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18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's going to win this draft?

    • Folgore Purple -- he knows what he's doing!
    • Refa -- because look at the rest of you!
    • Folgore Yellow -- lolnope.
    • Folgore Green -- he has the power of luck for a reason!

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Way ahead of you.

Thanks, Refa.

And ha, everyone but Refa is restarting. Maybe I should restart a third time, too. :lol:

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Chapter 28 - 15/133

Chapter 28x - 133

Chapter 29 - 8/141

Chapter 30 - 5/146

The Group traveled back to Bern Keep, where they ran across Chris H. and Jaffar. They recruited Chris H. into their group and fought off enemies for 15 turns. They then went to the Water Temple to battle Sonia, finishing the map in 19 turns. Linus challenged the Group to avenge his brother. Ellen and Chris P. were able to move around freely, avoiding all but one trigger point, and they defeated Linus in 8 turns. Justin finally promoted after being useless for maps and maps. Ellen and Chris P. accompanied him to find the axe Armads. Ellen crit Kaim in the face with an axereaver and Chris P. cleared the path so that Justin could wait on the spot.

Edited by Xin Li
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You want me to restart? Well, I'll finish my current run first, and if I don't like it then I'll give it another try. No one said we had to report the first finished TC, after all!

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Ahaha ... perhaps. I've really been pushing myself to do better on TCs and this is probably the best I've done so far. But I'm sure I could do better than this. I'm on CoD right now and I need to take a break anyway. I'm going to finish the run normally and if I'm not satisfied I'll restart.

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Off-topic, but is it bad that whenever I see people use CoD, I automatically think of Call of Duty? I don't even like/own it or any other shooters.

It means you're more mainstream than you thought. :P:

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The talk of shooters between my brother and my classmates has burned that into my head, and I hate it. I at least want to go burn Horace's thing into my head, because it for some reason amuses me.

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Let's kick some ass.

Chapter 20- 5/66 turns

Legault.png Another joins the fray!

Marcus-1.png This team does not take kindly to those who cost turns.

Matthew.png Don't worry. I'm sure the all powerful MEMBER CARD will make things up.

Lucius.png Yeah, it'll help me get to WARP!


Hector.png Hector didn't get to SMASH Darwin, that pisses Hector off.

Eliwood.png I have so much DEFENSE that enemies prefer attacking Lowen over me!

Lyn.png Enemies still like taking potshots at me, which is really more bait for MANNI KATTI...heheheheheh.


Lowen.png I did the oh so helpful task of killing the boss, carrying Lyn, taking care of the initial onslaught of enemies, etc. No big deal, really, just being an awesome mother fucker.

Fiora.png I'm very pretty!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      13.52    31 14 10 07 06 13 02  B Axes
Matthew     11.30    23 05 09 17 08 05 01  C Swords
Oswin       15.91    33 14 11 09 04 14 05  A Lances
Eliwood     13.19    26 08 13 11 14 10 04  B Swords
Marcus      04.49    32 17 16 12 09 10 08  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       04.91    38 17 09 15 11 13 09  A Lances C Swords E Axes
Lyndis      09.16    21 07 15 14 08 03 00  B Swords
Lucius      09.24    24 10 09 14 05 01 09  C Light
Fiora       09.72    23 10 12 13 07 07 09  C Lances
Legault     12.10    26 08 11 15 10 09 03  C Swords

Chapter 21- 2/68 turns

Lowen.png I ferried Lucius, AND got to the Elysian Whip village. May not seem like much, but that Elysian Whip will do SOOOOOOOO much for this run and Lucius could use the EXP. Basically I'm saving the team yet again, you're welcome.

Marcus-1.png Very good Lowen, now prepare to face 1000 more thrusts of my lance!

Lucius.png I prove myself to be a real man by tanking so much shit!


Matthew.png I light a torch! May seem useless, but it's better than...

Hector.png Hector did...NOTHING.

Lyn.png Same here, my bloodlust has not been satiated...

Eliwood.png I am the best at being the worst!

Fiora.png Unlike the past few scrub-a-dub dubs, my lance wreck shit and took names including Bossman...actually, I have no clue what his name was he's too generic for me.

Legault.png Killing Pegasus Knights in the arena since 2003, clearly I am a valuable member of the team.

