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Do we have any more Japanese translators in this thread besides me? I'm bad with kanji and have to rely on the internet most of the time, so I don't think I'd do well with a video...

In this thread? I pretty much stay away from it since it's mostly about derived translations from Chinese

I know there are other able translators lurking around in this forum, though

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Disregard finals, Translate supports.*is shot*

I thought I'd start tonight and work gradually over the week, but then they ended up being really funny and not that hard(except for the A. I'm not entirely what's going on there), so I did them all.

[spoiler=SumiaxRufure ]

There's a note in the C support that says they think male and female MUs have the same conversation with Sumia.

[spoiler=SumiaxRufure C]

Rufure: Sumia-san, this is kind of a lot of books, don't you think?

Sumia: Well, they were in the convoy, Rufure-san. I spotted them by chance, and tried to read them.

Rufure: Well...that's good, but there's so many.

Sumia: Then, would you like to read some of them? One person can't possibly read this many.

Rufure: Is that really okay?

Sumia: Of course. Which ones would you like?

Rufure: Let's see...They all look so interesting, I can't decide...

Sumia: Then, how about this one? "Really Scary Village Visit".

Rufure: Umm...I'm sorry, but I'd like a not-scary one...

Sumia: I-I'm sorry! Then, "Facts About Pegasus Rearing", maybe?

Rufure: Uhh...I don't raise animals, so...

Sumia: I didn't know we had such different tastes! Uhh..."Rogues in the Early Afternoon"?

Rufure: Ummmmm... So, are all the books like that?

Sumia: Yeah...sorry...The books I picked out aren't good enough...! Really...I'm sorr-uu...Waah!!

Rufure: P-please don't cry!! Then, then, this one is probably good. What happens in the early afternoon? Sounds like fun, right?

Sumia: Yeah...I'm glad you think so...

Rufure: Yeah...

[spoiler=SumiaxRufure B]

Rufure: Sumia-san, I'm returning the book I borrowed before. It was surprisingly good, so thank you very much. I couldn't believe there were such things going on in the early afternoon! And the love-hate drama between the rogues made me cry!

Sumia Yeah...! I thought it looked good! I'll try to read it now.

Rufure: By the way, what are you reading, Sumia-san?

Sumia: I...Let's see..."Genealogy of the Holy War".

Rufure: Well, that's a good one to start with~ What's it about?

Sumia: Well, the story was probably based on the war.

Rufure: Seems interesting~

Sumia: Rufure-san, do you like stories?

Rufure: Yeah, I do.

Sumia: Me too! They're so great, aren't they? Those worlds steadily draw you in...Only while reading a book am I not the girl who isn't good enough...I can become a cool guy, or even the world's greatest mage...

Rufure: Yeah. I always feel lonely when I finish reading and immersing myself in that world, though...

Sumia: Yes...but you can just read another one to stop feeling lonely. I think that waiting for a new world is exciting, too.

Rufure: What should I read next?

Sumia: Umm, this. "Falcon Knight: First Volume of Madness".

Rufure: Are you okay? That...

[spoiler=SumiaxRufure A]

Sumia: Have you...gone crazy?

Rufure: What?!

Sumia: I said...Are you seeing strange things? I just want to become something!

Rufure: Eh...? Ehh!? What happened so suddenly!? It strange, Sumia-san, so please talk normally!   

Sumia: ...Ah, I'm sorry...Just now, I was acting like the heroine of the story I read before...She's actually a very nice person...I thought...I'd also like to be like that. Umm...was that change really that strange...?

Rufure: Yes, it was a pretty drastic change...

Sumia: S-Sorry...I knew I wouldn't be good enough again...

Rufure: That's not true. Sumia-san. I've had enough of your "I want to be this, I want to be that" talk. Sumia-san is Sumia-san. Maybe it's a waste for you to hear from someone else, because I may not be able to...

Sumia: I...see. Now that you said it, I realize how I've been...

