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New DLC content revealed for May 24th, 2012

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If at all, it should've been maybe eighteen hours or so ago based on the normal updating times of late; it's no longer May 24 in Japan, so it's a safe assumption that there isn't one this week. Which is probably for the best; the weekly schedule did seem to be pushing it a bit, risking both oversaturation to the point of no-one caring and the publishing of subpar products. Doing it fortnightly would've been a more reasonable idea in the first place.

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If at all, it should've been maybe eighteen hours or so ago based on the normal updating times of late; it's no longer May 24 in Japan, so it's a safe assumption that there isn't one this week. Which is probably for the best; the weekly schedule did seem to be pushing it a bit, risking both oversaturation to the point of no-one caring and the publishing of subpar products. Doing it fortnightly would've been a more reasonable idea in the first place.

Seeing as FE7 is likely the next game in line... no, this isn't good news sad.gif

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Found a picture of Serlis, Eltshan and the Infinite Divine Weapons map. The blue 'person with a sparkle' skill is Paragon? It seems both get it, and Serlis gets Lightning Speed as the skill every DLC gets from a class they can't reclass to. I can't recall what the Blue Sword Skill that Eltshan has, is. I'm wondering which will the remaining DLC get, assuming they will continue not repeating them.

Counter is a good skill for Lyn or Eirika, Movement/Speed Cry for one of the male mounted lords (Eliwood?), and obviously, Aether for Ike. King Marth as KvK boss had Royal Weapon, so maybe that will be sorted around too.

Edited by Silent Mercenary
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Found a picture of Serlis, Eltshan and the Infinite Divine Weapons map. The blue 'person with a sparkle' skill is Paragon? It seems both get it, and Serlis gets Lightning Speed as the skill every DLC gets from a class they can't reclass to. I can't recall what the Blue Sword Skill that Eltshan has, is. I'm wondering which will the remaining DLC get, assuming they will continue not repeating them.

Can't load those links.

"Blue person with a sparkle" could actually be Charisma or Paragon. Paragon looks like its FE10 version, with the person being turquoise and standing off to the side so the sparkle doesn't overlap them. I'm guessing the skill you're looking at is Charisma, though, as both of them join with it: neither one joins with Paragon.

Eltoshen's blue sword skill is Sword Expert.

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The site those images are on is open to Japanese IPs only, it seems. But with a proxy, I was able to get the images for those who want to see them.




Celice looks to be using his promotional art.

Eltosian looks like one of his TCG arts is being used.

And that map looks like Chapter 23x of FE7

Edited by The Illusive Man
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Seeing as FE7 is likely the next game in line... no, this isn't good news sad.gif

Does it really make a difference if the announcement is delayed a week? Assuming you're right and an FE7 character is next in line, we'll get them anyway, just a week later.

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Okay, yeah, that's Charisma.

The map has some similarities, but the rooms are larger and arranged differently. All the character maps take their original map's layout exactly. This one might be inspired by it, but like the other two monster maps, it's really just a new map.

Have to say, I'm rather annoyed about the lack of an announcement. I got up in the middle of the night to check because I kept having dreams about Wolt being announced and going "wtf?"

Edited by Othin
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The site those images are on is open to Japanese IPs only, it seems. But with a proxy, I was able to get the images for those who want to see them.

Weird, I'm from an island in the Atlantic Ocean and I just found them through google. I don't use proxies. Thanks for posting them though.

And that map looks like Chapter 23x of FE7

It doesn't seem exactly, but it might be the case of that tower of light that appears in 3 games (6, 8 and 11), once when you get Aureola, the other is in Vaalni and the 3rd time you get Nagi. All have the same layout with slight differences, mostly in color/chests/other features (could be a decay). It was referenced as being in another dimension in 11, so maybe something similar happens here and we reach the Genesis map before it got under the sands. Of note, is how the enemies in chapter 22/23x could drop Silver (A) weapons or C-rank magic depending on what you do.

With Serlis and Eltshan having Charisma, that is 3 DLC characters having the same exclusive skill, although Serlis has one extra (Lightning Speed).

Edited by Silent Mercenary
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With Serlis and Eltshan having Charisma, that is 3 DLC characters having the same exclusive skill, although Serlis has one extra (Lightning Speed).

Most of them seem to have two exclusive skills. Elincia has Charisma and Renewal, Celice has Charisma and Lightning Speed, Camus has Charisma and Sword Expert. Those other two are possible to get with reclassing, but I think they're counted the same way just because of not being associated with the class.

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One thing I have to wonder is why are all the Lords of the other FE games seem to be fighting each other.

They're all supposed to be good guys, so IS is doing a major character assassination.

If this translation of the Elincia DLC is anything to go by, it's a typical case of both sides assuming the other are in the wrong and have questionable motivations. Other than that, I personally interpret the Otherworld as being kind of like Valhalla - all these dead legendary heroes (and villains) residing in the afterlife, passing the time (assuming time is substantially a thing in the Otherworld) with tests of strength against others of their calibre.

