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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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Okay, so I got Subieko's claim. I think it's definitely possible, given what kinds of roles are present.


My one problem with it is that it's not likely to even be able to do much. I can appreciate the plan, but ehhhhhh.


I'm not going to see the hammer just yet. I'm sending this claim along to Prims, maybe he can do something with it.

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1) I did so a while back actually. Hopefully he'll have me cleared so if there's any suspicion on me, it'll be squashed. It took me a little bit to actually understand how an SMS was supposed to be sent so I had to wait a little for a mod to answer my questions, so if you're wondering about the delay Prims that's why.

2) Subieko, like Nano, is new to the game. Keeping that in mind I kind of have a neutral read at her still at this point, and it kinda fluctuates between slightly town and slightly scum. I really don't like the flailiness of her posts and opinions on other people; she went from hounding Marth D1 to completely forgetting he existed D2. As the pressure has started to grow on her she's been having a hard time defending herself making things worse. I think she started off fairly well until that slip up, and that could be due to inexperience. But seeing as most of everyone in the game right now has been somewhat cleared I think we have no choice but to keep an eye on her.

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Okay, so I got Subieko's claim. I think it's definitely possible, given what kinds of roles are present.


My one problem with it is that it's not likely to even be able to do much. I can appreciate the plan, but ehhhhhh.


I'm not going to see the hammer just yet. I'm sending this claim along to Prims, maybe he can do something with it.

Wait what?

And does Prims even have any SMS's left? I sent him my claim and nano is supposed to send hers....

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Yeah, I just realized because I'm a derp

thankfully I was over character count so it didn't send.

Ignore that part, I'll just have to keep the claim to myself, unless it needs to go in thread.

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I sent my claim to Manix so Prims can have an extra slot if this kind of situation arises, so she should have a free slot right now.

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I already claimed in the thread on Day 1. If you need a refresher:

Dear BigBangMeteor, you are Gilgamesh


You are Heroic Spirit Gilgamesh, King of Heroes.

You are peerless in combat, with the limitless Noble Phantasms afforded you through Gate of Babylon. However your fatal flaw is hubris, so despite this you are still easily killed. However, when it is apparant that you are about to die you will fight back with everything you have. If killed at night, you will kill the person who attacked you. If lynched during the day, you will kill one random USER who voted for your lynch.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

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oh lol

I actually forgot about that

I'm so sorry.

And now that I think about it...here's a list:

Townie mcTown: Manix, Prims, Haze, BBM

Probable Townies: Psych, Subieko (from claim)

Scum by Elimination: Nano, Helios and Iris

Haze and BBM are quite likely town because of how many vigshots have been shown. I trust Subieko's claim for now, and if her claim doesn't work out tonight, it's lynch lynch lynch.

I'm going to throw this out here:

##Vote: Iris

I want to see something. I know you've been busy, but what are your thoughts?

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Well I sent mine quite a while ago, before Subieko's claim. I guess the hosts didn't see it or something.

I'll hold off on my opinions for now and see how my claims get responded first, as well as other suspects' defenses.

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there was a hosting error regarding nano's earlier SMS, as Rein didn't send it, though I thought they were up to date at the time and missed it.



well okay, Prims can still deal with it, either of us would have been fine.

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##Vote: Iris

I want to see something. I know you've been busy, but what are your thoughts?

Expanding on this because it's important. Iris has been lying low most of the game, and hasn't really been that memorable.

Iris, I'd like for you to claim in thread. Because I need something to go on. Depending on your claim, then maybe we'll deal in your targets (if any).

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My Scumlist atm, from towniest to most scummy.










Iris and nano both need to post more, and they both need to post good content. Haze also needs to post, but I think he's town.

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I received Subieko's claim at 10:57 AM AEST (our time). When did you send yours?

I did respond a little late to receiving the claim.

(on my lunch break, whee~)

My claim actually got to you a bit late; I went to bed after I sent it, and now I see in my PM that Rein thought it had too many words and then Ether sent it later.

I don't see much new in the thread aside from BBM's list of reads. I won't be checking back in until I'm home from work around 6:30 ish.

