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Rate the Unit, Day 34: Tauroneo

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Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode+Fixed Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0700 and 0800 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings the sonic sword" or any other justification as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Rolf: 1.15

Sothe: 2.03

Brom: 2.32

Shinon: 3.00

Janaff: 3.32

Ulki: 3.59

Devdan: 4.11

Volke : 4.82

Ilyana: 4.98

Soren: 5.15

Rhys: 5.31

Gatrie: 5.46

Mia: 5.71

Muarim: 6.19

Mist: 6.41

Mordecai: 6.55

Makalov: 6.59

Tormod: 6.62

Zihark: 6.65

Lethe: 6.75

Nephenee: 6.79

Callil: 7.21

Stefan: 7.40

Astrid: 7.76

Boyd: 8.29

Ike: 8.57

Tanith: 9.08

Oscar: 9.08

Kieran: 9.23

Jill: 9.31

Marcia: 9.36

Reyson: 9.79

Titania: 9.91

Tauroneo the Tauros, I call him. Just now.

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-good weapon ranks

-kinda high base stats


-6 move

-shit supports

-no room to grow

-speed sucks, even when he is in Resolve range

Tauroneo sucks. He comes really late at way too high a LV. Maybe if he were like 20/8 he could make use of the KW, but no. He is LV 20/14 with a 13 SPD. His bases are really bad for his base LV and he pretty much needs to always be in Resolve range to have any use, and it can be difficult to get him into Resolve range because of his high defense. There is pretty much no reason to ever use Tauroneo.

.5/10 - He does nothing for me. He cant even cap a single stat for transfers without giving him a several stat boosters...

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Resolve rules. But it's actually kind of hard to get Tauroneo into Resolve range, because his mustache is far too glamorous. Good bases and ranks though, but arrives late and is a General. At least he's got access to the Knight Ward and Resolve though.


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Tauroneo is probably my favorite unit in this game....but he's kinda sucky.

His class is his biggest enemy. His high defence makes it hard for him to go into resolve mode and unlike other generals his resistance is actually quite high. Normally defence is good on a unit, but Taur isn't that great offensively when resolve hasn't kicked in yet.

His move is pretty bad as well.

3.5 and i'm giving him one bias point for being awesome.


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I'm going to have to disagree to the majority of the voters thus far. Tauroneo actually can be quiet useful in spite of his problems with a little love and care. First his speed can be fixed rather easily if you have the resources: With a speed wing (boosting up that 13SPD to 15) and then just a single BEXP level up with the KW (just a 20% chance he wont get extra speed) he has a good chance of going into Ch.22 with 16 speed and probably a small boost to either HP/STR/SKL/DEF/RES due to his growths in those stats being near 50% each. So with those little boosts offensively he'll be able to naturally double the majority of the non promoted and weighed down enemies in Ch.22 and usually 1RKOing them with that nice 22STR+Silver Weapons attack power. For those that he cannot double, Tauroneo can take a nice chunk out of them and will likely be surrounded and beaten on enough to trigger, you guessed it, resolve which will let him 1shot just about anything foolish enough to get into 1 range. So yeah, he can be used and made into a heck of an offensive machine. Meanwhile if you aren't trying to get him into resolve mode, then our silver general can easily hold off just about every enemy remaining in the game with a little choke point usage thanks to his wonderful HP/DEF/RES with resolve as a nice little bonus for when he gets in danger.

Now that's not to say that Tauroneo deserves a 9/10 or something stupid like that. Fact is he is a General, and thus stuck with horrible move. He requires the above resources to reasonably be used compared to so many of the prepromotes thus far. His offense (with resources, silver weapons and resolve) might be pretty strong but he wont be 1RKOing like so many of your units thus far could be able to at this stage in the game. But even with those limitations, he's still coming into the game as neigh unkillable, 2RKO (without resources or resolve) machine that can basically just roll along through the game slowly demolishing anything that moves. Truth is something around 5/10 would be a more accurate score for Tauroneo to me. A unit with a lot of good and a lot of bad making him just 'average' in the end.

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Tauroneo is probably my favorite unit in this game....but he's kinda sucky.

His class is his biggest enemy. His high defence makes it hard for him to go into resolve mode and unlike other generals his resistance is actually quite high. Normally defence is good on a unit, but Taur isn't that great offensively when resolve hasn't kicked in yet.

His move is pretty bad as well.

3.5 and i'm giving him one bias point for being awesome.


This, including the bias point.

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Slow, low movement, no availability to do stuff and support. Pretty useless. 2/10

Not exactly true. He can at least do something in his joining chapter.

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4/10 because resolve is a good way to off ena

also resolve in general is a decent enough skill, he has the defense to not get killed at half HP (but he can still reach half HP) and the stats to make his offense that much better

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What if Brom had slightly better base stats, Resolve, and less availability?


"slightly better" lol

making a little deal out of resolve...

colonel m, you could do better

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+Pretty good bases except speed


+Good weapon ranks

+Dat moustache



-Late joining


Poor Tauroneo. The maps have way too much terrain for him to get anywhere fast. Resolve is a great skill but with all the paladins and fliers you have, there isn't going to be anything left for Tauroneo to kill unless you're slooowly inching towards the objective. That said, even with bad speed the rest of his stats are pretty good so if one of your units isn't meeting stat benchmarks you COULD swap in Tauroneo if you really wanted to. In terms of filler you could do worse, but even 7 mov is not really enough to keep up in this game, and Tauroneo realistically is going to fall behind and never catch up on any given map. Resolve makes him one of the ideal killers against Ena in his joining chapter but that may be the only instance where he actually gets in range of the boss.


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