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-But I'm talking extremely OP. As in clear/find 3 town/scum plus tell if 2 people are lying about role in 1 night, plus Prims and I confirmed to each other as town. Thats ridiculous.

That sounds a little like what Psych publicly claimed???

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Dear Psych


You will undoubtedly lose

also, I am against it

You are Blitz, Town Wizard.

Every game, you list the entire scum team and get ignored as the town destroys itself while the mafia sits and watches, probably because you are like never around due to having a horrible internet connection. You deny actually being that good, but I'm on to you. You are also never mafia for some reason, probably because hosts are too afraid of what havoc you would wreak.

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X - Logicking at USER1, USER2, and USER3." You will talk to USER1, USER2, and USER3, somehow deducing the role name of one, ability of a second, and alliance of a third. However, your internet connection is unstable so you will disconnect partway through and not know which one corresponds to which player.

Post Restriction: Despite the fact that you are the Wizard, and as such, clearly the most powerful asset the town have, you are not bigheaded, as such, you should act humble wherever possible.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats are removed.

I should probably stop being as ambiguous as I am. I think I should probably get a doc on me or something.

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*looks at the clock*

...making a Resistance post and then coming back to post here apparently takes more than 4 hours?

@Strawman: Does that mean there's no other cop claim?

If so, why would there be a miller in a game without cops?


...I suppose lynching Kay would at the same time tell us whether Iris is lying, if that's the case.

I do think Anouleth should use his ability today, for the reasons Prims outlined earlier (confirms his role, prevents him from screwing up the town in a critical situation as mafia).

@Shinori: Giving the mafia a 100% guaranteed way of getting rid of the town's leaders doesn't seem like an encouragement to use OC / get organized to me.

@Psych: ...why the hell did you just claim in public

Although I guess it does clarify your abilities, but... Freaking hell.

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##Unvote: Kaoz

##Vote: Kay

I still don't like that Shinori is still kind of swaying to the majority and Rein promised a comprehensive post hours ago and I don't see any actual opinions from him. The Kay lynch seems like it will not only gain more momentum soon but will also provide us with better information than the Kaoz lynch at the moment, but I still think Shinori, Kaoz, and Kay are all viable lynch targets and we need to actually get to lynching one of them.

Or Anouleth could use his ability, yeah.

Also, Psych, I agree with you, that plan is stupid.

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I HATE USING THE WORD 'STUPID' BUT i really don't see how that plan would work ))):

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Giving the mafia abilities to kill the town easily with what is most likely one shot abilities. And if the town has multiple inspecting roles they can clear each other, which allows them to use the sms to contact each other outside of the game in secret. It wouldn't be that hard for a cop to get a innocent report on someone and sms them and then those two work together as a mason that can't talk OC ALL the time but some of the time, and then a mason as well allows for the town to bring these people together or get even more people, it would allow the town to weed out mafia and scum quickly and easily if co-ordinated. And a mason through day 1 with plenty of people that are pretty much guaranteed town allows for that.

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Levity you think everyone with a wagon on them is a decent lynch target it seems. ;P

Also I think anou should prove his role today, it will most likely verify him as town and if needed he could be a back up town leader after Strawman.

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It was Prims' dying wish to expose you for the probable scum you are. It is my sworn duty to carry out this wish and make it finally come true.

We got too many investigative town power roles as claims yesterday, we did. And it is funny because if all of those were actually town, well that would just be way too OP. Way way way too OP. not saying that yours is less credible, but its the most powerful. And a number of those other investigative roles are already seeming town and gave us some backed up info without certain other ramifications that would make us doubt them. So then that leaves you, our supposed cop, who failed to initially mention the alignment of the person you investigated. Which seems weird to me, like we were just supposed to assume you got a town scan on him/her. Or a scum slip because unless town has way too many investigative PRs, We were both pretty convinced you're the scum rolecop.

I didn't mention it because I thought I ought to quote something from my role PM instead. I figured it was quite obvious that I would say something if my target was anything other than town, so it seemed like a waste of space.

Besides, lynching info roles is stupid if you have better targets. Which you do. EVEN IF I'M SCUM, IT DOESN'T AFFECT THE UTILITY OF MY ROLE. Lying about alignments just doesn't work well enough to be worth it for cop fakeclaims. If you find some time when I would clearly benefit from this, fine, but otherwise, I'm not in a great position to lie about my results, especially if you distrust me anyway.

So, you know, I see your point, but am I really that much more scummy than Kaoz or Shinori that lynching me is worthwhile? I guess you'd know whether it's okay to risk losing their roles if they're town, but just use your head, okay?

Also, as for there being lots of info roles, that actually makes sense. Mass roleblock clearly sounds like a mafia thing, OC Block is almost certainly scum since they targeted Straw, and if there is a mafia governor, that all adds up to being pretty powerful. Seems reasonable for the town to be totally OP as well, really.

That means they would have redirected the lynch to a nolynch, which i doubt would happen if it was a mafia gov, that just seems downright dumb of the misfit organization in the midst of our class.

Why? No Lynching in what is basically NOC is great for scum. Even if Shinori is town, we could presumably waste a second day lynching him instead of possibly lynching scum. Delaying the town is definitely something a mafia governor would do.

The mafia governor thing is starting to make a tiny bit more sense but I still think that's weird. It also sounds like the kind of role that scum would definitely claim if they had it. Miller is a dumb fakeclaim but Iris is new-ish, she pulled it off well claiming early on but following advice well does not make her town. Shinori and Iris are both probably scum IMO, dunno about Kaoz.

