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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (officially!) announced!


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Didn't see a thread here, so I thought I'd post one.


Here's the Sony version of Super Smash Bros. that everyone is wondering whether they wanted or not. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is, for all intents and purposes, PlayStation's copy of Nintendo's 2D brawler. From its cartoony style to its interactive maps and tricky twitch combat system, Battle Royale is a clone, a copy with Sony characters instead of Mario and his friends. It also look incredibly fun, and is almost assured to be a huge success.

Today's Battle Royale reveal comes with 6 roster reveals and the showing of 4 different maps. Here's the current roster: Parappa from Parappa the Rappa, the Princess from Fat Princess, Kratos from God of War, Radec from Killzone, Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, and Sly Cooper from his self titled series. Naturally they each have different play-styles to fit different players. Expect more roster reveals as Battle Royale's release approaches.

The four maps shown are significant in their level of interactivity. Rather than having a single game focus for each map, they're crossover maps, forcing players to deal with two separate games' interactive elements at a given time. Here's the maps and their unique gameplay elements:

LittleBigPlanet/Buzz!: Randomly changing platforms as the stage is created and destroyed as the fight plays out. Then as the Buzz! gameshow host appears, players will receive a trivia question which they must answer by attacking one of four multiple choice blocks.

Jak and Daxter/Hot Shots Golf: Golf field setting where Hot Shots characters fire off golf balls at players.

God of War 3/Patapon: Hades from God of War 3 battles an army of Patapon creatures in the background.

God of War/Ratchet and Clank: Starts in Ratchet's Metropolis, but transitions to the God of War Hydra boat, where the three-headed beast will strike at players.

Needless to say, Sony wants to take the small things that made Smash Bros. popular and make them wilder, creating a more frantic and fun interactive experience.

Sony built developer SuperBot specifically to create PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Expect more roster additions, maps and a release date soon as we get to E3 and past. In Nintendo's investor meeting today they discussed Super Smash Bros. being key to Nintendo's success in western markets. Well, Nintendo, you're not the only gun in town anymore.

Anyone else looking forward :P? Even if it's not an original idea, it looks more appealing to me than the other party brawlers. Looks like there were 6 playable characters and a few more basically guaranteed (Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Sackboy?).

Looks like a fun party game, in any case! I was surprised by their inclusion of Fat Princess, and how well they did Sweet Tooth and Sly Cooper.

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As a PS3 owner, I'm really looking forward to this. It'll be a breath of fresh air for the genre (and maybe force Super Smash Brothers to improve their games more!).

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As someone who wasn't too impressed with the way Brawl turned out, i'm glad to see Nintendo finally getting some competition, and that competition looks pretty good so far. I hope that Nintendo is actually planning to put more effort into the next 2 SSB games coming up, and that they weren't just announced and going to be made as a quick way to challenge Sony.

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I'm interested to see how they differ, especially with the scale that Brawl established (that was a veritable shit ton of content and style[/i]).

The stages already look and sound a ton better/more creative than any of the Smash games. But I'm reserving judgement until I see the single player and extra content :P.

Also, any speculation on who the villain of the PS franchise could be :P? I've got my money on the Sony Cats.

Edited by Tangerine
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The stages already look and sound a ton better/more creative than any of the Smash games. But I'm reserving judgement until I see the single player and extra content :P.

Also, any speculation on who the villain of the PS franchise could be :P? I've got my money on the Sony Cats.

From the video, the level concept sounded interesting, but at the same time the levels themselves looked pretty flat. There didn't seem to be as much life throbbing in the levels, no huge blasts of character. The backgrounds where pretty nice, but the foreground, where the actual player action should be happening, felt like the lesser of the two. But, this isn't a finished product either, so--at least tourney fags can fap over boring levels

Back when the early snapshots were leaked, I remember a couple people wanting the Japanese "mascot" to make an appearance. I'd think that be cool too :) As well as Vib Ribbon! That was such a cool game. And Intelligent Qube.

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I guess the first thread got put a few pages under.

From the video, the level concept sounded interesting, but at the same time the levels themselves looked pretty flat. There didn't seem to be as much life throbbing in the levels, no huge blasts of character. The backgrounds where pretty nice, but the foreground, where the actual player action should be happening, felt like the lesser of the two. But, this isn't a finished product either, so--at least tourney fags can fap over boring levels

Back when the early snapshots were leaked, I remember a couple people wanting the Japanese "mascot" to make an appearance. I'd think that be cool too :) As well as Vib Ribbon! That was such a cool game. And Intelligent Qube.