Rufure: Thank goodness~

Sumia: Then, I'm the dull girl reading the story of the hero.

Rufure: No!

Sumia: This "Princess of Two Fallen Armies" looks like something good, doesn't it? Surely it will be interesting...!

Rufure: Just...go ahead and like that book, please...

[spoiler=SumiaxRufure S]

Rufure: Sumia, did you not read the latest story yet?

Sumia: Yes, until I gain confidence in myself, I won't read that story.

Rufure: Why?

Sumia: I...until now, I guess I've been fleeing inside the story. Because I'm really not good enough, I want to be myself, and have someone who thinks I'm special. But, even I noticed that I'm no good. I can't become a special person in the book, even if in this world, I'm never good enough. Therefore...

Rufure: ...Sumia, you're special enough already.

Sumia: Fufu, how nice of you, but please don't lie.

Rufure: It's not a lie. I'm saying that Sumia is special. I've seen you never abandoning anyone...It makes me want to protect your feelings. I like Sumia more than anyone else... [Hey, it's the line from the support trailer!]

Sumia: Ehh...?

Rufure: This...ring, it's for that reason. I'm...not the prince of a country like Krom, but I'll treat you just like the princess in the story. ...Because you're special, my love will be second to none...So, I want you to marry me.

Sumia: ...Rufure-san...! I...I...even without being treated like a princess...you're the closest person to me...fine. The current me...If I can become your special person...I'd be happy...I'll receive your ring...!

Rufure: Thank you...Sumia...Together, we'll be happy...I love you...

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Well TE if you want I can link you that 2ch page again

That's Japanese originals anyway

That might give me something to do if work is slow tomorrow (it usually is), so yes please

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Yeah, ChinaFE said something about that. Most supports are identical or near identical regarding male or female MU, with only the opposite sex getting an extra S rank and Krom and Ronku are the only significant ones they've seen so far. Might be a few others too.

Ooh. A throwback to FE4. And haha those book names XD

@ TE: http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gamesrpg/1335189652/

I should probably put this link in the OP too

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[spoiler=Tiki X Fem MU]

[spoiler= C ]Tiki: Mm... Snore...

Rufure: ... Ah, Tiki? You're taking a nap here?

Tiki: Snore...

Rufure: It won't be good if you get a cold, so I need to find a blanket or something...

Tiki: Mm... Mm...

Rufure: Though I have to say, the way you sleep is no different from that of a typical girl.

Tiki: Huh... パヲトゥ... It's... the first time I've been to this street... Mm... Thank you...

Rufure: Eh? Was that... sleeptalking?! Is she dreaming about the past? Though it is true she has lived for over a thousand years, and she was alive during the Age of Mythology, I wonder how old she really is?

Tiki: Mm... It's a secret... Snore...

Rufure: Eh? She can even answer questions in her sleep! H-How is that possible, maybe it's just a coincidence? Maybe I'll ask about something else!


... Tiki, where did you live in the past?

Tiki: Mm... Last time, I lived with a great mage... Hiding... Then... at the Water Dragon Shrine... I slept...

Rufure: Wow! She really can answer questions in her sleep! This is really interesting... Thinking about it, Tiki really is mysterious, and she's close yet difficult to approach... I'm sorry, but Tiki, could I ask you more questions like this in the future?

Tiki: Mm... mm...

Rufure: Hee hee, excited as always, I see.

Tiki: Mm... I have... a bad feeling... about this...

[spoiler= B ]Tiki: Snore... Snore...

Rufure: Ah, Tiki's having another nap! Maybe it's difficult for her to stay awake because she's lived for so long... I wonder if she'll answer my questions this time? Should I ask the same question as last time?

... What happened to you after you slept at the Water Dragon Shrine?

Tiki: ... Ugh!

Rufure: ...!

Tiki: I was sealed away... No! Living... alone...

Rufure: ... Huh?

Tiki: If this continues... I'll... run away...!

Rufure: T-Tiki! What happened?! Are you alright?!

