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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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didn't we just prove that I have to be town if Helios was scum from your previous question

really Psych

I'd have half a mind to think you might still be scum trying to deceive us, but

...I totally forgot about that.

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The question needs to involve BBM, just saying

because I don't need to be proved, you probably can't ask about yourself because that would mean a direct alignment check, so the question pretty much has to involve me and BBM.

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Except if you ask if me and Subieko are the same alignment, you'll get No as an answer but won't know for 100% which of us is the mafia. Manix+Subieko/BBM seems best if Psych can't ask about himself.

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Yep, there's the hooker. Now all that's left is... the janitor. Hey Subieko, got anything to say?

Actions for tonight:

Manix on doesn't matter

Psych asking a question about alignment of BBM and Manix

BBM doesn't have an action

Subieko active on the mass!LR

yep, I think that's it.

revised. There are these possibilities:

Anyone but Subieko dies => lynch Subieko

Subieko dies, answer to question will be different, and we lynch BBM

If BBM is scum, we win

If BBM is lynch bomb, we have a 50/50 chance of winning

BBM, just to confirm: Your lynch bomb is random on the people that voted for you, right?

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revised. There are these possibilities:

Anyone but Subieko dies => lynch Subieko

Subieko dies, answer to question will be different, and we lynch BBM

If BBM is scum, we win

If BBM is lynch bomb, we have a 50/50 chance of winning

BBM, just to confirm: Your lynch bomb is random on the people that voted for you, right?

actually, a thought as I was going to sleep.

town can guarantee victory if only Psych votes for BBM tomorrow for the lynch. (if Subi isn't scum, that is). Because if BBM is lynch bomb, then only Psych could be killed, meaning me, the guaranteed town, will be the only one left alive, hence town wins, no matter what. And in order to prevent shenanigans at phase end, I'll be around to make sure that things don't go wrong (eg: rogue BBM voting Psych for a NL, pretty much indicates scum)

I'm assuming that majority isn't required for a lynch if that is the case at a phase end? (Hosts, please answer this question, I checked the rules and it wasn't in there.)

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actually, I missed the obvious one: BBM self-hammers instead of only Psych voting for him. then a majority is reached and he shouldn't be able to kill himself with his own lynch bomb, he'd be dead. hence, Psych dies if BBM is lynch bomb (town wins because I am the only survivor), and if BBM is scum, town wins anyway.

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There's a little kink in the plan. I just tried to send in my night action and well....

I can't use anyone I've already talked about or myself. SO I can't use Subieko, Manix, or Me. So I can't ask any of that. I may be able to ask if BBM is really a lynch bomb though, let me check.

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There's a little kink in the plan. I just tried to send in my night action and well....

I can't use anyone I've already talked about or myself. SO I can't use Subieko, Manix, or Me. So I can't ask any of that. I may be able to ask if BBM is really a lynch bomb though, let me check.

Paperblade already asked whether BBM's role that he posted in the thread was accurate. So...does that mean you can't ask about ANY of us?

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I can't ask about alignment between people I know.

So I guess not like that, and I guess not about BBM's role either then.

So I have no idea what I'm doing tonight.

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This is the role that he claimed earlier. I mean, he can still be a mafia with this role, but seeing as there is likely a Janitor...

You are Michael Roa Valdamjong, a vampire and a numberless Dead Apostle Ancestor. You became a vampire as part of your quest to gain immortality, but the other Dead Apostles see you as a heretic and wish to destroy you.

You are called the Infinite Reincarnator because of your power to reincarnate no matter how many times you die. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Reincarnating as USER" to choose them as your next reincarnation and you may use their power once during the following night phase by replying as if you were them. USER must be town aligned and they must be targeted the next Night phase after they die. However, because of the other Dead Apostles wish to destroy you, you proceed with caution and may only use this ability three times.

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Okay, think about it. It doesn't actually matter what question you ask, because either two things will happen:

Subieko is scum and doesn't have a mass!LR, and one of me or Psych dies. Lynch Subieko tomorrow.