Ninian.png Let's Boogie!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      13.52    31 14 10 07 06 13 02  B Axes
Matthew     11.43    23 05 09 17 08 05 01  C Swords
Oswin       16.17    34 14 11 09 04 15 05  A Lances
Eliwood     13.19    26 08 13 11 14 10 04  A Swords
Marcus      04.49    32 17 16 12 09 10 08  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       05.00    39 17 09 15 12 14 09  A Lances C Swords E Axes
Lyndis      09.16    21 07 15 14 08 03 00  B Swords
Lucius      11.39    26 12 11 15 07 01 10  C Light
Fiora       11.10    25 11 14 14 08 07 10  C Lances
Legault     12.57    26 08 11 15 10 09 03  C Swords
Ninian      01.21    14 00 00 12 10 05 04  S Classy

Chapter 22- 3/71 turns

Ninian.png Let's rock(man) 'n' roll!

Isadora.png I join the team this chapter, and help bring it closer and closer to victory.


Matthew.png I could've stolen it but I was busy being useless.

Legault.png Yeah, same here.

Lyn.png Even I recruited Rath for his longbow.

Hector.png Pffft, the AXEREAVER Hector got from recruiting Heath is much more impressive.

Eliwood.png I am the best at killing ONE and only ONE and not more than ONE because TWO is TOO many but ONE is the best that I am at killing.

Marcus-1.png My shopping prowess was more useful than you! Not to mention the power of rescuing those foolish knights!

Florina.png I did the same thing, but it's cooler because I'm the best.

Fiora.png Still prettier than you! Also I killed another boss, I'm good at this!

Lowen.png Only because I weakened him for you...I could've taken him too.

Lucius.png ...I'll SHINE on soon enough, you'll see, YOU'LL ALL SEE!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      13.52    31 14 10 07 06 13 02  B Axes
Matthew     11.44    23 05 09 17 08 05 01  C Swords
Oswin       01.00    38 16 13 12 04 17 08  A Lances E Axes
Eliwood     13.52    26 08 13 11 14 10 04  A Swords
Marcus      04.49    32 17 16 12 09 10 08  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       05.57    39 17 09 15 12 14 09  A Lances C Swords E Axes
Lyndis      09.16    21 07 15 14 08 03 00  B Swords
Lucius      11.73    26 12 11 15 07 01 10  C Light
Fiora       12.44    33 11 14 15 09 08 11  C Lances
Legault     12.58    26 08 11 15 10 09 03  C Swords
Ninian      01.53    14 00 00 12 10 05 04  S Classy
Isadora     01.35    28 13 12 16 10 09 06  B Lances A Swords D Axes

Chapter 23- 3/74 turns

Pent-1.png I'm so bro that I'm super special awesome even when I'm not drafted!

Isadora.png I was surprisingly useless!

Lowen.png Despite being so awesome, I also did nothing; you know, leaving some for the lil' guy.

Fiora.png I basically soloed the left side of the map that Pent didn't take care of!

Lucius.png With some help from me!


Eliwood.png I am the best at killing the rest of the enemies thanks to my overkill defense!

Matthew.png I got items!

Legault.png And I helped!

Ninian.png Both of you, dance like you mean it!

Hector.png All Hector did was recruit Hawkeye...

Lyn.png At least you were deployed!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      13.52    31 14 10 07 06 13 02  B Axes
Matthew     11.45    23 05 09 17 08 05 01  C Swords
Oswin       01.78    38 16 13 12 04 17 08  A Lances E Axes
Eliwood     14.95    27 09 14 11 14 10 04  A Swords
Marcus      04.49    32 17 16 12 09 10 08  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       05.57    39 17 09 15 12 14 09  A Lances C Swords E Axes
Lyndis      09.16    21 07 15 14 08 03 00  B Swords
Lucius      13.64    26 13 13 16 07 01 11  B Light
Fiora       14.50    35 12 15 16 10 09 13  C Lances
Legault     12.58    26 08 11 15 10 09 03  C Swords
Ninian      01.74    14 00 00 12 10 05 04  S Classy
Isadora     01.35    28 13 12 16 10 09 06  B Lances A Swords D Axes

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Eh, back to the CoD thing. On the show Avatar the Last Airbender, there's an episode called Cave of Destiny and a lot of fans refer to the episodes by their abbreviated names. In other words, Cave of Destiny = CoD, and whenever I see those initials the first thing that comes to mind is the level in Fire Emblem. In other words, too much FE. :P:

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Chapter 24- 2/76 turns

Lyn.png God, another map in which I did nothing.

