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FE8 run: Forums Choice

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You got it easy dude. It took me so many times to beat that chapter, and I had Eirika, Ross, Neimi, Colm, Garcia and Lute. I had to restart from people dying or the villagers dying so many times. At least you have Seth.

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Just deploy Seth and Eirika. Rush Seth to the boss. Give him an Iron Sword (just to keep him from getting eaten alive by the Halberd-wielding Fighter) and a Javelin for w/e else.


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I beat chapter 6, got the orions bolt. And I like using Neimi, actually... I was pleased I got her as a ranger too. Thats how I always use her.

Anyways, Chapter 6. I did this one at a pub, so, unfortunately, the kill and death counts are approx. But epilogue will give me accurate death count in the end

Seth: 8 kills, 1 death

Eirika: 4 kills, 3 deaths

Ross: 4 kills, 2 deaths

Neimi: 2 kills, 3 deaths

Colm: 3 kills, 5 deaths

Lute: 2 kills, 3 deaths

I know it's my own fault, but screw the NPC's in this chapter

I think Lute AND Ross were on 2 hp before they killed that fecking spider. I'm just glad it decided that melee against a hachet and mage was not the right way to go...

Chapters will be uploaded one at a time from here on out, I believe. Unless 7 is easier than 6 (Mostly FoW killed me here though)

Also, full house of deaths. Do I get anything?

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Also, Elison, like I said, I was trying for the extra objective

free orions bolt ftw

even if I nearly rage quit on the successful attempt

EVERYONE finsihed on 2 hp


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Ahh, nice relaxing chapter 7/8 after 6

Chapter 7:

Seth: No kills, no deaths

Eirika: 1 kill, no deaths

Ross: 4 kills, no deaths

Neimi: 5 kills (+2 strength on this map? Neimi, you feeling ok?), no deaths

Colm: 4 kills, 1 death (I derped and attacked with slim sword. Iron sword, colm would have made it)

Lute: 4 kills, no deaths

Note: Seth and Eirika reached A support

Chapter 8:

Seth: 3 kills, no deaths

Eirika: No kills, no deaths

Ross: 6 kills, no deaths

Neimi: 5 kills, no deaths

Colm: 2 kills, no deaths

Lute: 6 kills, no deaths

Ephraim: 9 kills, no deaths

Forde: 6 kills, no deaths

Note: All chests got, Ross and Lute reached A support

I also did one floor of Valni, because I needed to get Neimi a bow, and there was a skirimish in the way. Either way meant a fight.

Here are stats at the start of Chapter nine:

Seth Eirika Ross Neimi Colm Lute Ephraim Forde

HP: 34 ?? 30 26 25 20 30 31

Str/Mag: 15 16 8 4... 13 14 10

Skill: 16 7 13 6 10 17 12

Speed: 13 6 11 14 11 17 11

Luck: 15 14 7 12 11 12 10

Defence: 12 9 6 4 5 10 10

Resistance: 8 3 7 2 7 4 4

Con: 11 10 5 6 3 8 9

Colm was looking pretty good as well, until he died on Chapter 7...

Next update after rigwald

where I finally get amelia and tana

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OK, that didn't work as planned

essentially, ignore Eirika, on Ephraims route I can't check her stats until Jehenna. Other than that, stats go in same order

Have the ocean seal. Will promote whoever caps first out of Ross or Colm. I guess I'll need the master seal for the other. Already have an Elysian Whip, Guiding Ring, Knight Crest and Orions bolt.

Chapter 9

Seth: 11 kills, no deaths

Ephraim: 14 kills, no deaths

Ross: 6 kills, no deaths

Neimi: 4 kills, no deaths

Colm: 1 kill, no deaths

Lute: 8 kills, no deaths

Forde: 6 kills, no deaths

Amelia: 4 kills, no deaths

Tana: No kills, no deaths

Note: Ephraim and Forde A support reached

Gonna take a break for now, chapter 10 will probably begin tonight, update if it's done

Edited by Wulfie
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Estimates again, I'm afraid - didn't have access to my counter.

