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If u were to marry a unit who will it be

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Yes, fanart. smug.gif

Speaking of which, Nono also has an exceptional amount of fanart. I suppose the artists have good taste.

Come to think of it, wouldn't MU already be naturally inclined to go for women like Sariya or Nono or Inverse because of his spoileriffic past? Same goes with FeMU and people like Henry and Gangrel. Granted, no memories of how they felt before, but still....

Woah, woah, what? You can marry Inverse? I thought she was the recurring evil girl who refused to die when her bosses do.

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Not yet, but Inverse has been identified as the fifth character to be unlocked in a SpotPass Gaiden at a future date. Like Gangrel already released, she should be possible to support and marry as a regular character, but only to MU.

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Male: Krom only originally, but after I found Viole's support, I have to say, he's a dork. And airheaded, silly, adorkable sweetie. I was grinning like an idiot at his A level support. Soooo silly and cute. I honestly wasn't expecting to like him. Frederick and Sol for their supports also (funny how some of my least favorite end up being my favorites XD). It's too bad there wasn't a more traditional knight-like role in supports. Krom was too adorkable to fit into that mold (he's a bigger idiot that Viole in his suppotrs. I was cracking up laughing at some parts). Frederick is probably the closest I've seen so far, which is partly why I'm biased towards him. I love the honorable knight character type.

Female: TIKI (manakete yessssss), Sairi, and suprisingly Sariya. I wasn't expecting it, but her supports are just HNNGH worthy. She's so cute, not to mention the only character that has a crush on MU from the start. Yes Yandere vibes, but the absolutely adorable variety. Like fainting from excessive blood loss level adorable. Tiamo too since she has my favorite character design for the girls.

EDIT: I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT LUCINA >_<. She's absolutely, completely, dangerously adorable in all the supports I've seen to date.

Edited by Skyrius
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