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[FE10] Another RNG Draft

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1. No transfers.

2. I'll wait until I wake up, and if no one else wants the slot, it's yours Green.

3. Everyone else, send me numbers~!

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I'm asking people to message me a string of numbers from 1-64, randomized. I should be able to make the teams like this. Otherwise, it'll take way too long.

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Well I suggested eclipse to do it by parts in order to avoid possible screwage and someone soloing, say, P1 with just Miccy and Sothe, or P3 with just Ike...

EDIT: Let's wait til she gets online

Edited by Quintessence
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Part 1 (The Derp Brigade):

1 Edward

2 Leonardo

3 Nolan

4 Laura

5 Ilyana

6 Aran

7 Meg

8 Volug

9 Jill

10 Tauroneo

11 Zihark

12 Fiona

13 Tormod

14 Muarim

15 Vika

16 Nailah

Part 2 (part 2 Y U EXIST?):

1 Elincia

2 Marcia

3 Leanne

4 Nealuchi

5 Brom

6 Nephenee

7 Heather

8 Lucia

9 Mordecai

10 Lethe

11 Kieran

12 Astrid

13 Makalov

14 Danved

15 Calill

Part 3 (hax):

1 Titania

2 Soren

3 Mist

4 Rolf

5 Boyd

6 Oscar

7 Shinon

8 Gatrie

9 Rhys

10 Mia

11 Ranulf

12 Kyza

13 Lyre

14 Janaff

15 Ulki

16 Sigrun

17 Tanith

Part 4 (scrubs):

1 Skrimir

2 Naesala

3 Sanaki

4 Tibarn

5 Pelleas

6 Stefan

7 Oliver

8 Bastian

9 Volke

Endgame (bad):

1 Caineghis

2 Giffca

3 Kurthnaga

4 Ena

5 Renning

6 Nasir

7 Gareth

I suggest putting this separately into the list randomizer of random.org. Found here.

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I can pull this off with all 64 numbers once. The reason why is so that people don't have to send me 64 numbers four times. Since it seems to be harder to imagine than I thought, I'll illustrate this with a truncated string of numbers (1-16). Assume A-D is the drafting order (for my sanity).

A: 11   4  10   7  16  15  14   9   2   6   5  13   3  12   1   8
B:  8  13   5   2   6  12  15   1   9   4   7  11  16  14   3  10
C:  2  10  11   7  12  14   8   5   9   1   4  15   3  13   6  16
D:  6  11   2   3  16   8  14   7  13   4   5  15  12  10   1   9

Next, I'll randomize part of the unit list, and use 16 people for my illustration.

Unit list (original):

















Randomized list:

13 (Edward)

2 (Leo)

9 (Nolan)

10 (Laura)

5 (Elincia)

8 (Marcia)

12 (Nealuchi)

15 (Brom)

1 (Titania)

3 (Soren)

4 (Mist)

11 (Rolf)

16 (Skrimir)

14 (Naesala)

7 (Sanaki)

6 (Tibarn)

I have the player numbers in code tags, because the font in the tags is mono-width, so if I forget to delete a number, it will be painfully obvious.

With both lists, I start drafting. A gets the first number in his/her sequence out of 13, 2, 9, 10 (the part 1 units); in this case, it's 10 (third number), so he/she gets Laura. Everyone else has 10 removed from their list. Here's what the lists look like after the first random person has been picked:

A: 11   4   7  16  15  14   9   2   6   5  13   3  12   1   8 (Laura)
B:  8  13   5   2   6  12  15   1   9   4   7  11  16  14   3 
C:  2  11   7  12  14   8   5   9   1   4  15   3  13   6  16
D:  6  11   2   3  16   8  14   7  13   4   5  15  12   1   9

Next comes B. He/she will get the first number out of 13, 2, and 9. In this case, he/she gets Edward (13, second number). Here's what the list looks like after the second pick:

A: 11   4   7  16  15  14   9   2   6   5   3  12   1   8 (Laura)
B:  8   5   2   6  12  15   1   9   4   7  11  16  14   3 (Edward)
C:  2  11   7  12  14   8   5   9   1   4  15   3   6  16
D:  6  11   2   3  16   8  14   7   4   5  15  12   1   9

Next comes C. He/she gets the first of number 2 and 9. In his/her case, it's 2 (first number), so he/she drafts Leonardo. Player D can jump for joy, because he/she automatically gets Nolan. Here's what the list looks like after drafting for part 1 is over:

A: 11   4   7  16  15  14   6   5   3  12   1   8 (Laura)
B:  8   5   6  12  15   1   4   7  11  16  14   3 (Edward)
C: 11   7  12  14   8   5   1   4  15   3   6  16 (Leo)
D:  6  11   3  16   8  14   7   4   5  15  12   1 (Nolan)

Drafting for part 2 begins. Since it's snake-style, player D gets first choice. This time, I'm working with the number set of 5, 8, 12, 15 (see the character list in the spoiler tags). We start with D, whose first number is 8 (fifth number).

A: 11   4   7  16  15  14   6   5   3  12   1 (Laura)
B:  5   6  12  15   1   4   7  11  16  14   3 (Edward)
C: 11   7  12  14   5   1   4  15   3   6  16 (Leo)
D:  6  11   3  16  14   7   4   5  15  12   1 (Nolan, Marcia)

Repeat the process for C, B, and A. Here's what happens after part 2 has been drafted:

A: 11   4   7  16  14   6   3   1 (Laura, Brom)
B:  6   1   4   7  11  16  14   3 (Edward, Elincia)
C: 11   7  14   1   4   3   6  16 (Leo, Nealuchi)
D:  6  11   3  16  14   7   4   1 (Nolan, Marcia)

A gets to draft first again, and will use the part 3 number set (1, 3, 4, 11). Here's drafting after part 3:

A:  7  16  14   6 (Laura, Brom, Rolf)
B:  6   7  16  14 (Edward, Elincia, Titania)
C:  7  14   6  16 (Leo, Nealuchi, Mist)
D:  6  16  14   7 (Nolan, Marcia, Soren)

Drafting starts from D again, and here's what the lists look like after this sample draft is done:

A: (Laura, Brom, Rolf, Naesala)
B: (Edward, Elincia, Titania, Skrimir)
C: (Leo, Nealuchi, Mist, Sanaki)
D: (Nolan, Marcia, Soren, Tibarn)

If the drafting for a part ends in the middle of the player list (say, it ends with drafter C, going backward), then drafting for the next part will begin with the next player (drafter B).

That's how I intend on drafting with a single set of numbers. The code tags will be epic.

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Thanks, PKL~!

Quint and Folgore Green need to send me a list. Hope Green does so before the Folgore FE11 draft finishes~!

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Just received Quint's. Now. . .do you guys want me to wait for Green, or should I draw up a randomized list for him?

You'd rather randomize it for everyone

Go randomize it

EDIT: And let the shuffles begin!

Edited by Quintessence
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