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Now that I think of it, there's no reason to waste the vig shot on me. SK or mafia could kill me, and if they now know that 13th is a cop (assuming he is) they'll pick him over me.

Simply, if 13th dies tonight via Mafia, he's the cop.

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But if mafia was being smart wouldn't they just let people waste their protective actions on 13th, kill someone else, and then get 13th lynched tomorrow since everyone is so suspicious of him? And if 13th is killed tonight, then no duh we'll know what his role is. I still think you targeting him is a good idea. That way, if 13th does manage to escape getting killed by the mafia, we'll have a chance at figuring out what he is?

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Now that I think of it, there's no reason to waste the vig shot on me. SK or mafia could kill me, and if they now know that 13th is a cop (assuming he is) they'll pick him over me.

Simply, if 13th dies tonight via Mafia, he's the cop.

But dude, if I protect 13th, neither he nor possibly me is gonna die.

Guys I really don't understand what 13th is doing, but it could possibly be to create new targets for scum, really. :| And I claimed because there'd actually be a strong chance I was gonna die tonight anyway, so I hoped someone would protect me from it. I don't understand why Aere and 13th did what they did. :|

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Now that I think of it, there's no reason to waste the vig shot on me. SK or mafia could kill me, and if they now know that 13th is a cop (assuming he is) they'll pick him over me.

Simply, if 13th dies tonight via Mafia, he's the cop.


Protecting our possible role cop plus finding out if he really IS the role cop is way better for us than losing our role cop to keep around an oracle and a martyr, as valuable as those roles are.

And yes I agree with Scorri's concern as well. This basically sets up a ton of us as wide open for the mafia to kill. Many of which could be valuable roles such as I dunno, vig, doctor, tracker, watcher, etc.

Also, I have to wonder about the chances of vig versus SK versus both a vig and SK. If we have no vig but there is an SK, couldn't the SK just parade around as the vig, what with orders being given and whatnot? If we have both we are going to have an awful lot of deaths tomorrow. Also couldn't technically, if we're assuming no doc, the mafia and SK somehow manage to both target 13th with this plan and end up taking out both the martyr and possible role cop? Maybe if we do have doc they should be on martyr? Or if we think that is significant protection i suppose go on anyone since going after such a highly protected target would indeed be risky for the mafia. Hmm, I really do not see too many good situations coming out of tonight at all :/ Also, sorry if I'm just like vomiting tons of random thoughts in this post.

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Now that I think of it, there's no reason to waste the vig shot on me. SK or mafia could kill me, and if they now know that 13th is a cop (assuming he is) they'll pick him over me.

Simply, if 13th dies tonight via Mafia, he's the cop.

Why would Mafia want to kill you right now if your role is more useful dead than alive? It could be detrimental for the Mafia if you target a Mafia member and Mafia uses their night kill on you over someone else since the next day we all find out that your target was a Mafia member, and proceed to lynch him. Also, you're assuming 13th actually is the town cop (which I still haven't completely bought yet). This leads to what Scorri said:

Wait, there could be both a role cop and a full cop? That seems... really overpowered to me...

Have you thought of the possibility that both Mafia AND Town have a type of cop? Assuming there aren't any third parties in the game, Mafia knows who is Mafia and who is Town, therefore they have no need for a role telling you alignments. However, a role cop would definitely be a great asset to Mafia, because then they could find out which Town members have powerful roles and which ones don't. If 13th actually is a role cop, he definitely fits this bill right here.

I say stick to Prims' plan Aere. Like I said in a previous post, even if it fails, we can still learn a bit from it.

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But dude, if I protect 13th, neither he nor possibly me is gonna die.

Guys I really don't understand what 13th is doing, but it could possibly be to create new targets for scum, really. :| And I claimed because there'd actually be a strong chance I was gonna die tonight anyway, so I hoped someone would protect me from it. I don't understand why Aere and 13th did what they did. :|

Why do you believe there was a strong chance for you to have died tonight anyways? I'm a bit confused by this.

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Or, have somebody (I'm thinking Marth) use their ability to bodyguard 13th. If they die, we only lose the martyr and have a guarantee on 13th's town/role cop alignment. If they don't die, and they attack me, my Oracle will tell 13th's ability anyway.

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Because I could redirect a kill towards myself? And that I would wanna protect those almost confirmed town? And that the mafia wants to kill such players unless they're secretly mafia?

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Do note, we are assuming that there even is a vig/SK in this game anyway. We don't actually have anyone who has actually claimed that (which they shouldn't right now, mind you), and as such, we're making plans on based on something that may or may not be in the game. Just something to think about.

(Hint to the possible vig: please don't claim right now, mafia will just wreck you instead, and destroy the plan from there)

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Because I could redirect a kill towards myself? And that I would wanna protect those almost confirmed town? And that the mafia wants to kill such players unless they're secretly mafia?

But before your claim what reason would they have to target you? Its not like they would've known that you're martyr and therefore would target you. And I'm not quite sure if you would've been on the top of the kill list either. i mean sure since its your role that adds a chance of you being able to die, but it sounded like you had reason to be targeted so you claimed...and you did it in kind of a sketchy way too.

I don't find it suspicious or anything, just confused me a bit.

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I say stick to Prims' plan Aere. Like I said in a previous post, even if it fails, we can still learn a bit from it.


Safeguard on Marth

Marth on 13th

13th on some dude he suspects that isn't me

Aere on 13th

Vig on Aere

Wouldn't 13th die regardless now? If he actually was the town role cop, Mafia will probably kill him. If Aere proves that he's actually scum, then we'll end up lynching him. It's a lose-lose situation for you 13th. I really don't see why you'd claim cop. I'm starting to wonder if Mafia is trying to use him as a scapegoat now so we forget about the rest of them. This could be a plan by them. 13th looked scummy anyway and even if he hadn't claimed cop we would have thought of lynching him anyway. So Mafia was like "Yo 13th just fakeclaim as cop (because in reality you have a weaker role than that that isn't TOO important in the large scheme of things), tell them Bal's role is really important so we can keep him alive, and take one for the team. As long as Mafia wins, you win too, so it's all good."