I will fight you >:{ Halberd, Pikmin whatsitsname, Shadow Moses and the Fire Emblem castle were some of my favorites overall

just not to have to play on all the time, usually

except Halberd that stage owns

I actually really liked some of Brawl's stages once I got used to them. Some even before! I won't say "THESE BATTLE ROYALE STAGES ALL LOOK DUMB AND HORSESEXUAL, SMASH 4 LIFE," especially since I can't have seen the majority yet, but if something has been shown that'll make me eat crow and fall in love later, I haven't caught it. Not sure what to think of the franchise mash-up approach to them, as opposed to Smash's "this might be a real place in one of the games" deal. Didn't catch anything that looked flagrantly bullshit either, but I might wait until I have a Shadow of the Colossus or Sly stage to lose my inhibition over it.

Not sure what I expect the lineup to eventually look like. I think it might be on the small side to start with, or would do it that way myself, if I wanted to make sure the gameplay's polished well enough on a first outing. Unfortunately, I guess that means I won't hold out hope for more than one character per franchise until I see it. I'd appreciate some Team Ico additions a lot, though.

I wonder what Omar Kendall meant by saying the studio has a fighting game tradition, and wants to make sure the gameplay stacks up well. I wonder whether that means experience in things considered part of the FGC, like Capcom, Arcsys and Namco fighters, or, y'know, that other game. The gameplay itself doesn't look too many worlds away from smash, but I haven't really noticed exactly what mechanics are in play, like even how fights are resolved. Might've heard rumors of a "traditional" health system, but not sure on that. Hard to tell what's going to make or break this game.

Something kinda seems off to me about the aesthetics. Anybody else? I don't really understand it, but it looks kinda, I dunno, dirty, or blurry. I probably wouldn't have a lot of trouble believing these graphics are capable on the Wii, yet.

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Hmmm, interesting. I might wait a bit to see how much DLC they're gonna make; I'm not a fan of DLC, so if I see an absurd amount, I probably won't buy it.

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Personally speaking, I can't imagine this game being interesting in the slightest to me. I can't think of any PS exclusive characters that I care even slightly, and that's really what got me into SSB, being able to play as characters who couldn't meet normally in a competitive environment. They'd have to branch out into series that aren't Sony exclusive for me to care I imagine, unless they do something incredibly unlikely like bringing in a Legend of Dragoon character or something equally as doubtful to happen. All I hope is that SSB doesn't suffer any from this.

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Um yeah, it is. Care to enlighten me?

There is no other reason, just silly justifications by people pissed about it who don't want other people to know that's what they're pissed about, because they know how stupid it is :P. Fanboys basically.

It's a genre. There have been plenty after SSB. Smash Bros and Power Stone created it (that's right, it wasn't just SSB; they came out at basically the same time). You don't insult every console style RPG ever for copying Dragon Quest. That's what happens. Genres are created, developers create more games in that genre, the market evolves. All the whining about it is silly, it's going to be a fun game that a lot of people are going to buy. There's no point crying over it :P:. The PS brand appeals to a different demographic to begin with, I doubt their sales will even conflict.

Anyway, third party support is pretty much confirmed. Sony recently said that we should expect a fair amount of third party inclusions, but wouldn't say from which companies. I can't imagine FF or MGS will be left out, considering they made it big on the PS. That'd open up some interesting choices, especially since those characters have been in fighting games before :P.

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Yeah, but the point where ripoff-mentality occurs is when there is blatant imitation of things. For some people, this could be modeling the stages in the same sense Smash Bros. has (foreground/background style, rather than an actual 3D environment); location of the health meters (that's an awfully similar placement to Smash's--though to be charitable, fighters often have exact same placement of bars, but that also is a style of game that has more subsets than your fingers); those "ultimate smash" looking parts. The imitation is usually intentional, so as to draw attention from people who like Smash into playing the Smash-like game.

I like it. You see complaints about Chinese pirates making knock-offs, and that's considered blargh. But if this game does it, it's not--so long as the game is actually fun.

besides, ripping off games is a normal trend, you'd think people would accept it by now

Other notable characters will be the obvious Jax/Dexter thing (never played them), and possibly Crash Bandicoot and Spyro maybe as well. Pyramid head?

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Other notable characters will be the obvious Jax/Dexter thing (never played them), and possibly Crash Bandicoot and Spyro maybe as well. Pyramid head?

Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Nathan Drake and Cole McGrath would be my immediate guesses as characters who will make it in 100%. I'd like to see Wander (SotC), Sony Cats and Crash Bandicoot afterwards.

For possible third party series reps I'd expect:

Castlevania (Alucard?)

Final Fantasy (Lightning, Cloud or Sephiroth will be the choices if they get a rep, I bet)

Metal Gear Solid (Solid Snake or Big Boss? Raiden possibly to promote the new game?)

A Nippon Ichi series character (NIS has been pretty loyal to Sony since they helped their company out a lot when they started. I'd guess a Disgaea character if anything. Laharl?)

Tomb Raider (Lara Croft?)

Rose from LoD would be amazing, but it won't happen :(:.

Part of me would love to see Spyro too, but his games have just been ruined too much for me. I don't love him like I used to :(.

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