Hector.png Hector can't wait till the next one where he might actually do something.

Eliwood.png I am still the best at being useless!


Lowen.png I did something very similar! Also I drew him in and could take 4 hits thanks to my MONSTER RES (one of my many talents).

Matthew.png I killed mercenary!

Legault.png And I killed bishop!

Ninian.png Let's dance all day!

Isadora.png I got the Earth Seal....which we may not actually need!

Lucius.png Sniper felt WRATH!

Fiora.png Poked Lloyd to fainting!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector      13.61    31 14 10 07 06 13 02  B Axes
Matthew     11.46    23 05 09 17 08 05 01  C Swords
Oswin       01.92    38 16 13 12 04 17 08  A Lances E Axes
Eliwood     14.95    27 09 14 11 14 10 04  A Swords
Marcus      04.49    32 17 16 12 09 10 08  A Lances A Swords B Axes
Lowen       05.71    39 17 09 15 12 14 09  A Lances C Swords E Axes
Lyndis      09.16    21 07 15 14 08 03 00  B Swords
Lucius      14.74    26 14 13 17 07 02 11  B Light
Fiora       16.02    37 14 17 18 10 09 15  C Lances
Legault     14.02    27 08 11 17 11 08 03  C Swords
Ninian      01.94    14 00 00 12 10 05 04  S Classy
Isadora     01.71    28 13 12 16 10 09 06  B Lances A Swords D Axes

Chapter 25- 3/79 turns

This chapter was the hardest to do properly yet (usually I'm forced to early promote my flyer) so I'm doing things differently with a video so you can see my amazing strategy in action!

...At least I got good levels to compensate for what a pain in the ass this was. Oh...and thank god I recruited Legault, this wouldn't have been possible without him. In fact, every one of my characters contributed! I don't think this is something any of the other teams will be able to replicate soooo...have fun early promoting your flyers!

Edited by Refa
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Chapter 31 - 11/157

Chapter 31x - 5/162

Chapter 32 - 7/169

Chapter 32x - 2/171

Everyone went to Castle Ostia for a break, but they were attacked by the Black Fang. They defended the Keep for 11 turns, then they stocked up on supplies before heading out to the Dread Isle. Ellen and Chris P. once again teamed up to get Justin to the throne as fast as they could, letting him seize in 7 turns. When they veered off-course to kill Kishuna, the Group found to their dismay that Kelsey hadn't enough magic to Warp them into the room comfortably. Ellen, Chris P., Sara, and Kelsey were deployed alongside Justin. Chris P. rescued Ellen, Sara refreshed them, and Kelsey Warped them into the room next to the swordmaster. Chris P. dropped Ellen in front of Kishuna. The two survived an EP and Chris P. then crit Kishuna in the face with a Killer Bow.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Justin   20/07     44   23   16   16   08   21   12
Sara     10.25     29   00   00   19   19   07   09
Erik     20/09     40   15   22   23   21   15   13
Haley    20/11     41   19   28   25   23   08   13
Chris P  20/20     54   23   22   30   10   19   15
Kelsey   17/15     39   15   16   20   10   11   20
Ellen    20/18     56   26   25   22   10   19   11
Tom      16/13     47   19   22   24   16   10   07
Zach     20/13     54   29   13   24   07   09   05
Chris H  20/05     33   19   19   22   15   09   19
Mat      12.03     27   04   10   20   08   04   02

Edited by Xin Li
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In Honor of Marcus




Go Southwest.



I hate forest move :facepalm:

This could be 3 turnable, but I CBF'd to try, due to random units dying.


So, Bartre caps lvl.

With 15 Def, and 9 res.

With 15 spd/skl and Capped str.

Fuck yes.

Also, Kent got a few lvls with the heavy spear and critting Snipers.

Sain bosskilled and got to D axes.



Goddamnit, Prissy dodged alot of shit while ferrying Hector to the door.

