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Let's discuss the plot

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I've been lurking through the Awakening forum for a while, and it dawned on me: I still don't know anything about the plot. I know some of the spoilers, like the identity of Masked Marth, the thing about My Unit, and some of the plot points around the Pedestal of Flames and such, but I don't know really what happens in the game.

I know the Corpse Soldiers show up, but I am not sure why they show up. I don't really know the motivations of either side aside from Perezia wants to revive Gimle for some reason and the good guys want to stop that. I have no clue what relevance Valhart has to anything. He seems just off in his own little unconnected plot from what I can tell, aside from his goons stealing one of the orbs.

Sorry if this is a topic that has already come up (I checked back a few pages and didn't see anything) and if it is still too early to be asking about anything like this. I'm just really curious now.

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On that subject, my Japanese is good enough to understand maybe 1/3 of the lines, which was enough to get most of the plot in broad strokes. However, there's a few things that conspiciously stood out as "this line is explaining this thing I don't understand, but it's full of kanji so I don't get it." Anyone mind answering these questions?

What prompted Krom's group to go over to Varm in the first place? I get that one they were there, they fought Valhart to obtain one of the Jewels for the Fire Emblem.

What was up with with Virgilio and Krom surviving? The line was something along the lines of "I thought that might happen, so I <enacted a plan I can't understand>"

What exactly is the relation between the two copies of MU? Is the "good" MU from the future ala Lucina?

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On that subject, my Japanese is good enough to understand maybe 1/3 of the lines, which was enough to get most of the plot in broad strokes. However, there's a few things that conspiciously stood out as "this line is explaining this thing I don't understand, but it's full of kanji so I don't get it." Anyone mind answering these questions?

What prompted Krom's group to go over to Varm in the first place? I get that one they were there, they fought Valhart to obtain one of the Jewels for the Fire Emblem.

What was up with with Virgilio and Krom surviving? The line was something along the lines of "I thought that might happen, so I <enacted a plan I can't understand>"

What exactly is the relation between the two copies of MU? Is the "good" MU from the future ala Lucina?

I can't understand it all either, but from what I can read it seems that Valhart caught wind of Fauder's ambitions and went to our heroes' continent to stop them. When they trespassed in Felia, Krom & co were like "not cool." I'm not completely sure why the group continued into Varm though.

Also, I don't think the game explains Barijio's survival realistically. He says that he managed to crawl away. In regard to the line you're referencing, I believe it deals with how MU and Barijio forged a fake Fire Emblem [and I think he kept it with him?].

If anyone can expand on this, feel free.

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Something along the lines of:

Valhart was a giant douche and wanted to pull off a Zephiel and take over the world.

Gimle, or possessed MU from the future followed Lucina into the present time.

Both MUs are the same person, however (according to my brother), MU is Fauder's child, who is used as a vessel to resurrect Gimle.

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I read somewhere that MU is from Gimle's bloodline (a la Lopt/Julius).

On another note, I'm not sure what exactly transpires in chapter 23 when Krom suddenly awakens and MU turns on Fauder... how did he get rid of Gimle's influence?

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I think I heard that since a fake Pedestal of Flames was used in Gimle's Awakening ritual thing, MU wasn't possessed and he fakes it, with Krom also faking his death. I think this also has something to do with Basilio living, but I got nothing on that. I think MU is Fauder's kid, the first in the bloodline suitable for being Gimle's vessel or something of that nature. I am getting "Manfroy breeding Alvis and Diadora to get Yurius as Loptous's vessel" vibes from that.

I admit though, I know nothing, which is why I made this topic.

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I remember reading somewhere that they went to Varm to get the rest of the spheres to form the Shield of Seals. Remember, they did meet Tiki at Varm.

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I think the deal with Basilio is that after surviving/running away from his fight with Valhart, he pretends to be dead, so that Fauder's spies won't be watching him. He somehow helps MU fake the Fire Emblem. I'm guessing that he does so by making a fake orb; Tiki says there's one in Feria, but Basilio and Flavia don't know where it is, but when he rejoins you, he randomly has the orb with him.

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I remember reading somewhere that they went to Varm to get the rest of the spheres to form the Shield of Seals. Remember, they did meet Tiki at Varm.

