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A tsunami of questions

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I don't own the game, but my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I have multiple questions that I hope can be answered.

Can Backup skills stack when using the command?

Does the dark blessing skill apply to other classes(Such as physical ones)?

How do you determine Mark's Hair Color?

Is it possible to raise Sumia to Lv 15 Dark Pegasus so Lucina can get lightning speed?

Why is Mark called Mark(M)/Mark(F)? Why is there not a female name for him?

Is there a mode similar to the creature campaign from Sacred Stones?

I have heard there is a 99 character limit. Does this mean I can't get all the characters(DLC/Spotpass)?

What is the highest number of inactive skills that a character can hold?

How many items can a character hold at once?

Would you say Lightning speed is the best skill in the game?

Is grandmaster a good class, or should I reclass MU?

Is there a limit to the number of items you can buy from traveling merchants?

How much money is available? Do I need to buy the DLC pack that includes a lot of money as a reward?

Thank you in advance.

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Does the dark blessing skill apply to other classes(Such as physical ones)? I think so. Apparently not.

How do you determine Mark's Hair Color? It's always the same as MU's partner.

Is it possible to raise Sumia to Lv 15 Dark Pegasus so Lucina can get lightning speed? Yes.

Why is Mark called Mark(M)/Mark(F)? Why is there not a female name for him? Probably to keep with Blazing Sword, where it was the default name for the female tactician. As for why it happened in that game, it's probably because everyone knows girls don't play video games.

How much money is available? Do I need to buy the DLC pack that includes a lot of money as a reward? From what I've heard, there's plenty. You might need to buy it in Lunatic, though.

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I don't own the game, but my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I have multiple questions that I hope can be answered.

Can Backup skills stack when using the command?

Does the dark blessing skill apply to other classes(Such as physical ones)?

How do you determine Mark's Hair Color?

Is it possible to raise Sumia to Lv 15 Dark Pegasus so Lucina can get lightning speed?

Why is Mark called Mark(M)/Mark(F)? Why is there not a female name for him?

Is there a mode similar to the creature campaign from Sacred Stones?

I have heard there is a 99 character limit. Does this mean I can't get all the characters(DLC/Spotpass)?

What is the highest number of inactive skills that a character can hold?

How many items can a character hold at once?

Would you say Lightning speed is the best skill in the game?

Is grandmaster a good class, or should I reclass MU?

Is there a limit to the number of items you can buy from traveling merchants?

How much money is available? Do I need to buy the DLC pack that includes a lot of money as a reward?

Thank you in advance.

I'll answer the ones I can.

Mark's hair color will be the same as whomever you marry to My Unit.

It is probably only possible on Normal Mode to get Sumia to that high of a level by the end of chapter 12. You'd have to focus on her a lot and it would probably come at the expense of your other characters gaining EXP unless you buy many skirmishes. Usually when Lucina joins, my characters have only recently promoted so it'll take work to be promoted lv 15 by then.

I believe they kept the name Mark for male or female to make the connection to Fire Emblem 7. That's the only reason I see for it - it's a cute easter egg.

There is no creature campaign mode, but you can freely travel the map, do DLC chapters, fight SpotPass teams, and participate in skirmishes on the map as it appeared right before the final chapter even once you beat the game.

Yes that means you means have to be somewhat picky about which SpotPass characters/ DLC characters you want to have on a file. The unit limit is 69 I believe. However, you can save up to 99 MU characters (which includes SpotPass / DLC) in a separate register where they can be hired for a price in a different file.

I don't believe there is a limit to the number of inactive skills a character can have.

Characters have 5 item/weapon slots.

Yes, I think Lightening Speed is the best skill in the game.

Grandmaster is a fine class, as it is balanced in everything, but if you want MU to excel at any stat spread, you should probably reclass him/her. Otherwise he or she will be a balanced fighter, which isn't the worst thing in the world.

Traveling merchants only sell 3 special items at a time, and you can only buy one of each item and then that merchant will disappear. More merchants always appear later though.

I always end up with a lot of money by the end of the game. 50000-70000 available funds at the endgame. But it really depends on your buying patterns... I bet people who try to train more than 14 characters in a fie (which is my personal limit) will burn through more cash, but there seems to be enough to satisfy most needs. Just try to kill all the enemies that hold money and open all of the chests. To me the money DLC chapter is not worth it, but it may be worth it to you if you somehow end up low on funds.

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Can Backup skills stack when using the command?

I asked this in Othin's thread, and the answer I got was "yes".

If you mean Strength Cry + Defense Cry for a +4 str/def buff command, that is.

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I have a question as well. Are the children units just like having lots of quasi-Ests? None of them seem to come promoted and Chapter 14 seems fairly late in the game to be getting heaps of unpromoted characters, with some of them coming as late as Chapter 18. The site doesn't list any base stats and I'm too afraid to sift through Othin's thread for fear of even more spoilers.