Subieko is town and draws the NK to her. You and BBM vote BBM, town wins because I'm the only one left. If BBM is not lynch bomb, then Psych will also live.

Just use your announcer ability, since you never proved it.

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I'll see if I can ask about Subieko.

Though I have a feeling I may die tonight, as it would leave BBM and Subieko, both of whom are the most scummy for the other to help get a mislynch.

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come on Psych

Did you even read my post? Use your announcer.

Subi dies tonight => Psych and BBM Vote BBM, I don't vote. Town wins

Subi doesn't die tonight, lynch Subi the next day

Is it really that hard?

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Nobody is dead? Mafia idled their kill or Subieko is scum. But I know I'm not the scum, and if Manix is scum and Psych is not, then Psych would have said that Manix and Helios are the same alignment. If Psych is scum, then he could have pushed an easy mislynch yesterday after bussing Iris. ##Vote: Subieko

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This is the alternative that I was afraid of. Mafia had to have idled their kill. But one thing: Compare these flavors:

You head out to Psych's house, however your route takes you past one of the old churches in town. As you draw near, you sense tremendous disturbance. It's coming from Haze, standing atop one of the nearby lampposts. You abandon your mission, and spend the rest of the night protecting this church from anybody who approaches to meddle with his affairs, however you know better than to stick your neck out into any fight that seems like it might be lethal.

This was for when Haze used his LR. Now compare to the following:

You patrol your residence all night, determined to drive off anybody who would come by and try anything on you unless they were powerful enough to overwhelm and kill you.

I self-targeted.

You're going to love this part: I was told I was redirected to Haze. I wasn't redirected to Subieko. Hence, Subieko is lying about her role.

##Vote: Subieko


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[00:19:59] <Ether> Speaking of

[00:20:07] <Ether> One thing I want to do for postgame

[00:20:29] <Ether> Is write up all that flavour text that we lost out on due to my predicament

"Nooo, Soichiro!" The lynchmob gathered around the helpless Grecian. All she'd ever wanted was a happy life with somebody she loved. Jason had denied her that while alive, because as is the case with most Greek heroes he was well and truly a dick, and now these people were here to deny her again when she had been summoned as a Heroic Spirit? It was just too unfair!

Peering up from underneath the hood of her robes, she tried to figure out if the mob had bought her story, if she could somehow wriggle her way out of this one. They hadn't and she couldn't. Caught for the murderous scum she was, they hung her up on the gallows.

Subieko was lynched and was:

Dear Subieko, you are Caster


You are the spirit Medea, summoned into the Caster class.

You are a master of magecraft, your spells considered near True Magic to modern magi. You have a wide range of spells in your arsenal. However, you would not want your spells to become expected, and as such, will only use each one once.

-During the night you may reply "Night X - Eviscerate <USER>". You will perform the kill for your teammates, and using a massive magic spell, utterly destroy the target to the point where no one but you will be able to discern what they were. If you were to die, however, the information would come to light with your passing.

-During the night you may reply "Night X - Use Rule Breaker on <USER>". You will perform the kill for your teammates, and make use of your Noble Phantasm, the Rule Breaker. As such, no matter what abilities the target may have acting upon them, your kill will be guaranteed to go through.

-During the night you may reply "Night X - Lend my robes to <USER>". You will allow USER to wear your robes for the next day, and if USER were to be lynched, the shroud of the robe will cause it to fail.

-During the night, you may reply "Night X - Cast at <USER> from afar". You will perform the kill for your teammates using long-range magic, and as such, will not be seen exiting your base of operations.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if you achieve parity with the Town.

As she swung from her hemp necktie, a piece of cloth fluttered down to the ground. It was notes she'd taken on Prims before eradicating the whole neighborhood.

Prims was:

Dear Pride, you are Archer


You are Heroic Spirit Emiya, summoned in the Archer class.

Your primary class skill is Independent Action, which you intend to use to accomplish your own goals. Once per game, during the night, you may reply "Night X - Eliminate <USER>". You will kill <USER> using a Broken Phantasm.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Town has won, in addition to the Realists.

Full postgame coming later, when Ether has a power adapter and we can go over the details.

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