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[FE10] Another RNG Draft

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I think in general I have the worst team, but I'm not complaining, especially because this is easy mode, and everything is at least fairly good in easy mode.

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I think in general I have the worst team, but I'm not complaining, especially because this is easy mode, and everything is at least fairly good in easy mode.

Nah, you have Titania. The worst team award goes to me or Nano.

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Nah, you have Titania. The worst team award goes to me or Nano.

But I'm saying, in general, as in all around. Titania is great, but I don't think her alone saves my team.

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But I'm saying, in general, as in all around. Titania is great, but I don't think her alone saves my team.

You do also have Volug and Nealuchi. Stats and levels are always fixable (especially on EM), it's the mobility that is forced upon you.

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1-P 3 turns

Wow, so few enemies. In order to 3-turn Micaiah has to crit on turn 1 (4%), Eddie has to crit the right bandit on turn 2 while sustaining damage (~14%), and on turn 3 he will proc str and have barely enough damage to kill the boss. What with the boss's HP, it almost feels like they deliberately set up this chapter to be 3-turned. Expect less and less low-chance events happening as I progress to longer chapters.

Btw, I'm playing this on Dolphin, which trades a bit of glitchy-ness for faster reloads. Also I don't need to worry about causing damage to my Wii or scratching my disc. The disc is in pretty bad shape already, sometimes it randomly black out during battle animations or promotions.

1-1 3 turns

Also picked Eddie here for better offense. The difference is not too big though. Fed the boss kill to Leo. All my hopes are on you buddy. No pressure, but you are gonna have to slay tigers by the dozens and kill Ike, all with virtually no backup.

1-2 5 turns

Rout? I'm seeing a pattern here, the game is clearly trying to introduce us to different objectives. I picked Nolan here for 2 range and better durability and had just barely enough firepower to take down everything. Micaiah got the Thani and Sothe got the drop. Wind edge is skipped since no one can use it, and the extra key may help come 1-E. Leo is coming along nicely in speed. The other stats can be fixed with boosters, so I'm not too worried at this point.

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1-P - 4 turns

You know...Edward actually failed to get into wrath range. Hell, he didn't get hit once. And then he landed a ridiculous non-wrathcrit on the boss. bro

1-1 - 3 turns

Nolan punches through everything and kills the boss on turn 3 EP.

1-2 - 4 turns

Nolan OHKOs myrms and the good thing about easy is that Laura doesn't have to do anything. Nolan kills the ledge dude with the hand axe and proceeds to rape every other thing on the map. gg. Miccy starts to orko starting here, she kills the soldier near the chokepoint and then goes up the ledge and dodges bows. She nukes the boss because lol iron lance. Got the drop.

1-3 - 4 turns

I'm absolutely certain I can get a 3 turn, but I just need another unit to open the door. >__> Maybe I could get 3 turns if I went left, but meh.

1-4 - 5 turns

Sothe takes the right side by himself and Miccy/Aran take the other side. Aran, tanking tigers since 1-4.

1-5 - 4 turns

Forged Sothe an inventory full of +2/3 MT knives because EM enemies don't need max MT forges to be killed. Micaiah goes up top and ORKOs those soldiers. Aran goes to the middle, and Sothe goes right with knives. He was shoved by Volug since he's free so he could get to the enemies faster. Volug picks up the master seal.

1-6-1 - 4 turns

Resolvecaiah goes up to where the armors are, Sothe and Aran goes left. Those stationary armors threw me for a loop, but they were dealt with swiftly.


You get crappy iPhone pictures because I'm lazy. Micaiah got a dracoshield and the robe, Aran got the energy drop because my brain stopped working.

1-6-2 - 3 turns

hrrrrnnng I think I could've gotten a 2-turn, but the boss refuses to cooperate and the enemy motions are quite different than that of NM. So, yeah.

Edited by CR-S01
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1-3 3 turns

I guess my insight was wrong after all. If they really wanted to show all the objectives this one should be escape, but they did a weird kill boss...

Leo and Micaiah broke the door on turn 2 for Sothe to grab an easy 3-turn clear. I recruited Aran just because I can.

1-4 5 turns

Made a crit forge for Leo because I don't have enough fire power for this map. The lack of melee units is really frustrating.

Everyone went north, with Sothe doing most of the work. I got both chests and Leo took a few tries to nab the beastfoe. Since Leo can't melee without silly crossbows, beastfoe is probably gonna help me more than the 1 turn I could have maybe saved. 4-turn would require like 3 crits, so it's not even that doable anyway.

1-5 4 turns

How I wish Leo is not an archer... This is arguably his best map yet and he still sucks.

Everyone went south because I couldn't get enough hands to manage both the south and the middle platform. Jill is super strong on easy anyway and can wipe out all the enemies easily. The downside is that I missed out on a ton of exp.




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1-6-1 4 turns

Cutting it close here, Sothe almost cannot kill one of the armors. I also gave the robe to Miccy for Resolve offense, because it sure beats out whatever Leo is doing, which is nothing. I might as well be playing without drafts, because every chapter's MVP is a free unit (this goes for the whole of part 1).

