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I'm writing a research proposal I know nothing about.

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It seems like every time I was not in class the professor talked about these research proposals that were 12% of our grade. And yet, I knew nothing about it. So I have to basically come up with one. Fun.

wish me luck please

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If this class has nothing to do with your major: Welcome to electives.

Otherwise: Good luck.

Minor, actually. My major doesn't require bullshit like this.

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If this class has nothing to do with your major: Welcome to electives.

Otherwise: Good luck.

>Computer Science major taking Sociology and Lib100 as electives

>All the reading and papers I have to write involve those classes, taking up most of my time

>All pointless busy work

Tell me about it man. But it's all to give you a well rounded education!

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>Computer Science major taking Sociology and Lib100 as electives

>All the reading and papers I have to write involve those classes, taking up most of my time

>All pointless busy work

Tell me about it man. But it's all to give you a well rounded education!

I had to take Sociology as an elective too, at least I found that one interesting.

Minor, actually. My major doesn't require bullshit like this.

My If statement says "Good Luck" then.

Edited by Sirius
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I had to take Sociology as an elective too, at least I found that one interesting.

I had to take Sociology as an elective but I circumvented the requirement and took accelerated political science. Five weeks, two tests, one book report.

EDIT: On-topic, I just submitted a report with exactly one researched data source, but because we didn't have to cite our interviews I made it sound like I had done extensive research. You can do this.

Edited by Integrity
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Courage is in medals, not hearts.

That's not what I think. And what I think is far more important than cold hard facts. You know I'm right. I always am. Except when I'm not. That's when things get interesting.


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