Tiki: ... Snore.

Rufure: It's as though she had a nightmare... Tiki's OK, isn't she?

Tiki: ... Mm, I'm OK... Marth... (Note: Here she says "Elder Brother Marth", or something along those lines, but it's weird to translate. I guess you could always see it as Mar-Mar~)

Rufure: Marth...? Oh right, the Marth Tiki is talking about isn't Lucina, but the Hero King, isn't he? It seems as though she was saved by the Hero King after something bad happened to her.

Tiki: ... Marth... (Here she says "Elder Brother", when literally translated from Chinese)

Rufure: Hee hee, now Tiki has the facial expression of a little girl... She really must have liked the Hero King.

Tiki: ... Marth... don't... go...

Rufure: Tiki... Even though living a long life is usually seen as a blessing, in reality it must be very painful... To see all the people you love leave, one by one... At the very least, I hope you'll be able to relive those happy moments in your dreams.

Tiki: Snore... Thank you... Rufure...

Rufure: Hee hee, there's no need to thank me.

[spoiler= A ]Tiki: Mm... Snore...

Rufure: Ah! She's sleeping again. I'll ask her some questions again.

Tiki: Mm... mm...

Rufure: I just realised, earlier Tiki called the Hero King her "favourite"... So what... does that mean...?

Tiki: Snore...

Rufure: ... Even though this isn't right, I'll ask her some proper questions this time~!

Tiki: ... Mm... Huh?

Rufure: Tiki? Did you hear my question?

... Did you like Hero King Marth~? As in... in a romantic way?

Tiki: ...

Marth: Eh... Weird. She usually replies rather quickly. Hey~ Tiki~~~~~? Did you like the Hero King? Would you have wanted to be his lover? Hey~~~(LOL)

Tiki: Snore... That's a secret...

Rufure: Ah...! Is this another coincidence?! Hey~ Answer me~~~ Tiki~~~~~

Tiki: ... Eh...? A-Ah?

Rufure: Ah! I woke her up!

Tiki: W-What is it, Rufure? Why were you shaking me like that? Is there some emergency?

Rufure: Ah... It's because... I-It's nothing! You looked a little restless, so I decided to wake you up...

Tiki: Really? Well, thank you, Rufure. I was being questioned by someone in my dreams, and I didn't know what to do...

Rufure: !

Tiki: ... Mm. However, I do feel like sleeping again. Rufure, that's alright, isn't it?

Rufure: Ah... Erm, of course it's fine. Sorry to wake you up earlier...

Tiki: Mm... Then I'll sleep again... Snore...

Rufure: She falls asleep so quickly... Though, there is a problem now. I can't ever tell her I asked her such intimate questions when she was asleep.

Tiki: Snore...

Rufure: Ah? Is she sleeptalking again?

Tiki: Rufure... Hiding it is useless...

Rufure: Eh...?!!!!!

Tiki: And... Snore... Help me get... a blanket or something...

Rufure: O-Of course! I'll get it!

Tiki: Hee hee... Snore...

That was kinda cute~

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[spoiler=Tiki X Fem MU]

[spoiler= C ]Tiki: Mm... Snore...

Rufure: ... Ah, Tiki? You're taking a nap here?

Tiki: Snore...

Rufure: It won't be good if you get a cold, so I need to find a blanket or something...

Tiki: Mm... Mm...

Rufure: Though I have to say, the way you sleep is no different from that of a typical girl.

Tiki: Huh... パヲトゥ... It's... the first time I've been to this street... Mm... Thank you...

Rufure: Eh? Was that... sleeptalking?! Is she dreaming about the past? Though it is true she has lived for over a thousand years, and she was alive during the Age of Mythology, I wonder how old she really is?

Tiki: Mm... It's a secret... Snore...

Rufure: Eh? She can even answer questions in her sleep! H-How is that possible, maybe it's just a coincidence? Maybe I'll ask about something else!


... Tiki, where did you live in the past?

