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Scratch that. Blitz, please confirm that you got my SMS. If I see you logged on later, and don't reply IN THREAD that you're willing to cooperate with that, Bizz will need to talk me out of targeting you instead.

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eclipse, I think you are the only one who has been this vague about your role at this point. Everyone else has claimed full PMs and all that. I guess that's not very helpful and I understand your need for secrecy, but I am still rather uneasy about you. Not like I don't want to ruin whatever plan it is that you have, but did you even post your roleblock flavor? I don't remember if you did. /:

the mafia being told Rein's role, though, points to either Strawman or Marth, unless eclipse's 'investigations' give her more than she claims they do.

Also i can't even believe kay and bal killed me early, how could they ):

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I have the most epic role PM.

By the way this means your role pm currently looks like this:

Dear Eclipse,

What life? All I've been doing is sleeping in.

You are Prims, Town Radar Georgua Georgua Nuva Akruru.

You are a ten year old boy on the internet who is surprisingly good at mafia games for your age, and even though Haze has known you for what must be around 8 or 9 years now he can barely think of anything to say about you. Once upon a time, however, you were Giovanni and so naturally I must conclude that you are the Patron Don of all scum teams.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - I speculate that USER is PERSON." You will take a guess as to the true identity of USER. You will be informed if you are correct, and if you make enough correct guesses, we may give you something nice for your 10th birthday (again.)

At night, you must respond to your role PM with "Night X - Inspecting USER." You will inspect USER with your gun, which will publicly reveal his entire role PM with 100% accuracy. You will do do this every night, as it's for the good of the town.

Post Restriction: You like to talk big, especially when it comes to mafia, so you should use an excessive amount of mafia jargon wherever possible.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

My title changed one final time, so I am Prims, Town Prims.

And some extra flavor:

You sit on your beanbag, polishing your gun (no not like that) while you contemplate who needs inspecting next, you decide on Balcerzak, and donning your hat and cloak, you swiftly make your way to the door. You swing it open dramatically and confidently walk out, but before you can find your mark, something happens.

An hour or two later, you find yourself on the verge of exploding with rage.

Being the good detective you are, you decide that you're in no shape to investigate anything properly, and retire to bed.

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A Prims-style investigation is a forced vig shot. Haze and Paper totally owe me an apology twice. First, for the trollish role wording. Second, for not putting me in this game. ;/

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... uh-huh.

Well, that actually makes much more sense. One because I didn't think there was a vig this game until the Elieson death, and two because I completely remember Prims saying that in an MSN conversation and his favorite role is vigilante.

so, hm.

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Well then eclipse why didn't you target Bal N5? Unless Blitzy actually targetted you and Rein protected him, so eh. And then there's this mysterious hooker. o.O

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oh and I don't think blitz is the third-party, actually, unless the mafia is really fucking great at trolling the town, considering that Kay knew blitz's role from N0 and therefore they would have known he was third-party?

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Yes eclipse, sorry.

Also t make clear what happened on N4:

You send a memo out to StSS, requesting him to work overtime. Those mafia won't kill themselves, after all. Plus, this will keep those seedy types away from him.

Additionally, you wake up feeling... really depressed. Maybe you're not that good of a CEO. And maybe your lies are transparent...

Your role has changed:

... However, you have already used up all your abilities, so I guess nothing actually happened.

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