Kent drops Hector in front of Darin on Turn 3, and Sain DOubles with the Heavy Spear for a ORKO.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Final - 5+1/177

Had just enough Door Keys to make this strategy work. Kelsey and Chris H. hit Uhai with Bolting to weaken him enough for Chris P. to finish off. He did so on the EP with a crit. Ellen flew to the room with Jerme and Ursula and equipped a spear, critting Jerme on the EP and finishing Ursula on turn 2. Haley took the Killer Bow and dispatched of the sage, survived an EP with Kenneth (dodging), and sniped the druid. Justin and Erik went over to the Reed brothers' room with a door key and a swordslayer, finishing them. Linus took a while, but Erik got him. Chris P. opened the door to Darin's room and got some help from Kelsey and Chris H. to finish him and his fellow armor. Tom took care of Brendan and the other warrior, Chris P. helping with Brendan. Then, Chris P. and Ellen finished off Nergal.

Athos 2RKO'd the dragon with Luna on turn 1.

Stats and final analysis coming up soon.

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This draft was quite a pain. :P Certain people didn't want to cooperate for whatever reason, and I had to try several different strategies to minimize my TC. Well, it's done, and I am NOT restarting a fourth time.

Hector   20/07     51   23   16   16   08   23   12

I'm pretty sure this is the worst Hector I've ever had. His strength and defense are good, I guess ... but it wasn't really enough for him to be the tank that I've usually had him be. I actually had to give him an Angelic Robe because he couldn't live through Lloyd+Linus attack in the final, and I'm pretty sure I had to put Eliwood next to him and give him Dracoshield as well. His speed was horrible. A speedwings gave him only 8 speed before promotion. Yeah ... he just sucked. The end.

Nils     10.86     29   00   00   19   19   07   09

Ninian cost me so many restarts, dying so many times (12, if I recall correctly). Nils did a little better surviving. Ninian took Isadora's Angelic Robe. At least their refreshing powers helped me get lots of low turn counts.

Eliwood  20/09     40   15   22   23   21   15   13

Something's wrong with Eliwood, isn't there? Usually, he does well for me, but his strength was TERRIBLE. His defense only got better around promotion, and his HP was low. He was fast enough, though, but I'm still not too happy with this guy.

Lyn      20/13     41   20   29   27   24   08   13

At least Lyn fixed herself with time. She sucked for a while, until she got a promotion and got better gains. Her speed was weirdly low for the longest time, though.

Rath     20/20     54   23   22   30   10   19   15

What did Rath do with the Afa's Drops I gave him? Ah well, his stats were good enough to clear everything in his way. He took a speedwings to be able to double Kishuna. His strength wasn't bad, even if it was below average. He helped save me so many turns alongside Heath, and he got the boots as well. So glad he could rescue Hector and have great combat, too. I always draft this guy for a reason.

Erk      17/16     39   16   16   21   10   11   20

I drafted Erk for an early Warper. And he screws that up. He was so magic-screwed that I only barely got people into Kishuna's room, and he did not even have double digit magic until I promoted him. His stats are horrible. In my previous FRDCT run, he didn't have A-staves. Now, his magic was abysmal. I don't think I'll be drafting him again, unless I have to. Promoted early to begin staffing.

Guy      16/13     47   19   22   24   16   10   07

This is the weirdest Guy I've ever had. I think he got several levels of strength early on, but not a point of speed for ... what, three levels straight? He was slower than the average Guy, although fast enough by FE7 standards, but he couldn't double Kishuna. His skill is low, too. Promoted early because I needed the bonuses.

Dart     20/14     55   30   14   25   07   09   05

Dart helped a lot right before he promoted. He was able to ward off many enemies and was fast enough to double them as well. But he was a defensive failure, so of course I couldn't throw him at everything. Helped a lot in midgame, though.

Nino     20/06     33   19   19   23   16   09   20

Someone remind me never to draft both Nino and Erk. Because weird stuff happens when I do. Nino is awesome offense? Erk sucks but has staff rank to fall back on. Why couldn't Nino come sooner or come with an existing staff rank? Good offense for when I needed it, but no staves made her not nearly as awesome.

Renault  --/17     44   12   22   20   11   16   19

For a moment, I forgot I had him. I drafted him for his Fortify staff and to avoid taking a ballista penalty for him.

Heath    20/20     58   27   25   22   20   11

He and Rath helped save me so many turns. Being able to fly and rescue Hector did me so much good, and his stats are awesome as well. His defense was good enough to get through almost everything and he was able to take down bosses as well. He and Rath won the draft for me. I should draft him more.

Matthew  12.03     27   04   10   20   08   04   02

Uh ... he was free and stole stuff?