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I have a question as well. Are the children units just like having lots of quasi-Ests? None of them seem to come promoted and Chapter 14 seems fairly late in the game to be getting heaps of unpromoted characters, with some of them coming as late as Chapter 18. The site doesn't list any base stats and I'm too afraid to sift through Othin's thread for fear of even more spoilers.

I think they all come at level 10, so, no, not really.

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Regarding characters, you can have 20 bonus characters on your active team. There will ultimately be 49 regular characters available, so yeah, 69 total.

As for Cry skills, yes, they stack. If you have a single character with both Strength Cry and Rainbow Cry, they can use one turn to give nearby allies +8 Str and +4 to other stats. You can't stack Strength Cry with Strength Cry or Rainbow Cry with Rainbow Cry, but you can stack Strength cry with Strength Cry, and you can activate every Cry skill a single character has all at once.

Personally, with all of this in mind, I'd say Rainbow Cry comes as a very close rival to Lightning Speed for the title of best skill in the game. Which is better tends to be situational, but they're both fantastic.

I have a question as well. Are the children units just like having lots of quasi-Ests? None of them seem to come promoted and Chapter 14 seems fairly late in the game to be getting heaps of unpromoted characters, with some of them coming as late as Chapter 18. The site doesn't list any base stats and I'm too afraid to sift through Othin's thread for fear of even more spoilers.

They all join at LV10 unpromoted, with very high stats for a character at that level. And of course you have the option to promote them immediately. They start out a bit behind, but they're very usable.

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Wait, so Dark blessing does work with physical classes? Like, could a myrmidon use dark magic?

No. It allows any class with a Tome rank to use dark magic, but not others. DLC Micaiah with Dark Blessing reclassed to Myrmidon cannot equip Nosferatu; I'm looking at my game right now with that exact scenario.

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Sorry if this is stealing the topic, but if you have multiple cry skills at your disposal ( I.e MU with rainbow, strength, and defense cry, can you use all the from the command, or does your turn end when you activate one?

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Sorry if this is stealing the topic, but if you have multiple cry skills at your disposal ( I.e MU with rainbow, strength, and defense cry, can you use all the from the command, or does your turn end when you activate one?

Yes, you can. The Backup command activates all Cry skills the character has.

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I have one more question. I know plot wise Krom has to marry by a certain chapter for "certain" reasons, but what about other characters. I was looking on the in-depth character charts, and noticed most of the beginning characters could only support with themselves. Sumia only has 5 potential husbands, but Mirirel has 10 something. Is it because Sumia has limited supports, or does she have a plot marriage?

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I have one more question. I know plot wise Krom has to marry by a certain chapter for "certain" reasons, but what about other characters. I was looking on the in-depth character charts, and noticed most of the beginning characters could only support with themselves. Sumia only has 5 potential husbands, but Mirirel has 10 something. Is it because Sumia has limited supports, or does she have a plot marriage?

Other characters can wait as long as they want. Sumia is just weird: the rest of the main "Gen 1" cast can all pair with each other.

The later characters either don't have normal pairings, only being able to pair with MU, or are children characters, being able to pair with each other but not having kids that way. Or like the others, they can pair with MU and have Mark for time screwery.

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Krom and Sumia are the Official Couple (in that he has highest priority with her).

I'm not sure priority actually exists.

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Thanks. I just ask because I want all possible characters to have lightning speed(It seems amazing), and I wanted to know if I had other options.

Well, unless you marry her to Krom or MU, the only person she'll pass it on to is Cynthia, and Female Mark could always reclass to dark peg no matter what anyway. And excluding Soiree, all Lucina's potential mothers have the class in their class sets anyway...

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And if you go with female MU, she can pass it to male Mark, if you wait that long. Same story with Olivia, Liz, and Mariabel: they can all pass it to their sons, but again, that'll require waiting a while to get levels for all of them before playing the sidequest where you recruit the kids. Note that the kids inherit the last skill from each parent, and inheritances are set the first time you go to the sidequest. If you leave and go back later, they'll still have the skills they got the first time.

Like Cynthia, Selena always has Pegasus Knight as a reclass option. As for Degel, Noire, and Unn, they'll inherit Pegasus Knight as an option if their parents are paired with Gaia, Donny, or male MU. So the only kids who can't potentially have the skill are Loran, Jerome, and Chambray.

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So, I've been putting together the pieces of the plot, and basically...

Alright, the story starts when Perezia is about to invade Iris, and the early part of the story is dealing with then, when suddenly the Varm Empire invades, and then Krom and his forces fight them off, even going to the continent, but eventually, they learn Fauder is behind everything, so they go back to face him, Inverse, and later Gimle

Is that about right?

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