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Is this game JP only or will it come to the west?

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so there's nothing to say that Reggie wasn't mistaken.

He is the President and COO of Nintendo of America. I'm pretty sure if there's one person you can expect to get it right, it's the guy running the show.

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well, that was sucky

Paper Mario 3DS was the only thing that even caught my eye. . . and it seemed alright. . . just needs more partner gameplay.

no Bravely Default info, and FE13 will probably either be a missed title here in the US, or sloppy seconds from NoA.

man, E3 was a bummer this year.

*edit* if those tweets are true, how badly do they think FE would do here if they wouldn't include it in the big announcement with their DLC and digital market related presentation section?

Edited by StrategistPockystix
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He mistakenly revealed the message in conversation with Kotaku's Stephen Totilo immediately after the Wednesday 3DS software showcase, and only realized the information wasn't in the press kit until afterwards.

So it wasn't listed in the "Games coming in 2012 to 3DS" even though he slipped.

Well... that means it's gonna be here in 2013.

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That is all.

Speaking of Castlevania, that Castlevania game doesn't look so good... I'm going to miss dem 2D sprites

Edited by Kramgnauh
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I'm pretty sure if there's one person you can expect to get it right, it's the guy running the show.

Perhaps. But just because one person is at the top doesn't mean he's aware of every single going-on, or that he couldn't possibly have confused it for another game due to all the games being mentioned constantly during E3.

I'd like to be hopeful and optimistic. Unfortunately, I've gotten my hopes up for games that "will almost definitely" be localized, only to have those hopes dashed when the games are no-shows.

If Nintendo has any intention to release the game, they'll bring it up at some point anyways if only to mention a release date, so there's no point in automatically assuming this to be true after an otherwise-disappointing E3. If Nintendo doesn't have the intention and Reggie made a mistake (after all, he's only beorc human), then so many people will have gotten their hopes up from these circulating news stories just to have them crushed yet again.

It's not that I'm being pessimistic, it's just that I'm being cautious.

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So ... it IS coming to NoA, then?

Maybe... though possibly next year...

Edited by Kramgnauh
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Darn it, I totally thought I would freak out and jump for joy and scream when I found out. But, right now something is holding me back. Guess I'm not completely convinced. :\

Maybe it'll kick in later.

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