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Found a picture of Serlis, Eltshan and the Infinite Divine Weapons map.

I know they've been re-posted, but those links work perfectly fine if you copied the url and pasted it (or simply put your cursor into the address bar and hit enter to reload as if you did c+p it), apparently it doesn't allow people to click links from random places, like here. Didn't need to proxy or anything.

Eltoshan seems a bit odd. He's in a DLC but isn't really a DLC character, and wasn't it assumed he'd be a future Spotpass? Maybe the "Villains" team will have their members tossed into DLC Maps instead of having a Spotpass team?

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Eltoshan seems a bit odd. He's in a DLC but isn't really a DLC character, and wasn't it assumed he'd be a future Spotpass? Maybe the "Villains" team will have their members tossed into DLC Maps instead of having a Spotpass team?

Well, the 12th SpotPass team has to be somewhere, and I don't think we're going to see enough side story DLC maps to fit all the characters that seem to be on the team.

On the other hand, if we just take Eltoshen off the Villains team and leave the rest intact, it makes more sense due to now being able to fit both Ursula and Selena.

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Other than that, I personally interpret the Otherworld as being kind of like Valhalla - all these dead legendary heroes (and villains) residing in the afterlife, passing the time (assuming time is substantially a thing in the Otherworld) with tests of strength against others of their calibre.

I think that each scenario follows a different "story". The Talisman chapters certainly seem to involve dead heroes, but, especially after reading that RvsB script, it sounds like some of the chapters just take place in random parallel worlds. Considering the way Elincia and Ike talk there, it doesn't sound like they're dead or even finished the events of Path of Radiance yet.

Edited by NeonZ
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Does it really make a difference if the announcement is delayed a week? Assuming you're right and an FE7 character is next in line, we'll get them anyway, just a week later.

So not only is FE7 last, it also has to wait an extra week on top of that? Why must the best Fire Emblem be shafted like that?

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This makes sense: they're falling back to an every-two-weeks schedule. The timing also fits. In terms of SpotPass, we get new SpotPass teams, a new sidequest, and two new Dual Tag teams every other week, and we get new weapons in the weeks between them. I'm sure they'll continue giving out the weapons, but with the IDW map out, those weapons aren't really new anymore. Won't be quite as interesting to get Astra from SpotPass if you already have two from IDW, like I do, but it'll secure the weapons' availability for earlier files not yet ready for IDW and for anyone who doesn't buy the DLC.

So from now on we'll should be getting the DLC the same weeks as the SpotPass weapons, and we'll have the DLC be announced the weeks when we get the other stuff.

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Most of them seem to have two exclusive skills. Elincia has Charisma and Renewal, Celice has Charisma and Lightning Speed, Camus has Charisma and Sword Expert. Those other two are possible to get with reclassing, but I think they're counted the same way just because of not being associated with the class.

What I meant is skills they can't get by reclassing because they are of the other gender (Lightning Speed for example), or from a special class like lord or villager. I don't know if Star Lord gets Charisma by leveling up, but if not, that makes DLC!Marth another character with 2 exclusive skills.

I know they've been re-posted, but those links work perfectly fine if you copied the url and pasted it (or simply put your cursor into the address bar and hit enter to reload as if you did c+p it), apparently it doesn't allow people to click links from random places, like here. Didn't need to proxy or anything.

Oh, that makes sense now, an anti-referral site measure.

I think that each scenario follows a different "story". The Talisman chapters certainly seem to involve dead heroes, but, especially after reading that RvsB script, it sounds like some of the chapters just take place in random parallel worlds. Considering the way Elincia and Ike talk there, it doesn't sound like they're dead or even finished the events of Path of Radiance yet.

In RvB they are aware of the other dimensions, but it seems to be 'their world', because many characters call it such. Maybe the Dragon's Gate is in Tellius, before or after it is in Elibe.

Here are some excerpts that a friend translated:

[spoiler=Some talks when rooms open]Edward: Hey Apostle, it looks like something's came in from the door.

Sanaki: It looks like… A platoon from the other world.

Edward: Are they allies?

Sanaki: I have not heard word of reinforcements. The enemy must have summoned them.

Edward: Which means we have to defeat em.

Sanaki: Yes, very much so.

Edward: Hmmm, it also looks like there are other rooms with locked doors.

Sanaki: Chances are there may be enemies inside. Be on alert.

Edward: OK.

Sephiran: Oh? the door has opened.

Micaiah: We didn't even do anything… Could it be the work of the enemy?

Sephiran: Perhaps… It seems the enemy has called for reinforcements from the other world.

Micaiah: Now that they have increased numbers, they plan on routing us out in one go. But I will not allow that!

[spoiler=Some battle quotes]Edward: …I won't let you people from the other world take over our land!

Leonardo: Why don't we just live happily in our own worlds? …It seems like it won't go that easily.

Sanaki: What is it with you people? Stop running around in our world and just go back to where you came from!!

Ike: You wish to take this world? Do it after you defeat me.

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