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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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Votal Time !!

Shinori (2) - eclipse, Manix

Manix (1) - Aere

Not Voting: Elieson, Ether, Shinori

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. You have about 51.5 hours left in the day.

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Unless Elieson claims Doctor ASAP:

##Vote: Shinori

No kills N1, and Rapier said he targeted Shinori.

Okay so you have straight up asked the doctor to open themselves to the mafia.

Let's go over a few things, we are most likely at MYLO, which means if we misslynch we lose. GG, mafia wins. Manix seems scummy to the majority of players here, he openly LIED to the town which doesn't seem townish what-so-ever, he is supposedly getting no info at night, which means if he is cop at the moment, he's worthless. And if he's scum he could just be lieing about it to make it look like he's all goodie goodie. For all we know there could be no scum RB and manix is just a scum using it as an excuse for getting no reports.

Now next ether and eclipse have both not really been here that much and some people are suspicious of them as well.

Now lets see assuming we get a proper lynch mafia now knows who the doc is, thus Doc gets killed or manix gets killed(If he's actually cop) then town gets no reports and has no info at all for killing the last scum member assuming we lynch correctly today.

So mylo and even if we do lynch correctly we will not have any info tommorow.

Now for the last bit of info, with manix getting a vote on him from aere and still acting scummy, eclipse comes in to the rescue while ether and manix both wait for him to come in with a response. Eclipse then claims that I'm scum and asks for the doc to blatantly out themselves. I know it's late so knowing that helps us, but now mafia would easily know who to kill which doesn't help us what-so-ever. Also instantly starting a wagon on me which manix and ether are definitely in favor of, as they stated and by manix's instant vote on me shortly after eclipse. It would make for an easy misslynch with the bad info we have. At the moment i think eclipse is scum, and either ether or manix is also scum, ether and eclipse could have sat back and watched as we teared ourselves apart in the havoc of blocks bad claims, and everything else that has happened. Eclipse and manix could have easily fed us plenty of false info with the possible 'role blocks' on our supposed cop, thus making me look scum and forcing yet ANOTHER miss lynch. Let me guess now eclipse you are going to fake claim doctor amirite?

##Vote: Eclipse

100% your scum and 50/50 either manix or ether is your buddy, more leaning towards manix though, but we can't afford to miss lynch and it's a gamble between those two, therefor we lynch you and only one scum left. They either choose to kill doc or choose to kill manix, and manix can be protected so they have to kill doc, which means manix can investigate and give us a report tonight. Which means if he claims blocked again or gives us nothing for a report he's scum, and if he is cop then we get free info and better chances of lynching the final scum tommorow.

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Okay so you have straight up asked the doctor to open themselves to the mafia.

Let's go over a few things, we are most likely at MYLO, which means if we misslynch we lose. GG, mafia wins. Manix seems scummy to the majority of players here, he openly LIED to the town which doesn't seem townish what-so-ever, he is supposedly getting no info at night, which means if he is cop at the moment, he's worthless. And if he's scum he could just be lieing about it to make it look like he's all goodie goodie. For all we know there could be no scum RB and manix is just a scum using it as an excuse for getting no reports.

Now next ether and eclipse have both not really been here that much and some people are suspicious of them as well.

Now lets see assuming we get a proper lynch mafia now knows who the doc is, thus Doc gets killed or manix gets killed(If he's actually cop) then town gets no reports and has no info at all for killing the last scum member assuming we lynch correctly today.

So mylo and even if we do lynch correctly we will not have any info tommorow.