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  • 4 weeks later...



ch23-7(Curse lack of combat mage..)





ch28x-free to 20.

ch29-8 turns.


(Required Prissy to have alot of magic, and Serra to have over 18 magic....)










oh yeah, gaidens not free.

That makes it 155

Still a good tc though

Edited by The Gentleman
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Okay, FE7 Draft Redux, GO!

Chapter 11 - 6/6 Turns

Hector went Left. Matthew Helped out with Doors and Cracked walls and Whatnot!

Chapter 12 - 5/11 Turns

Eli and Becky Killed an enemy or two at the bottom of the Map. Hector and Matthew dealt with some top area enemies. Bartre gave his equipment to Marcus and Marcus went to help Hector and Matthew. Zagan bit the Dust on Turn 5!

Chapter 13 - 6/17 Turns

Everybody goes to the Top Route. Marcus Rescued Hector to get to the Throne! Marcus Killed the Boss. Eli and Matt dealt with some enemies and Eli visited Merlinus's Village. Nothing else of significance...

Chapter 13x - 7/24 Turns

Eli, Becky and Hector ended up going Left to corner Puzon, Marcus went North to get to Puzon and Matthew visited the Village and dealt with Brigands!

Chapter 14 - 5/29 Turns

Serra went to Talk to Erk (So thankful Erk doesn't move in HNM), Marcus Charged into the Main Force with a variety of weapons, Hector Dealt with Soldiers and Cleaned Up some of the Garbage Marcus Left Behind. Becky Did the same thing as Hector, Eliwood did the Same thing as Hector, Matthew Dealt with the Pirates!

Chapter 15 - 7/36 Turns

Hector Protected the Throne, The Rest Charged to the bottom and Matthew Looted the Chests. Marcus killed Sealen. I guess his fate is Sealen...

Some preyed victim to Marcus, Others were EXP Fodder for Eli and Becky!

Chapter 16 - 5/41 Turns

Florina was too Frail to pull off a 4-Turn so Marcus Ferried Hector to Seize while Marcus took care of the boss. The Rest trained and defended themselves while Kent and Lyn went on a short shopping spree. Both Villages were visited!

Unit 	Class      	Level	HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector   Lord        	08.02	26 09 07 08 06 11 04  B Axes
Eliwood  Lord        	05.43	22 06 07 08 09 07 02  B Swords
Lyn  	Lord      	04.36	18 05 10 11 05 02 00  C Swords
Marcus   Paladin     	06.20	34 16 19 12 09 11 10  A Swords, A Lances, B Axes
Matthew  Thief       	07.20	20 07 05 13 04 04 00  C Swords
Rebecca  Archer      	05.57	21 06 08 08 06 04 01  D Bows
Florina  Pegasus Knight 04.10	18 07 09 09 09 04 06  D Lances
Wil  	Archer    	04.92	21 06 05 06 07 05 01  D Bows

Edited by Richter Abend
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Chapter 17 - 11/52 Turns

The Fact that Florina is so frail is getting to me. There were too many archers to get around to try and get a good turncount. Matthew got the Crest and Unlock and Lyn killed the thief and dropped the Silver Sword he stole. I recruited Raven and then once most of the archers/nomads were gone, Hector was ferried to the throne and killed Bernard Easily. People got a lot of potshots during all this and eventually, Hector Seized!

Chapter 17x - 3/55 Turns

I did Florina Skip here. She went a certain route and dodged a hit so she could pull off this three turn. Canas was recruited and a few enemies got killed. I couldn't grab the sleep staff though... Hope it doesn't bite me in the ass later on.

Chapter 18 - 3/58 Turns

Florina Ferried Hector Near Zoldam. I was so thankful that Hector could double Zoldam. I couldn't really get Matthew to Steal the Speedwings since those Shamans blocked the way to Zoldam. The Rest of the Group stayed behind to kill enemies. During all this, I managed to get the Red Gem and the Longsword. I also went to the shop for some Vulnerarys and Flux Tomes!

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I noticed that You skipped Ch. 27 in the post and It's not possible to 7-Turn Ch. 26. Assuming the 7-Turn was meant for Ch. 27 and that i add +11 Turns to your Final Turncount (You didn't add Ch. 26's Turncounts to the Final Turncount), Your final Turncount is actually 166, Not 155. I added all the turns you posted and got 166. So you may wanna fix that...

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