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What are your favourite and least favourite biorhythm types?


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I really hate Jill's type 4. So much fluctuation, and every time you need to get in a skill activation it always seems to be on worst.Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

My favourite is type 6 (Haar).None of that dodgy 'worst' business, consistent performance is the best. Micaiah's Type 1 is also good, the peak is so long you can actually manipulate it and get a very long payoff, and because you can see the trough coming you won't plan the chapter strat around the unit triggering skills on key enemies.

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I would say type 1 too, because you can somehow end up with best bio for Miccy in the chapters that matters, but have her in worst bio when she's in someone's saddlebags.

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I hate type 3, because I really don't like being in good only to suddenly drop all the way to low biorhythm. The fluctuation is just... awful. As for favorite, I'd say type 6.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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I love Micaiah's bio except in like, 3-12. I also love reliable bios like marcia's and neph's. I also love Rolf's because its like, always in best when i need it to be. I tend to hate soren's bio early on because it fluctuates wayyyyyy too much (after he promotes with BEXP in drafts, he murders anything in any bio so meh, i just hate it when hes tier 2) I also hate laura's...god laura's is awful.

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Type 2 and Type 6.

Neither of them go to Worst and thats nice. :B

The downside is they never go to Best.

Soren and Jill's can be a real pain in the fanny because it peaks and dips so low. Luckily the dips are only for one or so turn. But that can hurt and really screw things over.

Omg Type 7. That explains Meg's first and second tier problems... Duwagh. Type 5 can be really unkind too.

Edited by Florina
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I love Micaiah's bio except in like, 3-12. I also love reliable bios like marcia's and neph's. I also love Rolf's because its like, always in best when i need it to be. I tend to hate soren's bio early on because it fluctuates wayyyyyy too much (after he promotes with BEXP in drafts, he murders anything in any bio so meh, i just hate it when hes tier 2) I also hate laura's...god laura's is awful.

Bold: Laura and Rolf have the same biorhythm type.

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Bold: Laura and Rolf have the same biorhythm type.
Derp. Well, i find laura tends to be in worst bios when i need her to be in good/best (like all 7 turns of 3-6 and the 3 of 3-12), while Rolf's is best when i want him to kill stuff.
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Derp. Well, i find laura tends to be in worst bios when i need her to be in good/best (like all 7 turns of 3-6 and the 3 of 3-12), while Rolf's is best when i want him to kill stuff.

Okay. I personally say type 3 really sucks though.

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Favorite: Type 8!

No bad! No worst! No screwing up my hit chances. No good or best, but I rather have consistency. Of course, no one playable gets it. Damn.

Least: Errr... any of them that goes to worst.

Also, Type 9 cheats! It goes to best but not to worst.

Edited by Gryz
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I like type 1 and 7, since you stay in best for so long. When your herons can boost you to best, you get the most out of the boost. Of course, before that point a.consistent bio is better.

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I usually don't pay much attention to biorhythm either.

But when I go to attack an enemy and see unusually bad hit. I check the status screens and...

Blue unit: Worst

Red unit: Best

Me: Arrrrrgghhhh!!!

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Type 3 for units like Boyd that resist hits (at least physical dmg), but that bio in sucky units like Lyre is just terrible, as well as to Heather. I don't like Type 2, maybe cause I don't like the bio, in certain chapters, of units such as Tauroneo, Pelleas, Leonardo, Marcia and Nephenee. Type 1 is good but when you're in worst omg, defendCaiah! I don't like Type 4. Type 5 and 6 are good though. The thing is basically, how their bio is in key chapters, where you depend awfully on a unit.

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I usually don't pay much attention to biorhythm either.

But when I go to attack an enemy and see unusually bad hit. I check the status screens and...

Blue unit: Worst

Red unit: Best

Me: Arrrrrgghhhh!!!

Yeah same story for me. Im like "biorhythm exists? lol whatevs." *enemy hits unit with a 12% chance. Me checks Biorhythm* "BALLS!!!"

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I tend to check bio waaaaay too much. Its a habit for me now in drafts. I remembered i also hate another bio: Elincia. Holy flying horses why did her bio have to be bad (and worst in EP) in 2-E turn 1? Why cant she just have 21-31% instead of 11% chance to stun ludveck? Makes me waste 3 BEXP levels. >:( It would actually be somewhat reliable to stun ludveck if she had better bio. Dont know the exact math, but 21-31% chance in 4 attacks is pretty good i think.

Edited by PKL
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Yeah, Elincia's bio on 2-E is probably the most important one in the whole game. If it goes to worst on EM, doesn't that mean she has 1% stun chance? Even in 4 hits that's only about 4%.

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I would definitely prefer type 1 and 7 they seem to be reliable in case when you need them and when the Herons are involved well... Performance Party time.

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