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Lyn's regional age change...


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About the localization age and relative changes overall, I am sort of surprised behind the reasoning behind some of their decisions. Path of Radiance having its maniac mode difficulty removed from the north American release simply because they thought it would be too hard for us is a bit insulting. After this, I could totally understand them changing the age from 15 to 18 simply because they thought a North American localization wouldn't approve of a 15 year female lead for whatever reason. Although, their other changes really make the game easier in a sense than the original which is further irritating.

  • Terrains Gate (3 Def and 20/30 Avoid to 2 Def and 20 Avoid) and Throne (3 Def and 30 Avoid to 2 Def and 20 Avoid) were changed.
  • Effective bonus was changed from 3 to 2 for Aureola and all non dragon-slaying weapons.
  • Many of the bosses had their stats slightly lowered overall.
  • In the Cog of Destiny chapter, Lloyd and Linus had their weapon switched from a Runesword to a Light Brand.
  • In the Final Chapter, one door opens every turn (instead of two doors every two turns).

So yeah, I think any localization changes they make are totally out of the mentality that "Anyone outside of Japan is inferior to us. We need to dumb down this game."

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Effective bonus was changed from 3 to 2 for Aureola and all non dragon-slaying weapons.

To be fair, I actually thought that made things harder. You have no idea how much I've found myself wishing that I had that 3x effective bonus when, say, doing efficient runs.

EDIT: Also, about Lyn apparently being 15...pffftttt :lol:! Seriously? I'm supposed to believe that someone as...physically developed as Lyn is only 15? Yeah right, she must be 15 in the same way that Kuwabara and Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho were "only" 14. Aside from that though, the idea of a 15 year old girl leading an army into battle against the forces of evil is a little...absurd to say the least.

EDIT2: I imagine that's the sort of reasoning that was behind that change. Plus there's the fact that she wears revealing leg slits, so having a main character who was only 15 wearing those might've been a bit awkward.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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I figured they thought people would be dying more often to arrows too easily or getting hit by a hammer when using a knight. Something like that. But yeah, agreed. Its usually simple enough to avoid those enemies and wish to OHKO an enemy back with your weapon.

So many times I wish Eliwood would OHKO an those cavaliers or nomads early in HHM, but he can only damage it down to one or two HP.

Edited by Dark Pegasi
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In the Cog of Destiny chapter, Lloyd and Linus had their weapon switched from a Runesword to a Light Brand.

I think that's a positive change, because the runesword completely lacks a physical attack so it'll never ever crit.

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So yeah, I think any localization changes they make are totally out of the mentality that "Anyone outside of Japan is inferior to us. We need to dumb down this game."

Wouldn't NOA/NOE be the ones responsible for any localisation changes?

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With a body that developed and is only 15 is bullcrap.Japan has a thing for making young girls have fully developed bodies. I think that alone is more than enough.

It's certainly possible, actually. There are 7th and 8th graders with bodies more "developed" than Lyn's. As in, big boobs and wide hips.

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It's certainly possible, actually. There are 7th and 8th graders with bodies more "developed" than Lyn's. As in, big boobs and wide hips.

In what way is Lyn not quite developed yet? You can't use hips and breasts as a barometer because some women naturally have small breasts and hips.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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In what way is Lyn not quite developed yet? You can't use hips and breasts as a barometer because some women naturally have small breasts and hips.

Hence the quotes around developed. It's certainly not impossible for a girl her age to have her proportions, which is what I'm getting at. He was implying otherwise.

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Well sure. And it's also not impossible for a 7th or 8th grader to be over 7 feet tall if this article is anything to go by...


...But likely is a whole different story. The point is, that is not what a 15 year old normally looks like, and anime in Japan DOES have a nasty habit of making very young women far more developed than they otherwise would be.

EDIT: Honestly though, I've seen one 15 year old with breasts like Lyn's, and her other proportions certainly weren't as developed.

EDIT 2:And she certainly wasn't as tall as Lyn was.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Considering puberty in girls can reasonably start at like age 11, I don't think its a complete oddity/rarity/impossibility that Lyn would be that physically developed by age 15. I knew plenty of girls who had boobs/hips by that age. That's like sophomore year of high school.

Plus, the jiggly animations don't come until she's 16, right?

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Well, I certainly haven't seen many 15 year olds like Lyn so...I dunno if my case is just a weird one, but, I'm just saying, in my experience, most teenage girls are developed in one way, or another, not in EVERYTHING.

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Half the 15 year olds back in high school has C/D cups or so. I myself was done growing by 13. (forever short orz)

And Lyn only /looks/ tall due to the anime artstyle which elongates the legs. Knowing Japan I'd be very surprised if she is over 165cm at most.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Well, I certainly haven't seen many 15 year olds like Lyn so...I dunno if my case is just a weird one, but, I'm just saying, in my experience, most teenage girls are developed in one way, or another, not in EVERYTHING.

She has extreme growth. Also dosen't she marry at 16 by the end of the game if she gets a A support with one of the lords?

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She has extreme growth. Also dosen't she marry at 16 by the end of the game if she gets a A support with one of the lords?

In Japan and the majority of states in America, a woman is able to marry at age 16 (with permission from parents/guardians of course).

Also, Fire Emblem's setting is in a "medieval" time, and back then girls were marrying anywhere between 10-14.

Also, scientifically breasts can start to reach full development as early as age 14.

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what if i give it to nino, then?

Look at Nino's Mage sprite. Look at Nino's Sage sprite. There's your answer.

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Considering Lyn is sixteen during the main game, chances are she was designed for that age to begin with.

And puberty ends these days usually between 15-17 these days. There is nothing surprising about her being fully matured already.


And obviously it would be difficult to find a female with a body shape like that in real life because... well, no matter the age, women don't really look like that.

And I don't mean because of the animation style. Women are always designed to look like models. In TV, animation, magazines, advertisements, everywhere and always. And of course Photoshop and co. will always be used to ensure that the proportions of real women will look no more realistic then those of computer animated ones.

If you don't have some really, really good genes, you don't stand as much as a chance to ever come close to those standards.

Edited by BrightBow
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If anything, I am more enraged at how under-developed FE males are!

I mean, geeze, it seems like FE dudes have to be like 30+ to start showing any signs of facial hair.

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If anything, I am more enraged at how under-developed FE males are!

I mean, geeze, it seems like FE dudes have to be like 30+ to start showing any signs of facial hair.

Nah, that's just the standard for Japanese men in general. (from what I've seen/talked to Japanese people about at least)

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  • 2 months later...

If anything, I am more enraged at how under-developed FE males are!

I mean, geeze, it seems like FE dudes have to be like 30+ to start showing any signs of facial hair.

I've talked to native japanese males before in college, and they look really young compared to any of us. A lot of it has to do with the culture, such as lack of fast food, but also genes. It's pretty common for japanese males to not have any facial hair at all until 30+.

Though to be fair, America follows this same trend as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Why would a 16- 30 year old need facial hair at all??? XD

Why, to keep our face warm from the cold winter wind, of course!

As to the subject at hand - that being Lyn's apparent regional age and personality change - I wasn't aware there even was one. That said, I she's a sexy beast and I kinda have a thing for action girls, so two thumbs up from me.

Edited by Might Gaine
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