I'm not sure if that explains why they went to Varm in the first place though. Until the gang meets Sairi, they didn't know that they needed to collect orbs (if I remember correctly.)

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Aren't they the same thing?

They are. Well, I suppose it's the same as the Fire Emblem... the Shield of Seals is the complete thing.

(I remember seeing a Tiki convo where Krom is like "what, Fire Emblem? You mean the Flame Pedestal?" or something)

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I want to say the Pedestal of Flames//Fire Emblem is needed for the Awakening ritual for both Naga and Gimle. I want to say the rituals are pretty much the same, just with a different person being resurrected, but I am not sure. I wonder if they will explain where the Pedestal comes from, so we know if it really is the Shield.

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Related to all this and I'm sure somebody will ask eventually, why has the Fire Emblem's role completely changed?

Before it was crafted to seal the Earth Dragons within the Dragon's Altar, now it's used to awaken a god or something like that? And what happened to the Dragon's Altar anyway?

Although, if I had to guess, they probably never mention it?

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Related to all this and I'm sure somebody will ask eventually, why has the Fire Emblem's role completely changed?

Before it was crafted to seal the Earth Dragons within the Dragon's Altar, now it's used to awaken a god or something like that? And what happened to the Dragon's Altar anyway?

Although, if I had to guess, they probably never mention it?

Doesn't the Dragon's Alter get visited at some point? It shows up on the world map, in more or less the location it was in before.

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I'm not sure if that explains why they went to Varm in the first place though. Until the gang meets Sairi, they didn't know that they needed to collect orbs (if I remember correctly.)

Oh okay, that makes sense.

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Tiki/Male MU's support has a bit of an oddity regarding ancient history that's puzzling me.

She says that Krom is "more like the Hero King's ancestor... the one from a thousand years before him, who lived around the time I was born." Now, if she's talking about Anri, this has an issue: Anri lived a mere century before Marth. Is it possible that Anri was decended from a human who helped Naga seal the Earth Dragons? It would explain how a mere peasant was chosen to wield the Falchion, and why Marth inherited the ability in spite of being a great-great (however many times)-nephew of Anri - the holy blood comes from a more distant ancestor. Might just be a misunderstanding on my part, but it is food for thought.

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That puzzled me as well, since I'm fairly knowledgable with FE1/3's stories.

I think it would actually make sense if a human helped Naga during the Earth Dragon war. Throughout the games, including this one, Naga's always been giving her powers to humans to fight evil (and this may also mirror Ashera and Yune from FE9/10). As well as explaining the situation with Anri's brother, it also helps to explain why people though Naga was a man in legends--perhaps that was actually Anri's ancestor with the Falchion and Shield of Seals?

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It seems that Basilio/Flavia (Feria) had organised a meeting with Valhart (Varm), which for some reason, decided to attack Feria, instigating a war against Varm.

Oh yeah, there's a scene in game where Lucina thinks she's figured out the reason why Krom died in the alternate timeline, which she believes is MU. After having a choice to go against it or not, Krom shows up and says he trusts MU.

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So, in the alternate timeline, MU gets possessed and kills Krom. In the game's events, MU looks like he got possessed and killed Krom, but it didn't actually happen... I'm kind of confused

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So, in the alternate timeline, MU gets possessed and kills Krom. In the game's events, MU looks like he got possessed and killed Krom, but it didn't actually happen... I'm kind of confused

You got it though. MU "held back" in the current time.

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So did he just manage to stave off Gimle's influence or something?

I assume you don't mind being spoiled of other events as well? If not click.

Unknown to Fauder at the time he activated Gimles awakening in MU , because of the plan they had(Basillios plan if I am not mistaken), a fake sphere(the one from feria I believe was the fake) was put on the Shield of Seals which didn't let Gimle truly awaken in current MU thus allowing him/her and Krom to pull that act in order to trick Fauder.However even though the awakening of Gimle didn't happen to current time MU , the future MU aka Gimle (who was already in the current time) was able to regain his power(which was lost to him when he followed Lucina to the time you play in

I am not 100% sure about the last part in that paragraph but I think it's the general idea.

Also a question to anyone who can actually translate dialog and has played the game

What are they actually talking when the future MU is first revealed?I think it's the beginning of chapter 12 where that event occurs

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