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Taiwan Adventures


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I think I should share with you guys what I've been through so far, for no apparent reason. I don't count this as spam in my opinion, just telling you things.

1. So last night, we were at this really, really expensive seafood place (about $7000 in Taiwan, which is about ~$200 in the US I think). We had 13 people or so. Anyway, my dad about two glasses of beer, for him and my brother. When it came, my dad said something on the lines of 'Do you want to try some James? You're legal to drink it in Taiwan.' Now, I was curious and interested, so I took a sip. It wasn't that bad, so I took another, and another, and so on. I only drank about a glass, and the glass wasn't that big. Though, when I got home, I felt horrible. I didn't feel like throwing up, but I just felt horrible.

2. This is a little... racist. But there is actually a store in Taiwan called 'Hei Ren Wang' which translates to 'N***** King.' Inside were clothes that black people would wear. XXXL shirts, hats with N-word KING on it, saggy pants, etc. I also saw a black guy, not in the shop though. I dunno if he knows the shop exists. I didn't buy anything here.

3. I also went off shopping for clothes not in the store I mentioned. Next thing you know, this hot employee that was around my height (5'4 or 5'5) wearing green in short-shorts, a T-shirt, glitter-stuff, blush (I think.), and comes up to my brother and me, showing us what the store has (I describe her in detail because you know, she's really hot and pretty cute. No, I'm not falling for her.) She thought my brother was 22 or so (who is actually 17) and that I was 15-16 (where I'm actually 12). She was pretty funny, and had that high-pitched excited voice that Asian girls have. The clothes at the store weren't so bad either.

I will update this as meaningful events happen.

On a side note, does anyone know what an oxygel is?

Edited by AngelOfDeath
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Wait, but doesn't "Hei Ren" mean "black person"?

It doesn't necessarily have to mean "n*****"....

Well, Black Person King, would sound weird for a store, wouldn't it?

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4. Okay, since all I do at home is FE4 and FE5, I go out a few times. Most of the times at the arcade. Now the worst thing is...

The Deadly Claw Machine.

Seriously, there was this epic white Mickey Mouse glove that I wanted so much, but I just couldn't get it. I spent who knows how much on it, and never got one. My brother however, was interested in a mini Batman doll. The first few tries he got one. He tried to aim for a second one the first time, and it ALMOST came out. He was all "I could get it. I could get it." So he tried a few more times. Then he spent a bunch of money and said "Alright, this is the last time okay?" And he pinky-swears me. He didn't get it, and made the :mellow: look (or something). Then he tried a few more times. He even got out the camera and made me record him saying "I'm gonna get it, alright? I'm gonna get it." Overall, a shitload of money for a stupid arcade, and all we got was a mini Batman doll.

In short; I hate claw machines.

5. Today during dinner, my dad, brother, a friend, cousin, and I went to McDonalds. I don't eat McD's that often, but this REALLY huge burger came out and we all wanted to try it. It had like 4 slices of bread and 2 slices of meat or something. We asked how big was it and the cashier said "1 person." Like, WTF? IT'S SO BIG. When it came though, we understood. It was only an improved big Mac, it was your slightly bigger sized burger. It wasn't your 12-inch-like burger we saw.

Edited by AngelOfDeath
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D: Agh, claw games. They're annoying, but once my friends and I managed to get three stuffed bears in a few turns by "working together." XD

I'm hungry now. XD

How much longer till you come back to California?

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one time, i managed to pull out about 6 plush toys from a claw machine :mellow:

with only two failed tries.

i could never do it again though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

6. Ok, so yesterday, a friend, my brother, and I went out night marketing. Now, I already told you how crazy we are at claw machines. So the friend of ours got a big tofu doll. We went to another claw machine area nearby, and this really hot Taiwanese girl comes up to my friend saying "I WANT THAT. I'LL TRADE YOUR BIG TOFU DOLL FOR THIS SMALLER ONE." Big > small. So anyway, this girl keeps on begging for it, and our friend keeps on saying no. My brother speaks to him in English, and the girl gets all pissed saying "Stop talking in English, I don't understand!" But anyway, we ran off.

We got in the car, and our driver was talking about the typical attitude of a Taiwanese girl. He said something along the lines of 'If you did what she wanted you to do, you could have gotten a number.'

So, now our friend regrets it. Now he was all talking about "I could have gotten some sex!" or "I could have said something like 'I'll trade with you in exchange for a date!' or something. And yesterday was my friend's last day in Taiwan XD My brother told all his other friends, and we keep teasing him about it.

My brother also said that he commends our friend for choosing HONOR over a hot Taiwanese girl.

God damn, I want a Taiwanese girlfriend now. ._.

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