Tiki: Mm... Last time, I lived with a great mage... Hiding... Then... at the Water Dragon Shrine... I slept...

Rufure: Wow! She really can answer questions in her sleep! This is really interesting... Thinking about it, Tiki really is mysterious, and she's close yet difficult to approach... I'm sorry, but Tiki, could I ask you more questions like this in the future?

Tiki: Mm... mm...

Rufure: Hee hee, excited as always, I see.

Tiki: Mm... I have... a bad feeling... about this...

[spoiler= B ]Tiki: Snore... Snore...

Rufure: Ah, Tiki's having another nap! Maybe it's difficult for her to stay awake because she's lived for so long... I wonder if she'll answer my questions this time? Should I ask the same question as last time?

... What happened to you after you slept at the Water Dragon Shrine?

Tiki: ... Ugh!

Rufure: ...!

Tiki: I was sealed away... No! Living... alone...

Rufure: ... Huh?

Tiki: If this continues... I'll... run away...!

Rufure: T-Tiki! What happened?! Are you alright?!

Tiki: ... Snore.

Rufure: It's as though she had a nightmare... Tiki's OK, isn't she?

Tiki: ... Mm, I'm OK... Marth... (Note: Here she says "Elder Brother Marth", or something along those lines, but it's weird to translate. I guess you could always see it as Mar-Mar~)

Rufure: Marth...? Oh right, the Marth Tiki is talking about isn't Lucina, but the Hero King, isn't he? It seems as though she was saved by the Hero King after something bad happened to her.

Tiki: ... Marth... (Here she says "Elder Brother", when literally translated from Chinese)

Rufure:[/b Hee hee, now Tiki has the facial expression of a little girl... She really must have liked the Hero King.

Tiki: ... Marth... don't... go...

Rufure: Tiki... Even though living a long life is usually seen as a blessing, in reality it must be very painful... To see all the people you love leave, one by one... At the very least, I hope you'll be able to relive those happy moments in your dreams.

Tiki: Snore... Thank you... Rufure...

Rufure: Hee hee, there's no need to thank me.

[spoiler= A ]Tiki: Mm... Snore...

Rufure: Ah! She's sleeping again. I'll ask her some questions again.

Tiki: Mm... mm...

Rufure: I just realised, earlier Tiki called the Hero King her "favourite"... So what... does that mean...?

Tiki: Snore...

Rufure: ... Even though this isn't right, I'll ask her some proper questions this time~!

Tiki: ... Mm... Huh?

Rufure: Tiki? Did you hear my question?

... Did you like Hero King Marth~? As in... in a romantic way?

Tiki: ...

Marth: Eh... Weird. She usually replies rather quickly. Hey~ Tiki~~~~~? Did you like the Hero King? Would you have wanted to be his lover? Hey~~~(LOL)

Tiki: Snore... That's a secret...

Rufure: Ah...! Is this another coincidence?! Hey~ Answer me~~~ Tiki~~~~~

Tiki: ... Eh...? A-Ah?

Rufure: Ah! I woke her up!

Tiki: W-What is it, Rufure? Why were you shaking me like that? Is there some emergency?

Rufure: Ah... It's because... I-It's nothing! You looked a little restless, so I decided to wake you up...

Tiki: Really? Well, thank you, Rufure. I was being questioned by someone in my dreams, and I didn't know what to do...

Rufure: !

Tiki: ... Mm. However, I do feel like sleeping again. Rufure, that's alright, isn't it?

Rufure: Ah... Erm, of course it's fine. Sorry to wake you up earlier...

Tiki: Mm... Then I'll sleep again... Snore...

Rufure: She falls asleep so quickly... Though, there is a problem now. I can't ever tell her I asked her such intimate questions when she was asleep.

Tiki: Snore...

Rufure: Ah? Is she sleeptalking again?

Tiki: Rufure... Hiding it is useless...

Rufure: Eh...?!!!!!

Tiki: And... Snore... Help me get... a blanket or something...