##Vote: Iris

Because I know your role is something that it's not a huge risk to lynch, I don't know that about Shinori.

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Levity you think everyone with a wagon on them is a decent lynch target it seems. ;P

... Because I think they're all scum and a lot of people agree?

Seriously, what the fuck. Kay doesn't even have much of a wagon on her yet.

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One thing I'd like to point out is that's important that we do not allow Anouleth to choose the target himself, but to insist that he use it on a target determined by us (whomever we want lynched) - if we give him options and he happens to be mafia (and one of our given options is town), he could just pick (one of) the townie(s) and go all "oops, too bad". If we are the ones to choose the target, there is a decent chance we'll force him to shoot a mafia member, which, if he's mafia himself, would either neutralize one of their most annoying abilities, or expose him as mafia himself (depending on whether he chooses to comply or not).

@Shinori: It proves his role, but not his alignment.

May change my vote later, but Kaoz still is the more pressing matter to me. He still hasn't said anything since the beginning of the day phase. Talk, damnit!

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It was meant as a joke levy. =( Sowwy.

oops, sorry

I love you shinori <3

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more votals

Kaoz (4): Psych, eclipse, Raymond, Iris

Kay (3): StSS, Shinori, Bizz

Shinori (2): Slayer, Elieson

Iris (1): Kay

Not Voting (6): Blitz, Anouleth, Rein, Marth, Kaoz, Balcerzak

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Lynching Kay is bound to give us more informtion than lynching anyone else at this moment imo. Before i vote however, i'm not entirely sure why Kay is suspicious. Is it

a) there is more than 1 claim similar to hers

b) there is too many roles that can help deduce/find a person's alliance (i.e. a multitude of informative role like watcher/trackers/cops/etc.)

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Facepalm_emote_gif.gif I was not calling for psych to claim wtf psych.I mean you pretty much gave it away thats why I wasn't worried about adding your role into those numbers.

i meant with what had been claimed we'd be able to get a solid 5 clears in one night phase(if everything went right which it clearly hasn't) plus other info. And the reason the others probably aren't scum is because a certain something didn't happen last night and something did happen last night that would indicate that those people probably aren't mafia. I can't really explain it any better than that. And no other straight up cop claims, Raymond. But there are other investigative roles which is what I was saying, and Prims believed that a cop on top of those would have just been too ridiculous.

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Lynching Kay is bound to give us more informtion than lynching anyone else at this moment imo. Before i vote however, i'm not entirely sure why Kay is suspicious. Is it

a) there is more than 1 claim similar to hers

b) there is too many roles that can help deduce/find a person's alliance (i.e. a multitude of informative role like watcher/trackers/cops/etc.)


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@Strawman: Hm, I can see the logic behind that. I'm not 100% confident to lynch her because of that, but as I said, I'll back up the lynch if needed.

Also, just want to get this out there in case someone else didn't take the hint: don't goddamn claim in public unless you absolutely have to. The mafia seems to be capable of permanently downgrading the town's night abilities, and we do not want to give them good targets for that.

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How many hours are left in the phase?

Also, I do sort of agree with what Kay said, in that we should probably should lynch Iris, since she's used her power already, and if she was town she wouldn't use it again to stop her own lynch so if she did we'd know she was mafia, but then on the other hand there's all the other evidence and what I said previously, so I'm going to just stay on Kaoz.

I don't necessarily think Kay is scum based on the role, but I know several other games have had lots of protection roles. So I'm just bringing that up.

I think Kaoz is probably the best kill today if we want Anouleth to lynch.

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ok I have to apologise for not being active and I haven't quite caught up on what everyone's posted yet, but it seems that my ability has just become completely useless

last night I got a rather strange visit, and my ability has now changed to:

"During the day, and only once, you may post "This sword isn't just for show, USER." in all its bold glory in the thread. White robes flowing in the breeze behind you, you will fight USER to the death, killing them as soon as a host sees it, unfortunately, you will succumb to wounds you suffered during the fight immediately afterwards, ensuring your death as well."

In other words, my ability is now incredibly situational and risky and I don't plan ever to use it. What's more relevant is the information we've gotten from this. The mafia seem to have an ability where they can "poison" us so that when we use our ability, we die. This makes it more important than ever that we only let trusted persons know about our roles. I understand that a lot of people are going to be annoyed and upset and might even lynch me given that I'm effectively refusing to do anything to verify my role claim, but I don't plan to die.

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Also, I do sort of agree with what Kay said, in that we should probably should lynch Iris, since she's used her power already, and if she was town she wouldn't use it again to stop her own lynch so if she did we'd know she was mafia, but then on the other hand there's all the other evidence and what I said previously, so I'm going to just stay on Kaoz.


First off, governors are typically one-use only, because a multiple-use governor would break the game.

Iris claims not to be responsible for the D1 lynch cancel, so if we were to lynch her and she's still able to use her ability to save herself, that'd make her townier, not scummier.

Besides, not stopping a known mislynch is stupid. If you know you're town, you're about to get lynched and you have the power to stop it, the logical thing to do is to stop it.

Oh, great, so the second downgrade was to Anouleth?

Whoever is responsible for this, we need to kill them dead as soon as possible.

Although this is a pretty convenient excuse... One that the mafia might just claim. But I'm willing to believe you're town, for now.

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