1-6-2 3 turns

I can get Sothe into the range of the boss on turn 2, but he doesn't attack for some reason. I guess he only activate if you go up the ramp? Resolve Miccy is pretty clutch here as well, while Leo failed to double the ballista archer. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

1-7 6 turns

Miccy lead the charge, while Leo and Sothe did some shoving. Tormod & co. are ignored. Sothe had to crit the boss with beast killer, which is actually quite easy with 20+ displayed crit.

1-8 6 turns

That draco is such a huge pain... Not only can I not reach him easily, he also has huge range so it's difficult to get the forced units outside his range. Anyway, Miccy went left with Rafiel's help, Sothe went right and Leo bottom. Leo had to dodge some of the hits from the bottom reinforcements, but overall it's not too hard. The draco eventually canto'd into Sothe's range and got sniped.

1-9 4 turns

Here is what I did:

1. B2W, M3N

2. B1S2W, M1N

3. B1E, M1E

4. M2S

I'm still not sure what the trigger for Jarod is. You have to reach the left side of the map? His spot must be dark? Certain amount of enemies must be destroyed?

1-E 6 turns

Leo got Bexp'd to 20 and sealed. He then equips Paragon. Sothe equips Pass and Savior. Pass didn't actually matter, but It may come in handy in 3-12. Ilyana is carrying over Celerity, Brave Sword and stuff to sell. I probably don't need the Adept in GM (there are only three units, of Which Ike and Gatrie should one round just fine), whereas Leo may desire it at some point.

Sothe rescues Micaiah and rushed for the throne. She is dropped outside the door on turn 4. The door is opened on turn 5, and Sothe crits Jarod on turn 6. He has 29 speed now due to all the Bexp 'slowplay' he is getting. Can't believe I just said that. EM is kinda refreshing.

Leo only managed to open the speedwing chest. While not pulling his weight due to the lack of crossbows, he is certainly getting some nice level ups. Not as nice as Micaiah though, this is the first time I have ever seen her getting 18 speed in tier one, or anywhere close (with no reset abuse of course).

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Drafted units: Lucia, Makalov

2-P 8 turns

I guess it's really 9 turns? I'm not really sure how to interpret that rule.

2-1 5 turns

Brom went to pick up the steel axe, then engaged Ludveck. Neph recruited Heather. I can't use her, but the Pass should be helpful. Not very sure about this chapter, maybe finishing it in ~3 turns with some sort of wraith crit is a better idea than recruiting Heather.

2-2 3 turns

Finally a map where I actually have the best unit drafted!NewYearsEmoticon.gif

I picked Nealuchi to be free unit. I went through the rules and there is nothing against using Heather for vision, plus I can shove her with other undrafted units, so that's all the scouting covered. Basically Nealuchi picked out three or so units in the way, and Lucia critted the boss with the Wind Edge.

2-3 5 turns

Geoffrey got bumped to .99 and gained str on the way, allowing him to one round the boss with Brave Lance. Makalov cleared out one key unit blocking the way and also killed the speedwing halb on the last turn after gaining enough speed to double.

2-E 2 turns + 4 penalty

The one-turn strat doesn't work, so I used Haar instead of Elincia.

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1-7 - 5 turns

Savior!Sothe carries Miccy to the throne and Aran clears some enemies out of the way, like a ledge mage.

1-8 - 4 turns

Nailah is amazing. Remind me to draft her again. Pretty much all I needed to do here. Celerity!Sothe, Resolvecaiah, the usual.

1-9 - 4 turns

I think 3 turns is possible, but I don't know what enemies trigger Jarod in EM. I think it's that soldier in the corner, but I'm not too sure.

1-E - 5 turns

Much easier than normal. Savior!Sothe and Nailah ferry up Miccy and Rafiel while the BK hangs out with Aran, killing ledge enemies and other things. Aran just uses this map for self-improvement, not that he really needs any. Ilyana takes the brave sword, blue gem, seraph robe, Ashera icon, celerity, adept. I'll transfer savior over with Zihark or Jill in 3-7. Nailah gets the bosskill like the BAMF she is.


2-P - 8 turns

Elincia took the bosskill for teh lulz and he ended up with 5 turns worth of paralysis. Marcia gave her lances to Leanne for Neph, Haar gave his javelin to Leanne, and Marcia took Haar's axes and the new shiny short axe for Kieran.

2-1 - 2 turns

Actually, this would've been 3 turns, but biorhythm and other things influenced this. For this to work, Brom has to shove Neph on turn 2 so that she can reach the boss. Neph attacks and lands a stupid ~8% chance crit. I didn't reset for this, I promise. For some reason, the soldiers near the boss didn't move and nothing else but the boss attacked Neph, and the boss missed on EP, leaving her to wrathkill the boss.

2-2 - 3 turns

Hell yeah, another bosskill objective. The only people that charge forward are Neph and Mordy, who is my free unit. He smites/shoves Neph and Leanne vigors them. Neph wrathkills the boss, with 3 HP left. :newyears:

2-3 - 5 turns

Rush to the throne, got a speedwing on the way



right before 2-E, and I have 2000 BEXP to spare

hell yeah

Now I'm trying to figure out how to do this for 2-E. I kind of want to try doing this on foot, with Nephinel. :smug: No penalties then, but it's going to take just as long. :awesome:

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Whoa micaiah's str is clearly RNG aboosed :smug:. Too bad she cant use mothufucking Axes unlike battle clerics!

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