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##Unvote Subieko, Vote Iris

Because apparently she claimed, plus Iris is Lieris

Who did she claim to? I don't see her claim posted in the thread.

Also this thread is really quiet today. I'm going to do read a few people's posts in iso and then post thoughts.

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Okay, doing a response to BBM's reads list here to get some discussion going, because this thread is way too quiet. I already posted my own defense, so here's my thoughts on the rest of his bottom four.

Nano is still my top suspect and my pick for today's lynch. Her posts feel like noob!scum using newness as an excuse not to have opinions and therefore not get anyone suspicious of her.

Iris really needs to post more. Her posts have been infrequent, but they've had meaningful opinions and she has voted during both day phases so far. Plus I've almost never seen her actually in the thread so she's not active lurking like Strawman did; active lurking is scummier than just being MIA to me. At this point I'm neutral towards her and am more concerned with Nano. Still waiting for her claim as well, depending on how that goes I may pay more attention to her.

Next on the lurker list, Helios hasn't posted too much, but he's posted a good amount of opinions and has been voting and pressuring people, so he's not much of a suspect to me right now. He's also claimed to Prims, so tonight when Prims is un-silenced we'll know more about Helios.

So let's get back to Nano and why I want her lynched today. Of the posts Nano has made in this game--and I believe she has the least posts, based on my post searches--most are either questions about roles or saying she's confused. When she finally was badgered into giving opinions, her posts were either empty statements or saying she is confused and has no opinions. Examples:

I don't have any opinion... Everyone seems kinda trustworthy, but also suspicious.
I'm not MIA, just not sure what to say. Do I need to vote?
A lot of the logical reasoning in this thread






my head.

I'm so screwed.

Looking for sympathy and also making excuses for not having opinions. Playing the noob card, basically.

As for the questions about roles, most are pretty basic, but some are odd.

Yeah, I'm not sure how the finer details of these skills work. If a bodyguard is on a killer who kills the PGO, does the killer die?

This in particular strikes me as a very odd question for a newbie to ask. Why do you want to know how to protect someone who's killing the PGO?

Another odd post I caught on reread:

I would guess that there is some sort of redirect and shifted the silence to him.

This was about Paper being silenced, and was posted before Eclipse said she was redirected. Strikes me as odd that Nano suspected the existence of a redirector so early on.

When pressed to actually give opinions, during D2 Nano finally posted some.

My opinion on my message is that we should probably focus on the mafia for now. We may or may not have to deal with third party later on, but we definitely need to deal with mafia right now.

But this is merely echoing what Eclipse already said and brings nothing new to the discussion. It's another empty post masquerading as an opinion. Not to mention that this post was made in response to Prims asking for opinions about the other players. This is a truly epic refusal to have actual opinions.

I realise now that this is not the proper way to play the game, and I should be more aggressive with my votes. So...

##Vote: Marth

When Nano finally makes a vote, she piles onto the largest wagon--a very safe vote, and not at all aggressive or even especially useful.

Nano is pressed for opinions again, and produces this:

Well, we should lynch one target and and try to get more info out of the lynch, be it town or mafia or third party. Hopefully the other town members will have more info to share after the night and we can proceed from there in D3.

This is not so much an opinion as a general statement of how mafia works.

At the end of D2:

I must say everyone looks town-ish to me at this point and I'm really not sure where to go from here. I'm going to hold off my vote for today and see how things go tomorrow.

And I'm not going to bother defending my scum accusations unless there is actually anything reasonable.

No opinions, refuses to vote, refuses to defend any of her posts.

When pressed to actually put a vote down:

If I really need to vote now, I would vote

##Vote: Strawman

Following the leader with the player Prims had just said was suspicious. Also, note again the refusal to explain the vote or offer any further opinions.

Nano's posts can be summed up as: periodically comes in, says she's confused, refuses to have opinions or vote, leaves. This says noob!scum trying to lie low to me. The refusal to have opinions, the extremely safe, follow-the-leader votes (and making two votes in the whole game this far is bad in and of itself), the empty posts...time to lynch.

And time for me to go get food. I hope to see more people posting when I get back, c'mon guys.

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