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Wait, so... No one likes Marth?


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I just not a keen fan on him. All of the other lords could actually beat him in a fight now (I bet).

My favorite Lord has to be Roy or Leaf. Have not played either game yet but they both look awesome and the Lords have bundles of personality and are just awesome.

Least Favorite Lord- Marth. Not intresting anymore.

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Marth is a likely decent character who had the misfortune of being caught in three games which didn't do a particularly good job of demonstrating and developing him (or anyone else) characterways... Had FE1/3/11 been better-written (and/or his portrait in FE11 hadn't been really odd-looking), he could've turned out much more favourably. Immediately following Ike, aka seemingly everyone's favourite, as the next main character for the majority of the audience probably also hurt his perception because he draws an inevitable comparison with that predecessor.

I agree with this. :3

Quite honestly, I don't care much for Marth, but I feel like I could if only his character was written better. Even though many of the lords appear to have very similar personalities on the surface, subtle traits and little nuances help to differentiate them and make them into unique individuals. (Example: Eliwood goes out of his way to avoid violence to the point of detriment, Ephraim is sometimes considered a glory-hound, etc.) With Marth, I've just never been able to get a good sense of his character and figure out what makes him tick, if that makes sense. He just doesn't come to life the way the other lords do. Because of that, I find him to be a one-note character who's a little unmemorable, and as Starwave said, the type of character that I only pay attention to out of respect. Still, I think there must be something there, given that Nintendo keeps using him over and over again.

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Eliwood isn't one dimensional? I've never found him to be a better written character than Marth.

Edited by Refa
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Eliwood isn't one dimensional? I've never found him to be a better written character than Marth.

Well, Eliwood has support conversations that open up more aspects of his character. Such as: he doesn't eat when he gets worried (Lowen); he does not seem to believe much in titles and does not worry about class/cultural differences (Fiora, Lyn), he has a fun side in which he teases those closest to him (Hector), and he's a bit of a hopeless romantic (Ninian). He's also a strong character who doesn't let personal tragedy keep him from doing the things that he must do.

Compare that with Marth who ... is pretty much one of the few characters who get lines often but still isn't as well developed. He didn't want to make a sacrifice just so he could escape, and he felt that he was a coward in the prologue. But I don't really see him display emotion as the other lords do. Eliwood's anger towards Nergal and his sadness at losing those he loves; Ephraim and Eirika wanting to save Lyon and eventually accepting that he's too far gone; Ike's fury when the BK first slays Greil and his desire for revenge.

The thing is that Marth doesn't really show emotion in his words. He doesn't get any specific boss quotes either, so no hint of how he reacts to the things the bosses say and have done.

(Note that I am talking about FE11 Marth.)

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Many reasons to dislike Marth:

- First appears in a game with bad gameplay and terrible script. FE11 made the gameplay a bit better, but it still sucks. FE12 wasn't released overseas;

- Has no personality. His only shred of "personality" is the one given to him to fulfill his role as the Main Hero in the game;

... Ok, they're not many, but they still count a lot to me.

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I like Marth. In FE3, he had that childlike innocence, especially regarding Sheeda. He's not a general, he's a prince! Still, both Malladeus and Jeigan treated him like a moron. FE11 made him too manly!

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Marth's personality in SD is seen during the Prologue and Chapters 16 and 17. In NM, he gets an amazing conversation with Caeda.

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Well, Eliwood has support conversations that open up more aspects of his character. Such as: he doesn't eat when he gets worried (Lowen); he does not seem to believe much in titles and does not worry about class/cultural differences (Fiora, Lyn), he has a fun side in which he teases those closest to him (Hector), and he's a bit of a hopeless romantic (Ninian). He's also a strong character who doesn't let personal tragedy keep him from doing the things that he must do.

That doesn't actually make him not a one dimensional character. Well, in and of itself anyways, it does help. Eliwood at the beginning of the game? Same as the Eliwood at the end of the game. No change going on for him, hence what I said. Like stuff happens, but when all's said and done, Eliwood is still basically the same person who hasn't really been changed by any of the experiences he's went through.

Edited by Refa
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I think he's a pretty cool guy, eh kills dragons and doesn't afraid of anything.

Seriously though, Marth is decent. He would be better if his character were more fleshed out, but I have nothing against him. And besides; pants are for sissies!

I love so much when Lyn slashes Marth in SSBB gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Quirky little crack pairing/fetish you got there.

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And I'm sure the LTC players are very glad about that...

Damn straight I'm glad he isn't a General.

Marth is okay. I like how he's a bit down to Earth, but he doesn't have a lot of development IMO.

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That doesn't actually make him not a one dimensional character. Well, in and of itself anyways, it does help. Eliwood at the beginning of the game? Same as the Eliwood at the end of the game. No change going on for him, hence what I said. Like stuff happens, but when all's said and done, Eliwood is still basically the same person who hasn't really been changed by any of the experiences he's went through.

Being a developed character doesn't necessarily mean that one has to have a major personality change by the end of the game. If you already have a strong character then developing them into something else isn't always necessary. Sometimes showing their ability to stay true to themselves in the face adversity, or simply showing other sides of them to the audience is just as effective. I think the later is actually the best way to break a character out of a "one-dimension" mold, and Eliwood does that. We see him when he's happy, when he's sad, when he's furious, when he's bitter, etc. Whether you like him or not, it's hard to deny that he's multifaceted.

To phrase it differently, if nothing else, Eliwood is considerably more fleshed out than Marth, as are the other lords, which is the main point. You can drop Eliwood or Ike or Hector into a situation and have a pretty good idea of how they'll react, what they might say, and how they'll behave. Marth is more of a wild card. He's never really had enough dialogue or enough exposition in-game for us to get a clear sense of him outside of him being princely and heroic. I think what exists to fill in the blanks is a lot of popularized fanon and a lot of influence from Brawl and Melee. >o<

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Though I haven't played his games myself, I've heard from a friend that at one point in one of the games, Marth threatens to stick his sword down someone's throat, I assume when angered. That's always going to get points from me.

I kinda judge lords from a baseline of "how does following this guy's perspective compare to following Hector's," myself. Not sure how that'll end up reflecting on Marth, when I get to play his stuff.

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