Rufure: O-Of course! I'll get it!

Tiki: Hee hee... Snore...

That was kinda cute~

With Marth talking do u need the dlc?

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Ah, the A support isn't showing up :(

Could you maybe check that?

You can read it by quoting the post. Not sure why the tag won't open, but that should work in the meantime.

With Marth talking do u need the dlc?

DLC characters don't participate in any conversations outside of their chapter.

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Haha, I love Tiki's.. She's so damn cute.

It's rather interesting.. Had no idea she had a thing for Marth. I love that they brought up the problem with being immortal, though.. definitely makes you think~

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I tried my hand at Liz x Mariabel.

[spoiler=Liz x Mariabel]

[spoiler= C ]

Liz: Mariabel, this black tea is delicious.

Mariabel: Yes. That's because I've added citrus fruits to it, your favourite flavour. I knew you'd love it.

L: Eh? I like the taste of citrus fruits?

M: You haven't realised?! We drank tea together so many times, the ones you loved always had citrus fruits in them, so I thought...

L: Ohhh I see. So this is the flavour that I like... You're so awesome Mariabel, you understand me even more than I do.

M: Of course. That's because I'm your soulmate.

L: Ah ha ha, yes. Oh, but I don't know what kind of tea you like, Mariabel.

M: How unfortunate. Why don't you take a guess?

L: Um, then... tea infused with rose?

M: Incorrect.

Liz: Then it must be tea with milk!

M: It's not that, either.

L: Uh... I'm not very familiar with black tea, so I don't know what other types there are.

M: Hee hee, you're so hopeless. Then I'll tell you what the answer is. The kind of tea I like is...

L: The kind of tea you like is...?

M: Tea with the fresh blood of bears.

L: Pfffffft!

M: Liz! How rude, spitting your tea out like that!

L: Tha-that's because I've never heard of such a tea!

M: I was just joking. Look, you've got tea around your lips, let me help you wipe it.

L: Ah! It was a lie? I thought it was real... Then what kind of tea do you really like?

M: The kind of tea I like is the kind of tea that you like. To me, if you're happy, then that makes me the happiest. If there is any tea that you like, then feel free to let me know.

L: Thank you. Why do I get the feeling she just dodged my question...

[spoiler= B ]

M: Hoo, today's battle was incredibly intense. Liz, did you get hurt?

L: Ah, I'm fine. What about you?

M: I'm completely fine too.

L: Oh, that's good.


M: Liz? What's wrong? Don't tell me... you're actually hurt?

L: N-no, really, I'm not hurt. I was just thinking about things, like "will it always be like this", people hurting one another, everyone looking so savage... When I see such terrifying faces, my legs start shaking and I get so scared that I can't move.

M: Don't worry Liz. Allow me to protect you.

L: You-you can't do that! If you were to get hurt because of me... I don't want that!

M: That won't happen, I'm not that careless.

L: If that's the case, then what about that time when you were captured by the Perezians...

M: Th-there were lots of reasons for that! J-just let me protect you! To me, protecting you is number one in my book of justice.

L: Why do you have to care for me so much? You always make tea that I like to drink, you should treat yourself better. If you got hurt then I'd be so upset, and I don't want you to force yourself to stop drinking your favourite tea.

M: Liz... Thank you for your consideration, but please don't take it to heart. It's just what I like to do, that's all.

L: But...

M: Okay, come on, don't be like that. In fact, let's go take a bath together. My body feels so sticky, I need to clean off all that dust and sweat right now.

L: Ah, w-wait for me, Mariabel!

[spoiler= A ]

L: Mariabel! Your wound! How is your wound?!

M: Liz, Liz, Liz. Your panicking is very disgraceful.

L: All because you were trying to protect me...

M: It's nothing, I already said I would be careful.

L: Ah, that's a relief. Thank you, Mariabel.

M: It's okay.

L: Oh, Mariabel, going so far to protect me... is it because of that time before you joined the vigilantes?

M: !!

