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Gaining a Falchion (or not) 101 REVISED

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Sorry if any of this is a little cluttered and confusing, it is my first time, and Stuff comes out of my head so fast I can't type it in a nice orderly fashion.

Step 1: Until you get to the Battle in the Lea, do not worry about this. Train as you want. When you get there, however, you will need to decide on who you will make your main mage. You have almost countless reclass options, you get Merric, and later on, Linde. Merric and Linde are your best canidates, both with psudo-personal spells and base classes as a low leveled mage with tons of room for improvement. Wendell is another great choice, as his base speed is ridiculous and he has a good tome level. I prefer Merric.

Step 2: Next you will want to start feeding your mage kills, to level them up. Be sure to make them finishers, and aim for Horsemen. Protect him/her! Either way, keep doing this, and feed all spirit dusts to your mage. When you get to the point of the master seals becoming available, it may seem like a good idea to get your mage up, and make them a sage, so they can heal for your team as well. This is not the best way to go, make sure your mage is over level 15 before giving them a master seal. My playthough, I capped him at level 20.

Step 3: Swipe that VIP card from the bishop, and go to the secret shop at the top of the map. (above the throne) This is uneeded, but the longbow and killer weapons are quite nice.

Step 4: At the fane of Raman, grab the star and lightsphere and get the geosphere with a thief. Talk to Tiki with Bantu to recruit her.

Step 5: When you invade Macedon, go the the secret shop with a flier in the top right corner of the map. (Small lake, Plains inside of mountains) Get the spirit dusts and a speedwing.

Step 6: In a knight filled sky, Protect the village from the thief with a flier, and have marth go to Gotoh with the Star and lightspheres. Starlight has only 13 uses, so don't use it on anything before Gharnef.

Step 7: At the start of the Dark Pontifex, rip out that geosphere and use it. The Gharnef that doesn't take damage is the real one.. Have your mage run up to the corner of his attack range, he will come to you. You should do about 20+ damage and not take much. Counterattack and kill. Now you have the Falchion! Note: Ballistae also injure the fake Gharnefs, use Beck or Jake if you forgot the Geosphere.

Or not..

Wait, you say you don't want the Falchion? Don't wanna go through all the trouble? Well, the game is quite forgiving.. just follow these steps, and you get something.. other than that falchion.

I personally reccomend a good mage/sage, although he/she isn't really all that nessessary. Our goal here is to get to chapter 24x this one has different requirements. Those are: Don't have Tiki in your party by chapter 24, and Marth Does not have the Falchion. This is wierd, but actually recruit Tiki at the fane of Raman. However, next chapter (or at least, by chapter 24) Have Tiki run unarmed into the fray, and watch her drop. Warp Skip the Dark Pontifex, and get Elice. She is important. In the next chapter, kill the thief, and Get that chest in the ressurectory. That chest contains the Aum staff, and it is really a cool item to have. Give that to Elice, but don't use it yet. Finish the chapter, and if you did everything right, you should have a special conversation and go to some wierd tower in another dimention. Bring Elice with the Aum staff, and you can use the staff on Tiki! you got Tiki back, and clear that chapter. (The chests contain refills of Aura and Excalibur, so be sure to get those) Nagi talks to you at the end, and you recruit her, and get the Falchion!! ..Lol, not really. You get a weaker falchion. An infinite-use wyrmslayer, some might call it. Now you have a (weaker) Falchion, and the 2 Divine dragons that are super-effective against manaketes. Mufufufu. Note: You do not get Gotoh at the final chapter if you recruit Nagi.

You can get them all, as well. Do the Or not.. Steps, but actually get the Falchion from Gharnef, but give it to Tiki, and have her die ON CHAPTER 24. You should still go to Chapter 24x, and you can get every single possible thing, including the Fake Falchion. Only thing is, you don't get Gotoh, and his sweet Swarm Tome.

Other notes: If you want Some other princess to get some cheap Staff level, Minerva, Maria, and Caedea can use the staff as well. Just make sure their staff level is A. This is the reason Elice is the best choice for this.

Forging a Wyrmslayer can ironicly be stronger than the real falchion, only downside is it does not have infinite uses.

Don't worry about Marth's Weapon level, The Falchion is level E.

Some notable tomes to nab for your sage while training up

Elfire (Some mage dude drops it, later vendors, Strong late game Bland unit killer) Thunder (Vendors, Bland unit killer/Reclass default choice) Bolganone (Boss, later vendors, high powered tome) Thoron (Village in gra, High powered tome with high uses-good forge candidate) Aura/Excalibur (just putting it in there for reclassed mages, high weapon level though. Great uses and stupidly powerful.)

Edited by Melonhead215
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. . .uh, okay.

Here's some other notes:

- Fake Gharnefs have an Elfire equipped, so they'll have one more AS; if you do the math yourself, you should be able to tell which one's the real one before finalizing the attack

- Likewise, a single Geosphere blast will tell you which one's which

- So can ballista

- Maria, Minerva, and Caeda can also use the Aum staff

You can also get Tiki, Nagi, and both Falchions, but it requires thought

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You can also get Tiki, Nagi, and both Falchions, but it requires thought

Chapter 24 is ideal for this, especially if TIki isn't leveled at all. Still, you do miss that sweet, sweet Swarm tome, though.

Of course, you could always forge a Wyrmslayer and name it Falchion for laughs. It could even be more powerful than the real thing, though it doesn't have infinite uses.

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No mention of Wendell?

Seeing this is written with normal mode in mind and it's assuming 3 Spirit Dusts and 1 Speedwings are being bought from the chapter 21 secret shop - it's not necessary to train any magic-users beforehand.

Level 1 Wendell + 3 Spirit Dusts does 14 damage to Gharnef's 34 HP. The Speedwings prevent Wendell from being doubled. With Pure Water or Barrier support, Wendell can withstand 2 hits.

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In the process of editing this to make it sound better, and make it more organized. (including eclipse's notes)

EDIT: There, it's up, and it might be readable now. Sorry for any confusion..

It was like 10:00 at night when I made this, so it was a little wierd. The topic is stories on getting the falchion, and favorite mages to use.


Yes, but this doesn't take into account the fact that there is other enemies in the immidiate area. Sure, you could snipe them with a ballista if you were quite desperate, but this is the "overkill" ORKO way of dealing with him.

Edited by Melonhead215
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Way to address everyone else that responded. MORE notes:

- Aum is A rank, so if any of the aforementioned princess have A staves, they can use it.

- To pull off the dual Divine Dragon/Falchion thing, have Tiki die on Chapter 24 while holding Falchion.

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Way to address everyone else that responded. MORE notes:

- Aum is A rank, so if any of the aforementioned princess have A staves, they can use it.

- To pull off the dual Divine Dragon/Falchion thing, have Tiki die on Chapter 24 while holding Falchion.

I only have about 4 other responds that I didn't cover.. Most if not all were just wondering what the point of the thread was, which I put in the description.

Aside from that, I have no idea what else to do.

Forget this thread and nothing happened, k?

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