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North Carolina officially banned same-sex marriage

Caliban of Sycorax

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Ya know, this is a state that spent a whole slew of money for a research program to find out why prisoners hate prison. North Carolina is not that great a state.

To think I was born here...

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Fun fact: It's legal to marry your first cousin in North Carolina.


this isn't too farfetched cause sometimes marrying your cousin is a cultural thing

ie, my dad's youngest brother married his first cousin and his children are very well off. my mom's youngest sister also married her first cousin and they are very well off. not that i'd marry my first cousin (oh hell no), but marrying your cousin isn't that bad

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The UK is apparently legalising same sex marriage within the next 3 years. This page in Wikipedia is most interesting - particularly the list showing bodies that support it and those against it.


Same sex marriage is on the whole, supported within the UK, and support is increasing still. Despite the current state of our main three government parties (Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives), they at least got something right in supporting same sex marriage.

As for places not in support of same sex marriage, I believe they are heavily influenced by what religion and the bible says about it. Government and religion should never mix because you get shit like this.

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this isn't too farfetched cause sometimes marrying your cousin is a cultural thing

ie, my dad's youngest brother married his first cousin and his children are very well off. my mom's youngest sister also married her first cousin and they are very well off. not that i'd marry my first cousin (oh hell no), but marrying your cousin isn't that bad

What do you mean by that?

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What do you mean by that?

some people seem to think cousin-incest makes you mentally challenged

protip: it doesnt

Not enough genetic diversity can cause disorders in family genes to become more prominent. It's more a problem for when the practice has been going on for a long time, and more with siblings (either half or full), but too much marrying your cousins could cause genetic problems. Hemophilia in the British royal family is an example of this IIRC. Same reason mutts are healthier than purebred dogs.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Not enough genetic diversity can cause disorders in family genes to become more prominent. It's more a problem for when the practice has been going on for a long time, and more with siblings (either half or full), but too much marrying your cousins could cause genetic problems. Hemophilia in the British royal family is an example of this IIRC. Same reason mutts are healthier than purebred dogs.

These problems often come up in groups where continual inbreeding has been standard for generations. You would have to go out of your way for numerous parent generations to interbreed in order to get any real problems coming up.

That sort of planning isn't a part of standard Western culture any longer.

Edited by Celice
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These problems often come up in groups where continual inbreeding has been standard for generations. You would have to go out of your way for numerous parent generations to interbreed in order to get any real problems coming up.

That sort of planning isn't a part of standard Western culture any longer.

I'm aware hence the:

Not enough genetic diversity can cause disorders in family genes to become more prominent. It's more a problem for when the practice has been going on for a long time, and more with siblings (either half or full), but too much marrying your cousins could cause genetic problems. Hemophilia in the British royal family is an example of this IIRC. Same reason mutts are healthier than purebred dogs.

I was just telling him why the problem with incest initially arose.

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Shoooo, one of my friends posted this on FB. I though y'all (on a random note, I swear to God if any of you spell it ya'll I will find you and stab you) might find it interesting:


Hopefully this won't pass. Then again, it is Tennessee :dry:

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On the bright side, Obama just confirmed support for gay marriage.

Friggin finally.

I know, right? Took him long enough.

This issue of marriage equality has been something I've discussed in depth for a while now, and I am part of the group of people fighting for marriage equality in Washington state (our bill passed to allow same-sex marriage, but there will most likely be a referendum and a public vote coming up).

The view people against marriage equality have is something I just can't comprehend. A lot of these people hide behind the bible and keep forgetting we have a separation of church and state. There are no other logical reasons as to why same-sex couples can't marry.

Edited by 1st Mate Bob
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On top of that, citing the Bible is absurd beyond just the separation of church and state. There are a whole lot of things the Bible says you can/should do that we don't, and unless I'm mistaken, the Bible doesn't put any more emphasis on homosexuality than those things we don't do already.

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Yeah, I know incest is bad for the genes. I just didn't quite understand Mercenary Raven's expression.

I had an aunt and uncle that were roughly in the same way that Mercenary Raven's were. They didn't marry to have children, anyway.

(In fact, I think they adopted someone, but I can't remember).

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On the bright side, Obama just confirmed support for gay marriage.

Friggin finally.

I don't consider someone's support being used as leverage for reelection is a bright side. I call that shoddy, and taking tactical advantage of current pre-election events.
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North Carolina is honestly just an absurdly terrible state in general. The last time they ratified their constitution for anything related to marriage, it was to ban interracial marriage. So bleh. My kind will eventually see equality, I hope. I really do wish that some politician would go and cite the parts of the bible that are much more clear about things that would make a much better point. Such as how if you wear two garments of different cloth as a woman, you are to be stoned to death. Honestly, I wonder what hope there is in a world with so much ignorance and hatred...

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