Now for the last bit of info, with manix getting a vote on him from aere and still acting scummy, eclipse comes in to the rescue while ether and manix both wait for him to come in with a response. Eclipse then claims that I'm scum and asks for the doc to blatantly out themselves. I know it's late so knowing that helps us, but now mafia would easily know who to kill which doesn't help us what-so-ever. Also instantly starting a wagon on me which manix and ether are definitely in favor of, as they stated and by manix's instant vote on me shortly after eclipse. It would make for an easy misslynch with the bad info we have. At the moment i think eclipse is scum, and either ether or manix is also scum, ether and eclipse could have sat back and watched as we teared ourselves apart in the havoc of blocks bad claims, and everything else that has happened. Eclipse and manix could have easily fed us plenty of false info with the possible 'role blocks' on our supposed cop, thus making me look scum and forcing yet ANOTHER miss lynch. Let me guess now eclipse you are going to fake claim doctor amirite?

##Vote: Eclipse

100% your scum and 50/50 either manix or ether is your buddy, more leaning towards manix though, but we can't afford to miss lynch and it's a gamble between those two, therefor we lynch you and only one scum left. They either choose to kill doc or choose to kill manix, and manix can be protected so they have to kill doc, which means manix can investigate and give us a report tonight. Which means if he claims blocked again or gives us nothing for a report he's scum, and if he is cop then we get free info and better chances of lynching the final scum tommorow.

Read this. Read this again. Folks, we have a textbook OMGUS!

Also, Elieson, I'd like to see whether or not your target's still alive, among other things.

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Text book OMGUS? I'm not voting you because you are voting me. Read it again. I'm voting you because i see you as scum who wants to win. I'm voting you because you seem to be defending scummy behavior. Isn't an omgus supposed to be voting someone simply because they are voting you? You aren't even defending against the reasons that i've stated. You didn't deny that you were defending scum or anything along those lines. Calling scum still on you. The only reason im voting you over ether or manix is because i feel it is more guaranteed than a 50/50 on manix or ether. Also this way we still get info if manix is actually cop because he can inspect ether.

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I don't really need to at this point. Since it's MYLO, that means that a mass claim isn't such a bad idea. With a game this size, and with the roles I see, I can't fathom why there'd be a neighbors claim, especially since the vast majority of town seems to be vanilla. A lack of any other claimed investigation roles (tracker/watcher) means we're either dealing with a bastard game, or Manix is clear. With the missed kill on N1, I have very strong reason to think you're mafia, as you were Rapier's hook target.

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He stated i was his hook. Rapier has done stupid things in the past, so have other players. There is the possibility he lied to make me look scummy because he thought i was scum, simple as that. Or he just didn't want to admit to blind hooking as a townie RB. What is exactly stopping that? Also if you were scum, obviously you would claim that you think im scum because of rapiers claim. Any scum member would, it's an easy miss lynch that anyone could take advantage of.

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Paperblade dies also after stating that, why would the mafia even need to kill him since he already stated that? His point would have already been made. Another way of framing a miss lynch on me based off of rapiers block claim.

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Paper thought that you should be lynched if Rapier turned up town because you were his hook target. I agree with that logic, and your claimed role makes no sense whatsoever. Therefore, I think you're scum. The town doesn't have a vig, or I'd ask that you be a vig target instead. You can also thank your other half for not looking like Towns McTown during D2. I was absent for most of it, but that was my life getting in the way.

One more post elsewhere, and I'm off. I'm running late for work.

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Elieson, out your targets. This is MYLO, and I think we found the scumteam.

I'm still going with:

##Vote Manix

His behavior was just too shady at the beginning (well, when I jumped in), and it seems more like he's in a state of panic than anything else. I haven't been able to trust him, and I still can't.

I'm sure it's either Aere or Shinori working on his side. I can't tell yet. But I don't trust Manix at all.

I don't have any concern about Eclipse and Ether.

Those are my thoughts.

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That's not what I meant. By "out your targets" I mean "who the hell were you protecting on N1?" Also, why are you lynching the only claimed investigative role?

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On N1, I wasn't playing. Helios targeted Ether, though I'm really not sure why. I'm still reading through the first several pages of the thread to see exactly what he was thinking.

