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So I've never actually finished SD just due to a general lack of interest in it, but I've been replaying every FE lately and I'm going to get around to this one soon. Now my question is one that has haunted me since this game has come out, but could someone tell me what is the most optimal situation to reclass someone and why? I never got the reclassing system when I first played this game and never used it, but I know it's super useful in New Mystery and Awakening, so it got me wondering how much help it is in SD. If anyone could point out on when and who to reclass to what just to get me to understand it that would be marvelous, because I want to use it right when Awakening comes here (come on NoA).

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Some classic places for Reclass.

A) When a staff wielder promotes, reclass him/her to a Sage. This way they can keep their staff rank while having option to use better spells instantly than if they were Bishops. Same works the other way around for mages.

B) When a Cavalier promotes, you can reclass it to a dracoknight to obtain the power of flight.

C) If you find unit lacking some aspect, you may want to reclass him to something else to help this issue.

D) Some units simply perform better in class other than their starting one. For example Draug makes a good fighter or Dark Mage, maybe even Hunter, while being not that great as a Knight. If you do this you usually have to deal with low weapon ranks thanks to the changes.

E) Some map have perks that make some classes more ideal in them than others and you might want to take advantage of reclass for your advantage. For example indoors maps are usually good for paladins because they lack the terrain freatures that makes dracoknights superior in outdoor maps. Also the walls can't be flown over and indoors maps are more archer heavy so that gives even more reasons to reclass fliers to paladins.

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Here's another. When a mono-weilding unpromoted character promoted with a good rank in one class, promote them. You can then reclass them to another class which weilds that weapon as a secondary weapon to have a D in one rank and your former rank in the other.

For instance: Raise Ogma as a mercenary so he gets B swords. Promote him to hero with A sword E Axe. You can then reclass him to horseman for D Bows B Swords, not limiting you to only iron weapons at first. Fighter/Pirate -> Hero, Mage -> Bishop, Myrmidon -> Paladin and Cleric/Curate -> Sage are other good examples of this.

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that makes absolutely no sense at all Refa but please, amuse me by explaining why.


maybe it's not the most optimal thing for some but i can't think of a single non magic female unit who wouldn't benefit from it

ok tiki/nagi don't count that's cheating

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maybe it's not the most optimal thing for some but i can't think of a single non magic female unit who wouldn't benefit from it

ok tiki/nagi don't count that's cheating

Dear Refa. Units stats are his or her personal ones plus those of the class s/he is in for emaple if unit has 5 speed as knight it will always have 12 and Fighter. Promotion gains are simply the difference of the unit's current class's stats and those of the class s/he promotes to. Because of this. If you Reclass Norne to pegasi and then promote, followed by reclassing to Sniper, you will have exactly the same unit as you would have had if she had promoted as an archer. Also if you now reclass to dracoknight, she will have the same stats as if she had promoted as dracoknight. Because of this all your advise did is spreading disgusting and annoying not to mention completely wrong information. You should be ashamed of doing something I would only expect from a gamefaqs user.

Have fun being humiliated

man I love being cruel~

dracoknights are da best, always use dracoknight, use nothing else

I would but curses!, the class limit is cockblocking me! Dear pope, please tell it to stop!

Edited by Shoptimus Prime
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you still haven't actually told me a single female character who doesn't use magic who wouldn't benefit from it

so who's wrong

yes even athena is amazing dracoknight with d lances

Edited by Refa
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you still haven't actually told me a single female character who doesn't use magic who wouldn't benefit from it

so who's wrong

yes even athena is amazing dracoknight with e lances

A) *D lances

B) Norne is god awful without her little niche as Dracoknight killer

C) You are implying they haven't reclassed to pegasi a long time ago if they already weren't only a moron had then in any other class untill promotion. You clearly imply this is not the case :smug:

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A) *D lances

B) Norne is god awful without her little niche as Dracoknight killer

C) You are implying they haven't reclassed to pegasi a long time ago if they already weren't only a moron had then in any other class untill promotion. You clearly imply this is not the case :smug:

A) edited before your post haha

2) i said not optimal for all and there aren't dracoknights in every map (athena would make a better falcoknight BUT WHATEVER dracoknights are cooler)

Final) pegasus knights are not cool like dracoknights

Edited by Refa
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A) joke is on you, nobody cares of your edit

B) You asked for someone that does not benefit, and I gave you an example also you specifically stated non magic users. Don't go back on your words, makes you look like cornered dog

C) As if you knew anything of coolness...

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norne is godawful as anything so she doesn't really count :/

but dracoknight is her best option as it increases her shitty strength and defence a lot so uhh

Anyway TC, reclassing is really dependant on the character. If you have unit with subpar speed but good strength, a reclass to mercenary or hunter will serve them better in the growths department. Any class A male unit should probably be a cavalier with some exceptions, as it offers the best all around growths and performance. I do have to agree with Refa in the Female class situation, and IIRC the only non magic user females that aren't default peg knights are athena and norne, and Athena should honestly probably stay as a myrmidon, but Norne really suffers from bad bases, which pegasus knight somewhat fixes.

all promoted units might as well be heroes and dracoknights/paladins though.

