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So, was this worth $80?

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I apologize in advance for the terrible pictures, the 3DS camera is the best I have.




With the condition it's in now, I don't think I'll be playing it at all, but oh well... emot-ohdear.png

Thanks, Half-Price Books! Now, if they got it sealed and then opened it, oh boy will there be hell to pay

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Unless you can resell it for more, no it was not. The game can be played on emulator, and buying the game used doesn't reward anyone involved in making the game, so I'm not sure why you would feel bad about piracy. I'm pretty sure that you can get a controller plug in, and really the game isn't hard enough that you can't use the keyboard anyway.

Frankly, the only reason I wouldn't be willing to give away my cartridge to a complete stranger is that I co-own it with my brother. I don't even value my cartridge at $1 in terms of intrinsic value to myself.

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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If you have a PS3 controller you could easily stick it in your computer and just remap ZSNES keys.

why did you even buy this

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is there any day of the week when you are not terrible

How about you fuck off?

You've made it clear that you hate anything and everything about me and your behavior is absolutely atrocious with you having almost nothing positive to say about anything or anyone and simply insulting anything and everything. I have no idea what goes on in your little head but I simply cannot stand it. That doesn't mean I hate you. Oh no. Far from it. I actually happen to like you a bit. At least back when you weren't an insufferable jackass but that seems to be the persona you've chosen to go with to represent yourself. Sad really.

So, how about we just agree to ignore each other eh?

That should surely please you. Or not. I'm going with the latter to be honest. Nothing ever really pleases you it seems.


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Enough jibber jabber. This thread is to honor the prestige of OP's new legendary acquisition.

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80 bucks is a lot of dough to have something look pretty on a shelf. I say whip out the SNES and pop in that baby!

Heh. Secret of Mana. Takes me back to when I was 6 or 7.

"The big kitty keeps setting me on fire! I can't win! Waaaaaaa. I'm playing Mystic Quest instead!"

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Some people are collectors. Having the cart isn't the same as having a digital copy, at least for some people.

That's in really good condition.


I know, it's nothing relatively speaking

But really I'm just glad I will never be so unfortunate as to accidentally start having a collector's mindset

I mean, I can even understand wanting a physical copy, but really

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It's worth $135 USD

You made a great buy right there.

Just curious what's the basis for this? I looked around for SoM new prices and the only ones currently being sold as new for several thousand dollars...but I see "like new" ones which include the box, plastic wrapping etc for under $80.


The price it is offered for on amazon and ebay is substantially higher, but because these are both just the offerings for one cartridge (rather than a range of cartridges) I wouldn't necessarily say that the offered price for a new cart is what it's actually worth in terms of exchange value. (but if there's some indication people are actually paying that much...)

80 bucks is a lot of dough to have something look pretty on a shelf. I say whip out the SNES and pop in that baby!

Especially since it doesn't really look that pretty...and it's also a lot to spend on playing secret of mana.

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How about you fuck off?

You've made it clear that you hate anything and everything about me and your behavior is absolutely atrocious with you having almost nothing positive to say about anything or anyone and simply insulting anything and everything. I have no idea what goes on in your little head but I simply cannot stand it. That doesn't mean I hate you. Oh no. Far from it. I actually happen to like you a bit. At least back when you weren't an insufferable jackass but that seems to be the persona you've chosen to go with to represent yourself. Sad really.

So, how about we just agree to ignore each other eh?

That should surely please you. Or not. I'm going with the latter to be honest. Nothing ever really pleases you it seems.


stop ein you might make him cry 8[

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I know, it's nothing relatively speaking

But really I'm just glad I will never be so unfortunate as to accidentally start having a collector's mindset

I mean, I can even understand wanting a physical copy, but really

I know what you mean. I don't think I would find justification to spend that much money on something like that.

However, it's a hobby for some people. If they find it worthwhile, by all means, then go do some amazing collecting.

Yeah, agree with you on that one.

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