry if he's town, but I don't want to see a random lynch...

Well, my actions were based on trying to get something done Day 1 instead of sitting around doing nothing. It worked, but not as I'd planned! I found Rapier scummy, and I felt Helios was being defensive on his behalf and seemed to be refuting the only thing we had. Sure, pressure voting is fine and dandy, but I don't think we can totally disregard everything in N0.

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darros there are 20 minutes lefftt in the phase and people don't really seem to be convinced -- you might need to claim or something? at least this isn't FE4MAFIA.

I'll claim if more people request.

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you are a fucking moron and giving me a head ache -_-"

let me give you a good view of what was going on in my mind

"so there's a rapier wagon. doesnt seem like darros is gonna get lynched, but he still has like 3 votes on him? might as well vote him to avoid a tie and no lynch"

so I shit out the post where I vote rapier

Something justified in-thread by "olol i'm going to sheep but whatever *votes*"

"wait a min, remember what happened to me in golden sun? yea thats right i got the lynch on me so the maf could save his hide. this may very well be the case here, considering we got... nothing... on rapier really. probably best to switch votes to darros for now to give them a reason to convince me why either of them should be lynched"

so switch vote to darros

So you switched your vote from me to Darros because you didn't have another choice/another player in mind? Why is my case different from Darros', then? I believe you said before that you had nothing agaisnt him too, so you have as much reason to vote him as you have to vote me.



I believe this is pretty much the end of the phase. Three hours until the end? Yep.

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Ugh. Screw it. I have no idea what to do here. I don't really have a read on anyone, and I'm confused as heck. Darros, I guess I can see your point, but if we lynch Rapier and he turns up town, I'm going to start looking at you...


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Oh I think I misread one of the Darros unvotes as unvoting Rapier. :/

So now Rapier has the most I think since I just unvoted. Damn it.

Wait weren't you just trying to avoid ties?

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