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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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Now this is very interesting, and in fact now that you mention it, I would say it is highly likely. In the event of my proposed setup, Ike and Roy would share an option for their initial class branches, and they would be the only ones to do so. It is plausible that if IS is avoiding redundant classes, they would seek to avoid this, as well.

Paris's class looks like a Hero with a cape. Character map sprites tend to only have varying heads with consistent bodies, so that sounds like a new class, but a class that resembles Ike quite precisely. There is also the matter of his connections with Paris, who would be released immediately before Ike's announcement in this case. While I doubt Paris is Ike as we know him, I am sure there is some connection, which could raise Ike to the level of being important enough to get that class. It also fits with him as the last DLC character to join while Marth is the first, an interesting echo with their positions within the first ten games.

I don't think Aether is a concern, though. In other DLC maps, Ike shows up as a Hero with Aether, much like how other characters freely borrow Dual Attack+ and Charisma. Looking at Star Lord and Overlord, neither class seems to have any skills tied to it, and I suspect the same is true for Paris's class. If not, I still doubt it would have Aether as an overlapping skill, as other classes do not.

What may curious to note is that Paris himself should not have Aether. Looking at the other five secret characters, they seem to hold to the pattern of FE13's regular cast of not starting with skills from other classes, except in the event of children inheriting the skills from their parents. Valhart has Conqueror and Inverse has Dark Blessing, but those two skills are not tied to any classes, while Aether is. Of course, this then raises the question of what skills he would have. All playable characters join with some skill, so if Paris does not take skills from other classes, he would have to have some skill unique to himself like Valhart or to his class in general. And if he were to take skills from other classes, I suspect he would avoid the Lord skills because of the complicated inheritances. It's possible he might play by the same inheritance rules himself, though.

I wasn't aware that enemy Ike's had the Aether skill, so that answers that for me.

When you pointed out the parallels of Ike and Marth in the series, it makes me more confident that Ike will get a unique class based off of Paris'. Both he and Marth are the only FE Lords to be the primary heroes in their respective games despite Ike sharing the spot-light for his second title.

That is interesting. Paris definitely shouldn't have Aether as a personal skill if the other SpotPass characters are any indication at all. Guessing Paris' skills is something I'm not going to touch with a 10ft pole.

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Well, here's something curious to note. While the Lord skills Dual Attack+ and Charisma seem to get tossed around to anyone, Aether and Royal Weapon seem very restricted. In KvK, however, King Marth shows up with Royal Weapon, while in RvB, Ike shows up with Aether.

I'm not sure if this is really meaningful, as in LvD, King Marth is absent, but Prince Marth and Ephraim both use Royal Weapon. But LvD tosses around crazy skills to everyone anyway, so it may not count for much. If the remaining two RvB maps continue the pattern within the middle two map sets of having Ike as the only one with Aether and King Marth as the only one with Royal Weapon, that may be another interesting parallel between Ike and Marth.

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I do find it a little ironic that Miccy wore the least revealing and Eirika wore the most revealing attire out of the female lords in their own games, but here it's the opposite. o3o

*hugs Queen_Emelina* Thank you! ^^

^^' For what?

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Well, it's the FE12 artist. I can't expect less from him.

Okay I really like the FE12 art overall :V

It is really nice ^W^. I want to change my display name now ;3;Done. Too bad there is no Eirika badge.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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No, I didn't. You're thinking of an entirely unrelated argument you misinterpreted as usual.

The Split Anima thing? Because you kept saying that Fire, Thunder and Wind were weaposn types in Merged Anima games IIRC. But you say Dark isn't one here and those three have even less claim to the title.

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It is really nice ^W^. I want to change my display name now ;3;. Too bad there is no Eirika badge.

Considering it's "bride" Eirika Seth fits quite well

// is bludgeoned to death by all the people who don't like SethEiri

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The Split Anima thing? Because you kept saying that Fire, Thunder and Wind were weaposn types in Merged Anima games IIRC. But you say Dark isn't one here and those three have even less claim to the title.

You recall wrong. Stop making foolish distractions in this irrelevant thread. It was annoying enough arguing that with you once; I'm not going to go over it again.

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While I personally prefer Eirika/Saleh, I admit that Seth is most likely the best fit for Eirika's personality.

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I like SalehxEirika too, they're a cute couple but SethxEirika is my favorite ^^'. All of her pairings are nice, she's not an unlucky girl like Astrid.

EirikaxL'Arachel OTP

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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SethxHaar OTP ;W;. Who would wear the bride dress? I think Haar in a bride dress would look cute ^^'.

They'd fight each other for it.

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Shoulda gave this class to Elincia or Elice imo

Elice wasn't important enough to be DLC, and Elincia would have made even less sense.

It is also worth noting that Eirika out of the characters was particularly difficult to place within the existing classes, especially with Swordmaster unavailable. So certainly in terms of organizing the characters into suitable, unique classes, it makes sense as a way of fitting in Eirika, who I had thought wouldn't fit at all.

Edited by Othin
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It is also worth noting that Eirika out of the characters was particularly difficult to place within the existing classes, especially with Swordmaster unavailable. So certainly in terms of organizing the characters into suitable, unique classes, it makes sense as a way of fitting in Eirika, who I had thought wouldn't fit at all.

I also thought the same thing, since she didn't quite fit anywhere as there are more fitting swordmasters (Celice Serlis and Lyn) and mounted lords (Ephraim, Eliwood and Sigurd). I thought Eirika was going to be a Dark Knight or Bow Knight just to keep using swords and stay mounted.

I think Lyn would be a myrmidon since the attire is more fitting for her than the swordmaster one, but she might not have a DLC version since Eliwood is the obligatory Red in Red vs. Blue.

I haven't checked well in the web, but does someone know the colors/time of day of the King vs. King set? Also, is there any text confirming that LvD and RvB will also be sets of 3 aside just fitting a pattern? IS could just stop at this for now and then continue later on with other DLC, maybe once that WiiU FE gets released probably next year.

On Eirika's DLC, I like the art and the class just not the fact it's named Bride and is the female-only class while the guys get Demon/Magic Fighter. The implications that could have been avoided with a different word. Hopefully, Hector comes with a Groom class to avoid the rocket-equipped armor.

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