Chapter 10

Seth: 15 kills, 1 death

Ephraim: 8 kills, no deaths

Ross: 6 kills, 1 death

Neimi: 6 kills, 2 deaths

Colm: Dropped at attempt 10, so no kills, 1 death

Lute: 6 kills, 5 deaths

Forde: 8 kills, 2 deaths

Amelia: 3 kills, 6 deaths

Tana: 2 kills, 11 deaths (SCREW YOU BALLISTA)

Duessel: 7 kills, no deaths

Notes: Lute promoted to Mage Knight before chapter begun (Attempt 8 - No healer was killing me). She was Lvl 13. Did a skirmish afterwards to power level Amelia. Heading into Chapter 11, Amelia will be a Lvl 1 Knight. Tana is Lvl 11, I believe.

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OK, I'm in such a huge rut on Lvl 11, that I'm going to start again. However, I will be keeping the same characters and final classes - I think this possible, if I don't overuse Seth and Eirika at the start, and don't make Ross a Pirate (I need Colm and him promoted SOOO bad)

I will also not be updating until I've finished the game, or restart again.

For the record, this counter will increase upon each restart.

Rage Quit Counter: 1

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Ephraim 123 Kills, 0 Deaths

Eirika 79 Kills, 1 Death

Seth 120 Kills, 2 Deaths

Ross 91 Kills, 1 Death

Neimi 113 Kills, 3 Deaths

Colm 82 Kills, 1 Death

Lute 88 Kills, 4 Deaths

Forde 101 Kills, 5 Deaths

Amelia 149 Kills, 3 Deaths

Tana 114 Kills, 2 Deaths

Duessel 29 Kills, 0 Deaths

Ewan 120 Kills, 2 Deaths

Marissa 88 Kills, 0 Deaths

Gerik 98 Kills, 0 Deaths

TOTAL TURNS TAKEN: 721 (I spent quite a lot of the early chapters this time just support grinding)


(My Personal System is simple - Gain 1 point per kill, Lose 5 per Death)

1: Amelia

2: Ephraim

3: Tie: Ewan and Seth

Last: Duessel


Amelia - Ewan A

Eirika - Seth A

Ephraim - Forde A

Neimi - Colm A

Tana - Marissa A

Ross - Lute A

Amelia - Neimi B

Tana - Ephraim B

Marissa - Colm C

Gerik and Duessel recieved no support - they didn't need it.

Honouring the Fallen: RIP Vanessa, Moulder, Joshua, Kyle, Cormag, Tethys, Rennac, Saleh and I suppose Orson Technically counts (Anyone I could have recruited or had control over who died/I killed is listed here). Also, get well soon, Innes.

As promised: Hardest Three Chapters

1) Chapter 11: Phantom Ship - It made me restart. And I still died 3/4 times on that map second time around.

2) 5x: Keeping Ephraim Alive with those Axe users and the mage was harder than I thought both times. Still, I used Orson to ferry Healing items (He was already deployed, and he didn't do anything else), and I made it through pretty easily once Ephraim had gained a few levels

3) Chapter 10: Protecting Duessel: I'm having to go to my first playthrough here - I just couldn't move fast enough to protect Duessel, Hold of the Ballistas AND stop cormag reaching Lute/Neimi/Colm and killing them. Second time round, 2-3 attempts, and I even got the knight crest.

Yeah, 2nd time around, I only really struggled not getting swarmed on Phantom Ship. I derped at Grado Keep and Rausten Court which lengthened them a little. But I did a lot of the last 10 levels in less than 4 Attempts.

Also helped that RNG did end up giving me a lot more stat ups at level ups this tim too - Colm was at 11 STR rather than 5 at promotion this time, Neimi 12 rather than 7. Amelia and Ewan Promoted the level they came in w/0 skirmishes (Although I used the tower to level people like Amelia Knight and Tana up). Also, yay for hitting STR cap by Lvl 5 Assassin w Marissa.

So, despite a poor first attempt, that was actually a lot of fun 2nd turn round. Thanks guys.

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I'd do an FE8 draft, but I thought we had to be invited to them, and I'd rather get FE7 again and do a forum choice of that before getting involved with the draft stuff

I'd also like to try and get PoR to try.

I'm not against doing a draft, tbh, but I'm not a LTC or Efficiency player, so I'd be playing a different way to how I do usually...

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As for Eirika Solo... Ummm...

I COULD try that, if I feel like mental breakdown...

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