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Spoilers Regarding MU


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So after we found out that MU will have a child of his/her own known as Mark (male and female), just what exactly do you plan to make him? Well, in order to do that, your unit has to pair up with another character. I know this has been said before, I'm just referencing.

My choices were difficult, but I decided that for my first playthrough, I'm going to have my MU be male and pair him up with Miriel, that way Mark (daughter) will be a mage and inherit whatever skills MU and Miriel will have.

Another playthrough idea I had was having my Female MU pair up with Krom to get Mark as a Strategist (lawl) and have him get skills like Magnificent Flame and Aether. (But will Aether work for a Mage? We shall see!)

I also noticed that we were lacking in the thieves department... I now we can get them by re-classing but with Gaia and Anna being our only thieves, we should have some more. So, I thought of pairing female MU with Gaia to make Mark a Thief so he can be either an assassin or a male trickster.

The possibilities are endless!

Edited by Charlie
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A number of units seem to be able to reclass to thief, though - Ronku, Vake, Callum, Velvet and Henry, at least. That's seldom lacking. Even because reclass options are inherited, too.

Edited by TheEnd
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Actually, Strategist can use swords, too, so Aether will work fine. Mark looks pretty small, so I'm looking forward to seeing him jump up in the air and do it.

As for male MU, I'm not so sure, but maybe Liz for adorable cleric Mark?

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I understand that but I don't plan on re-classing anymore until they hit their max levels.

Oh I like that idea of Mark as a healer. What about Mark as a Troubadour?

Edited by Andreyas
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Isn't Aether Lord-only?

Not sure if must be in spoiler, so I'll go for safe here.

I think that in the DLC 2 map, Cynthia (Sumia's daughter pegasus knight) has the Aether skill for some reason, so I'm not sure if it is inherited by children.

If I'm wrong let me know, because I'm not quite sure of this.

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Isn't Aether Lord-only?

His 2 kids can get it in some way. His 'lord' daughter can get it anyway by promoting, but the other child determined by the mother can get it too. My theory is Krom has to be a certain level.

Mark has access to all classes of their gender that aren't special (unless her other parent is), so it's more a matter of what skill you want to pass down to them (one from each parent), stats/growths (however those are determined), and hair color, among other things.

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The topic title and description were a bit spoilery, so I edited them. Unfortunately I could not think of a good way to edit the title so it would still convey the same meaning while not containing spoilers. :\

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Well first, I hope that FE13 makes it to NoA in the first place so that I can get the game without hassle. And ... I originally wasn't planning pairing MU up. But now that I've seen the children characters, if I make a male MU character I will give him black hair and probably marry him to Miriel, because her kid looks awesome with black hair. Or Serge if I decide not to marry MU to Miriel. As for a female MU? Ehh ... I don't know. Probably not Krom, though, except for completion's sake. Marrying MU to Krom reeks of Mary Sue vibes to me. -_-

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Eh, I don't have a problem with that since my kids and I will destroy the game and MU won't really count or anything aside from a lore mention in future games. I still feel like a jerk if you take the East/West monarchs for yourself instead of pairing them with each other.

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All my units will be celibate. It detracts from discipline and is bad for morale to have the kind of heavily sexualized atmosphere being bandied about here during a series of protracted engagements. In certain instances, it could even undermine the chain of command.

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All my units will be celibate. It detracts from discipline and is bad for morale to have the kind of heavily sexualized atmosphere being bandied about here during a series of protracted engagements. In certain instances, it could even undermine the chain of command.

Military Discipline pffft, what are you talking about? The power of eugenics always wins out!

Not to mention Krom has to have a kid during the story

In all honestly, yeah, the entire everyone hooking up with everyone else thing aught to explode spectacularly, but it doesn't here!

I'll probably do Male MU x the Adult Dragon for MAXIMUM DRAGONS without pedophillia and later Female MU x Krom for hilariously broken kids with Rainbow Cry, Magnificent Flame, and Aether. Later playthroughs are probably going to involve some thief and dark mage Marks though I might do some pairings for character interaction reasons

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How is his kid's gender determined?

If MU is female, Mark will be male. If MU is male, Mark will be female.

To answer the main question of the thread, I just paired MU and Anna to get their hilarious conversations. I love Anna's personality. Money is everything to the girl~.

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Getting MU to LV15 promoted to learn Rainbow Cry by the end of Ch11 sounds challenging. I promoted at LV10 right before starting Ch6 and I didn't reach 10/15 until after Ch18.

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I think that in the DLC 2 map, Cynthia (Sumia's daughter pegasus knight) has the Aether skill for some reason, so I'm not sure if it is inherited by children.

If I'm wrong let me know, because I'm not quite sure of this.

Pretty sure it's inheritable as Cynthia's only Aethered about a bajillion people in JRPG's runthrough now, complete with that spectacular ORKO on Inverse.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Krom always passes down Aether as his skill, even if he hasn't learned it.

So it could be considered even more inheritable than the other skills.

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I've decided for the most part I'll make my MU female, as I'd more prefer to pick the guy I'd normally pick even if that isn't an option here. Due to that, Henry is the one that interests me the most, but mechanically speaking I have no clue which ones I'd pick. I'd probably make a male that time, so I can get Dancer/Manakete/Taguel (though Dancer isn't known if it can be picked, but still), since those ones are exclusive. Though male Mark as a Taguel sounds like a fun potential thing too, just for the somewhat novelty of it to me.

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