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I've played this game over 25 times so I've explored most re class options. You should keep weapon ranks in mind as well as each individual units' growths . You'll find a lot of odd reclasses work for some units and don't work so well for others. You have to experiment to find the right class for each unit . If you can figure out the right combination it becomes incredibly easy to ram caps.

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all promoted units might as well be heroes and dracoknights/paladins though.

Berserkers and Generals are also super cool, for slower gameplay. Berserkers have critical bonus and good speed if you let them, and generals have super defense.

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Berserkers and Generals are also super cool, for slower gameplay. Berserkers have critical bonus and good speed if you let them, and generals have super defense.

Zerk's crit is as much as ~5% greater than that of Hero thanks to the skill stat difference. Hero has better weaponry and more move. They even are faster until caps come along and thats very very late. General is just like Dracoknight expect those 4 points of Mov, hand axes, Hammers and existing speed. Advantage: Dracoknights

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Zerk's crit is as much as ~5% greater than that of Hero thanks to the skill stat difference. Hero has better weaponry and more move. They even are faster until caps come along and thats very very late.

Holy crap, I just looked at the class base stats, I never realized Berserkers ad skill that low. Hero having better weaponry isn't true at first. They need to work past E axes before they can throw a hand axe. You got me on the speed. Berserkers are still feasible though, and they're (IMO) a fun class to play with.

General is just like Dracoknight expect those 4 points of Mov, hand axes, Hammers and existing speed. Advantage: Dracoknights

Well if they were in the same class set I'd choose Dracoknight every time, but this isn't FE12, class sets are limited.

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Holy crap, I just looked at the class base stats, I never realized Berserkers ad skill that low. Hero having better weaponry isn't true at first. They need to work past E axes before they can throw a hand axe. You got me on the speed. Berserkers are still feasible though, and they're (IMO) a fun class to play with.

Well if they were in the same class set I'd choose Dracoknight every time, but this isn't FE12, class sets are limited.

A) That is if the character in question haven't build any axe rank. Given Fighter is the best Class for unpromoted unit in set B, that is unlikely.

B) You can still choose another character~

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When you get Iotes shield (or before that, if you arn't worried about weakness to arrows) Swich one of your paladins to Draconight if they use lances for better stats/Flight.

Cleric/Curates when promoted should reclass to sage, for better magic, tome rank, and no downside in staves.

Prepremotes can go to Generals for meatshielding, or can be staffbots.

Wolf/Sedgar make amazing Generals, and pretty good at everything else.

Some units just are better in other classes. Experimenting is a great way to find your favorites.

Oh, and the pegasus trio (Palla, Catria, Est) Make great Snipers/Archers, btw.

Edited by Melonhead215
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Prepremotes can go to Dracoknight/Hero for killing everything in their path, or can be staffbots.

Wolf/Sedgar make amazing Heroes, and pretty good at everything else.

Some units just are better in other classes. Making topic where you ask what people have found helps you not waste time with archer Vyland or something as sad.

Oh and Jeorge Makes great Sniper, btw.

Made some little fixes

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  • 3 weeks later...

My ideas for reclasses:


Pirate and Fighter are both identical, but Pirates can move over water


Better magic growths, and allows me to have an offensive magic user.

I also may reclass Castor as a knight, but that will also mean an extra soldier to train.

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Don't forget, most reclasses result in having an E rank in their new wpn of choice, meaning generally limited dmg capabilities and not much 1~2 range.

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Don't forget, most reclasses result in having an E rank in their new wpn of choice, meaning generally limited dmg capabilities and not much 1~2 range.

I'm well aware of that, but a good soldier with a bad weapon will take you farther than a bad soldier with a good weapon. They'll eventually learn to use their new weapons well, and become better soldiers overall because of it.

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I'm well aware of that, but a good soldier with a bad weapon will take you farther than a bad soldier with a good weapon. They'll eventually learn to use their new weapons well, and become better soldiers overall because of it.

Expect the part where the bad soldier will have even better weapon by the time good soldier gets something that used to be good and is now mediocre? Besides when the one with good weapons can do shit and one with bad weapons can do little chip damage, How is the latter good soldier and former bad?

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I like to train the units in a single class first do reclass on a chapter basis once the units promote. Take Abel for examle. I train him as a cavalier, then promote. Once promoted, I switch him between Paladin and Dracoknight and sometimes Sniper (which I can pull of thanks to Snipers' auto C giving him Killers no matter what) all depending on the map's needs.

Another thing I like to do, but probably won't happen in SD since the growths are ass compared to FE12's, is capping someone's speed out as a Cavalier, promote, then enjoy a level 1 27 speed Swordmaster (I mainly do that with Navarre in FE12). I haven't played SD in a while and I remember the stats in this game aren't that high, but hey, if you ever get stat-blessed~

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