I'm trying to get something out of this strangeness.

Dude what are you trying to say? First you say that 13th is acting weird and that you have suspicions on him, then you suggest I protect him by Prims' plan?

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Oh, I should probably go on ahead and announce that I two exams tomorrow which means I will be studying all morning and taking exams all afternoon and evening, then i have to read this book for a presentation on Wednesday. I'll try to get on in the morning and at night after my last exam tomorrow, but it will be for a limited amount of time.

Also, interesting find Marth. I was getting scum vibes from Helios from what he has been saying this night phase, but those two quotes definitely make him look iffy imo.

Expect me tomorrow morning.

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Dude what are you trying to say? First you say that 13th is acting weird and that you have suspicions on him, then you suggest I protect him by Prims' plan?

I apologize for any confusion. I'll try and clear things up.

Oh trust me I still have my suspicions on 13th. Nothing I've said has changed that. But I'm not saying I'm perfect at scum-hunting and am always accurate. There technically is a possibility that 13th isn't scum right? Even Prims, who was also just as suspicious of 13th as I was, still suggests that you should protect him this phase Marth. Just because part of the plan is that you protect 13th doesn't mean I still don't find him suspicious, but it does mean that if he actually is a town role cop, then we don't lose an important role for town, and that's a good thing. However, if we find out that he's Mafia, then we just lynch him D2. It's a win-win situation for town then isn't it?

I'm still suspicious, but I want confirmation for my suspicions, and Prims' plan is a way I (as well as the rest of us) can get that confirmed.

Does that help?

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Ok, so reasons why I don't wanna go with the plan:

1. We're wasting a vig kill. Also mafia/SK is not interested in killing Aere for reasons already stated.

2. I'll agree with Bal that we'd have to assume the mafia is simple minded. Not only that but we'd need to assume simple abilities too. What if the mafia, say, has a poison dude? Or a kidnapper? Then what?

3. I have other reasons that I don't wanna disclose just yet.

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Okay, so I read everything (ugh 2 essays to write, quick nap then wake up at 2 am to finish essays, nbd, I'm cool), and basically, I'd post my views, but apparently those are bad and I should feel bad. :/

I see people who want the vig, if assuming there is one, to kill Aere and those who don't (in case of limited shots)---I kind of agree---I would think Prims would be town, but I've seen mafia announcers :/. If you guys see this please say what you think about Prims' plan --- the alternatives are eh, too, but I don't get why 1/3 of our game claimed already.'

This probably has to do with the fact that I subbed in, but I don't get any obv!scum or obv!town feels from anyone like I do in other games...

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I hate that people talk at night in SF games. ):

Sorry, I'm still lurking around because I'm sneaking on during work, but I'm reading.

Iris, your views are not bad--post them when you can! My opinions have been sporadic and kind of unstable this game, but I'm still posting them anyway.

As for the claims, I honestly would rather go for a more shady player than a townish one regarding Aere's claim (13th would be my top choice)

AND ALSO, TO MARTH: ... shit I shouldn't say it because then I would be claiming too, in essence

but oh man do I want to say it so badly

I was actually going to claim (for role advice) but seeing all of these other claims made me reconsider that :facepalm:

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Yeah also I still like Prims's whole "LOL WE HAD A SCUM MAYOR" philosophy and I've seen scum announcers more than I've seen town announcers herp fucking derp

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Also, Prims's plan all lined up publicly in the thread is giving mafia room to alter it somehow since we have no idea what role powers they have. Am I the only one worried about that? <_<

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Also, Prims's plan all lined up publicly in the thread is giving mafia room to alter it somehow since we have no idea what role powers they have. Am I the only one worried about that? <_<

Well, we can't exactly put the plan anywhere else... >_>

But still, there are so many things that can go wrong because of what roles the mafia might have. That's a valid point, but yet there's not much we can do about it now. All of the plans are made, and we can only see what will happen once D2 arrives, and hope for the best.

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Also, Prims's plan all lined up publicly in the thread is giving mafia room to alter it somehow since we have no idea what role powers they have. Am I the only one worried about that? <_<

Actually I'm trying to point that out. xD

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Well we don't have much of a choice but to put the plan out on the thread, it's NOC lol. But honestly, do we have any alternative ideas that are better? The more I think about the whole thing the more I start to change my mind about it more and more since I start to think more about what could go wrong, but in the end I suppose it's worth a shot. If anyone has any alternative ideas, SPEAK NOW. We don't have much time. Otherwise I guess it's better to go with Prims' plan then to do nothing, right?

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Well we don't have much of a choice but to put the plan out on the thread, it's NOC lol. But honestly, do we have any alternative ideas that are better? The more I think about the whole thing the more I start to change my mind about it more and more since I start to think more about what could go wrong, but in the end I suppose it's worth a shot. If anyone has any alternative ideas, SPEAK NOW. We don't have much time. Otherwise I guess it's better to go with Prims' plan then to do nothing, right?


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Relax. It's NOC, so if you want to do a wide-scale plan that involves a bunch of players like this, there isn't really any other choice.

It's kinda too late for this, but I guess what I'm thinking that if we think of multiple "plans", and we choose one of them secretly, then the Mafia wouldn't know what to expect and couldn't act accordingly. I realize this is kinda stupid now, but it was what I was thinking. I'm just trying to find a way around this disadvantage.

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