L: So I'm right...

M: Hmm... Since you've found out, then I guess there's no need to hide it. That's right, before I joined the vigilantes I was just a loner with a terrible personality. The other children my age always talked behind my back, I had no friends at all in the social circles, but Liz, you were the only one who would be my friend. At that time, you were the one who saved me from my loneliness. That is the reason why I decided to protect you.

L: That was so long ago, I don't even remember it.

M: I will never ever forget it, your warmth and tenderness. To me, when I was helpless and isolated, it was just like the dazzling radiance of the sun.

L: That is such an exaggeration, I just wanted to be your friend, that's all.

M: Friends with someone who always had people talking behind their back, someone who was always alone?

L: Who cares what other people say! I can decide for myself. Mariabel, you're a good person! Don't speak badly about yourself!

M: Ahh. Really... Just how kind can you be? But that's exactly why I believe you, and why I wish to protect you.

L: Mariabel... Thank you. But I hate being protected all the time, so from now on, I'll protect you too. Next time we drink tea together, I'll prepare your favourite tea. Don't you think that considering each other is what real soulmates do?

M: Ahh, that's right. To be able to be your friend, it's just so wonderful. For you... I will never let you die.

[spoiler= "Confession" image]liz_mariabel.jpg

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Suddenly the Liz/Mariabel fortune-telling result makes so much sense...

As far as I know, no one's taken MU/Sariya, and Sariya isn't that scary, judging from what I've read so far in her supports with Libera. (I tracked down the rest, and will edit the earlier post when I'm done.)

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Do we have any more Japanese translators in this thread besides me? I'm bad with kanji and have to rely on the internet most of the time, so I don't think I'd do well with a video...

I translate Japanese lyrics often, so I can give it a go. However, it's finals week at my university so I can't translate any conversations until the weekend.

Is there a site with a transcript of the conversations in Japanese?

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Liz and Mariabel was rather nice.

As far as I know, no one's taken MU/Sariya, and Sariya isn't that scary, judging from what I've read so far in her supports with Libera. (I tracked down the rest, and will edit the earlier post when I'm done.)

Cool. I've already done the C support and it was flipping hilarious. I'm too scared to imagine what the next levels will be like.

I see you guys are having fun though, so I should probably refrain from being a killjoy

I know, you can do the boring ones... j/k

Is there a site with a transcript of the conversations in Japanese?

There isn't AFAIK, but if you check a few posts up, there's a link to the Japanese message board 2ch, where fans have been posting transcripts.

To be honest, I'd probably never directly link to 2ch, but a transcripts page should be safe. I hope.


Here's the link again

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Man, this support really made my day.

My Unit x Sariya

C support

Sariya: .....

MU: ...Sariya? What on earth are you doing there?

Sariya: Ah!! You... noticed... I was following you...?

MU: Of course I noticed. How could I miss that unmistakably dark presence coming from behind me...?

Sariya: I see... Just as I'd expect... from my first love...

MU: Whaaa!? Fi-first love!? When did this happen!?

Sariya: When I joined this party, from the first moment I saw you... I was captivated... Ohoho... This man was different from the others. He is the man I've been truly seeking...!

MU: W-well... thanks I guess...

Sariya: From that day on... I have been silently protecting you... Heehee, yesterday you ended up reading 3 books... and the previous night, you tossed and turned a total of 12 times...

MU: Wa... waaaaait a moment!

Sariya: Of course... For you, I would wait until the seas ran dry and the rocks crumbled...

MU: Just for now, could you please not sound so serious!? Actually... more importantly, have you... been following me every day?

Sariya: As if you even need to ask...

MU: Waah! No wonder I've lately been feeling this uncanny chill everywhere I go!

Sariya: Do no fear... If you catch a cold, I'll stay unmovingly by your side... taking extra special care of you.

MU: If a normal girl said that, I'd feel moved for sure, but coming from Sariya, these words seem to take on a completely different meaning.

Sariya: MU, you... like... normal girls?