And, you have a point. Manix has turned up jack squat as the "cop" that he claims he is, but he also fakeclaimed as part of his plan to find out about Paperblade, which didn't pull anything important out other than "He suspected that Paper wasn't scum"


##Vote Shinori

Also, why are you lynching the only claimed investigative role?

I hadn't thought of that. If he really is the cop, then Manix should be able to find out something about anyone. Probably Aere or Shinori (as they are allegedly "neighbors"). I dunno what's gonna happen, but I need to think more about this. I'm rereading, and I'm trying to find something conclusive...the only thing I can really find is this.

##Vote: Manix no doubt in my mind, now. He's been arguing for Paperblade and Rapier.


##Vote Aere

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Sorry, clicked post before I finished.

Aere was so for Paper and Rapier, so confident, and look what happened.

I'm considering putting trust in Manix being the town cop because right now, we're pretty much on the verge of failure as a town right now.

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I was not for Paper, assuming I remember correctly. I was definitely for Rapier, and I made a mistake. I'll read the last page and post again.

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Haha, we definitely are neighbors. If you lynch me and find out, you'll just realize your mistake.

I agree with Elie, about Manix's state of panic. I actually have some stuff to finish irl, so I can't make a lengthy post atm, but I'll be back later.

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Okay so you have straight up asked the doctor to open themselves to the mafia.

And? At this point, we have to. Besides, now we can plan.

Now lets see assuming we get a proper lynch mafia now knows who the doc is, thus Doc gets killed or manix gets killed(If he's actually cop) then town gets no reports and has no info at all for killing the last scum member assuming we lynch correctly today.

Doc targets me, I target Aere (can't be hooked because of that rule, unless they NK, but then it's 4/1), gg town wins because I will have enough information.

So mylo and even if we do lynch correctly we will not have any info tommorow.

Hi, see above

You really didn't think your defense through at all, did you? Clearly ignoring the best plan of action.

I will bring this quote up again.

I would still be a worthless role. So we are all good and dandy at me not roleblocking manix.

I'm sorry, but that just seems like a blatant breadcrumb, maybe to claim town!RB later? Or, the alternative: Vanilla.

Nice scumslip. I know you already said stuff against it, but it's just what it is.

Protip: Never claim Neighbours as mafia with someone who looks scummy. It really just does incriminate you later when the other flips scum.

If you aren't scum because of the hook, you are by association. Because Aere has just opened up the scum today.

Although, I should ask: Which one are we consolidating on? We may need to make up our minds on this.

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Votal Time !!

Aere (1) - Elieson

eclipse (1) - Shinori

Manix (1) - Aere

Shinori (1) - eclipse

Not Voting: Ether, Manix

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. You have about 43 hours left in the day.

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Votal Time !!

Aere (1) - Elieson

eclipse (1) - Shinori

Manix (1) - Aere

Shinori (1) - eclipse

Not Voting: Ether, Manix

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. You have about 20 hours left in the day.

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Guys, I will not be back at the deadline tomorrow!

Same, because it will be 5am in the morning for me. And I will not be awake at that time.

But anyway, thoughts right now:

- I think the scumteam is very likely to be Shinori/Aere

- But, there is this nagging feeling that they might yet be telling the truth. Which opens up so many possibilities to which combination of the remaining three are the scum. That's why I unvoted.

- No lynch is not an option, because either the doc dies and I get hooked, or the reverse happens. Neither of which help us at all.

- I cannot discount the possibility of a doc fakeclaim yet. Because it also seemed all too convenient, immediately after Clipsey. Which if it was (but yet, there is no way to confirm it given NL (and if we mislynch we already lose, and a successful lynch automatically determines the scumteam)), almost makes me think the scum would have to be Elieson/Eclipse.

In short, I'm currently thinking that almost nothing is certain. My only certainties are that I am town rolecop, and scum has a hooker.

ugh, I'm still not liking our chances.

PS: Start talking people, please.

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I'm currently thinking that almost nothing is certain. My only certainties are that I am town rolecop, and scum has a hooker.

Since when were you a rolecop?

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