MU: Eh, I... guess?

Sariya: ...I understand.

MU: Huh? Sariya? Why do I feel awash... with a very terrible omen...?

B support

Sariya: MU.

MU: Oh, Sariya. How comes I haven't seen you around lately? Is something up?

Sariya: Um, I don't think anything's different? Are you... worried about little me?

MU: Ye-yes.

Sariya: Truly!? I'm so happy!

MU: That's... huh? What kind of reaction was that?

Sariya: Actually... I have prepared a packed lunch for you, MU.

MU: Wa-wait a moment. What's gotten into you, Sariya? Did you swallow something wrong? Or, don't tell me, you accidentally fell under one of your own curses?

Sariya: How rude, what are you trying to say? I am ever so normal~!

MU:...Normal... So that's it!

Sariya: Come, say ah~

MU: Huh!? Ah... Ah~ *munch* ! It's-it's actually tasty...!

Sariya: Truly? That's wonderful! I have been practicing hard to prepare the perfect dish.

MU: Don't tell me... You've done all this to become a normal girl?

Sariya: Mm-hm! I've now become a perfect "normal" girl!

MU: ...A perfect normal girl... Even though you're already far from normal...

Sariya: Ehh...?

MU: I'm sorry for mumbling such strange things. Could you please forget everything I said before and change back to the original Sariya?

Sariya: ...Is that what you want? Fine, since you asked...

A support:

Sariya: ......Heehee...

MU: Even though it's nice that Sariya's back to normal... *shudder* Still, that constant chill coming from behind... Why does it feel so unbearable...? Uh, unnh?

Sariya: MU? What are you doing on the floor? Ah! You're shaking... and... that heat... could it be... you've caught a cold? I-I need cold water... and a cooling... curse...


MU: Mmm...

Sariya: Oh...

MU: Uh... unh? I... what am I doing sleeping here?

Sariya: You had a nasty fever... and fell unconscious.

MU: Really...? It must have been because I haven't had much rest lately...

Sariya: Why aren't you... saying it's the fault of my curse...?

MU: I can't bring myself to believe Sariya would do that kind of thing.

Sariya: ...Ah!

MU: You've been tirelessly... caring for me. Thank you Sariya.

Sariya: I'm not a normal girl... There's nothing... for you to be happy about.

MU: No... I'm very happy. Sariya, you caring for me actually makes me even happier.

Sariya: ...Is that true?

MU: Mmm... it's true. So... please continue to look after me... for just another while...

Sariya: ...He's... asleep again...? His face as he sleeps looks just like a child's... Heehee...

S support

MU: Sariya.

Sariya: ...What is it?

MU: Don't you think it's time that you stopped following behind me?

Sariya: ...Why?

MU: If you keep following me from behind, then I'll never get to see your face.

Sariya: What... are you trying to say...?

MU: Haha, honestly.

(MU turns around)

MU: Finally, I get to see you. Hmm, is this the first time... that we've seen each other face to face normally?

Sariya: ...Maybe.. I guess...

MU: Then, from today onwards, let's always face each other as we live our lives.

Sariya: What... do you mean?

MU: This is what I mean.

Sariya: That's a... a ring...?

MU: Yep. This ring is proof that you and I will face each other for eternity, as we join hands in life.

Sariya: ...I... cannot do that.

MU: Huh...?

(Sariya faces MU's back)

Sariya: I knew it... this feels... most comfortable for me... From this position... I can wait... for a lifetime.

MU: Ehhh... Nevermind, I guess that works as well. To be honest, I find it more comfortable this way as well.

Sariya: Heehee... heeheeheeheehee...


Sariya: I love you... If you dare... to betray my feelings... I won't forgive you. At this point, it's too late... to think about escaping me...

Edited by VincentASM
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I kinda wanna taste a Sariya-made box lunch now. :P

IT'S ALL FRIED EGG- wait wrong story

This game has so much obvious anime influence. Not that I'm complaining.

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