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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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Doing lists only for the sake of listing is dumb. If you think that you're gonna be offed the next night, and have faith that people will read backwards, then I think it's warranted.

Ok then, what's the guarantee that Subieko's gonna be dead next night? If not, I don't see why she should list post. Town wants to know who could likely be SCUM, we don't care much for stuff like "I think scorri is town" when almost everyone else will be of the same mind. Besides, what else do you want me to do, random vote another player? Or hop on to a wagon which has enough votes as is? Clearly its a waste of my time.

*rages at paper's links* I knew I shouldn't have spammedor joked around

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Subieko knows her role; I don't. Perhaps she has a reason to fear her own death, perhaps she doesn't.

Next, calm down. What are your thoughts on the rest of the game?

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Subieko knows her role; I don't. Perhaps she has a reason to fear her own death, perhaps she doesn't.

Next, calm down. What are your thoughts on the rest of the game?

Yes but Subieko list-posted because she thinks its normal to do so in a mafia game, not because she thought she was going to die next phase. Now her recent posts have been looking pro-town, I agree(especially the last one) but before that she wasn't exactly one I'd call a townie.

Oh yeah, I'm not pissed or anything. :P

I know I'm in the spot atm, but Paper is sorta doing what I'm doing(or did). He's voted for one more person than I did, but the point I'll emphasize on is that he's random voting too. Let's compare Paper's and Marth's votes:

Math: Random votes BBM, then votes Subieko based on gut feelings.

Paper: Random votes Nano, random votes Strawman(prolly based on inactivity), then votes Marth because my posts were 'off' (as I understand it, gut feelings)

Yeah, someone you want to keep an eye on. Did I forget to mention he's semi-agreeing with me on how dumb list-posting is?

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Because people who agree with you are scum

Inevitably, there will be agreement somewhere. If someone is agreeing with you on every single point, worry. ;/

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Your daily dose of votamins.

BBM [5]: Bluedoom, Pride, Haze, Manix, Blitz, Elieson, Kay

Marth [2]: eclipse, Paperblade

Blitz [1]: Manix, BBM

Elieson [1]: Iris

Bizz [1]: Elieson, Strawman

Nano [1]: Paperblade, Subieko

Pride [1]: scorri

Subieko [0]: Blitz, Bluedoom, Kay

Strawman [0]: Paperblade,

Kay [0]: eclipse, Manix

Paperblade [0]: eclipse, nano

eclipse [0]: subieko, Haze

Iris [0]: Paperblade

[spoiler=Old Votals]

BBM [3]: Bluedoom, Pride, Haze, Manix

Subieko [3]: Blitz, Bluedoom, Kay

Blitz [1]: Manix, BBM

Elieson [1]: Iris

Bizz [1]: Elieson

Strawman [1]: Paperblade,

Kay [1]: eclipse

Nano [0]: Paperblade

Paperblade [0]: eclipse, nano

eclipse [0]: subieko, Haze



##Unvote Bizz

##Vote BigBangMeteor


##Vote: Nano



##Vote: BBM

##Vote: Iris


##Vote: Kay



##Vote: bluedoom/Marth

##unvote ##vote Marth

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gonna metagame the crap out of this:

everyone off BBM. now. this is normal for townie!BBM. I suspect that maf!BBM (not that I've seen a maf!BBM before, iirc) would have reacted differently to this.

that is all. questions?

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I just felt it appropriate to note, that's all. Don't like it? Go ahead, I won't blame you.

Alternatively (@everyone on BBM), don't listen to me, and keep your vote there. I don't know in the least what he will flip.

again, I'm just metagaming the crap out of it right now

(also meaning I could easily be wrong)

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Let people decide how much they like the wagon. Ordering everyone off based on your metagame interpretation isn't the most sound logic.

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who are you to ask Pride?

Just a guy waiting for a chance to get past the crapshoot that is Day 1.

So uh, why the Manix vote? Was it his telling folks to hop off the BBM wagon? A mounting suspicion of yours? I'm probably just not paying attention but that was kinda out of the blue.

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So uh, why the Manix vote? Was it his telling folks to hop off the BBM wagon? A mounting suspicion of yours? I'm probably just not paying attention but that was kinda out of the blue.

I suspect it's exactly that, to jump off the wagon. To which I say fine, let it be that way.

If you don't want to jump off the wagon, fine, then don't. I just think that BBM will likely flip town, based on his reactions so far compared to other games.

(ie: don't listen to me if you want. You shouldn't take anything everyone says as the best plan of action, and that includes me)

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It was probably Manix's random announcement that people unvote BBM based on meta with no further justification. Or at least that makes sense to me, considering that I was thinking about doing the same thing. Doesn't look that bad though, really. Would be a pretty gutsy move as scum.

But since I also didn't notice how huge the BBM wagon was, and three votes ought to be enough to communicate that he should say things, ##Unvote (BBM)

Now, where to put my vote...

##Vote: Pride

You haven't done much besides snipe Blitzy's lack of obvious reasoning.

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Mainly because I had no input to offer. I have no hunches, I saw no tells, I don't follow some of the logic and suspicions flying around right now, etc

Only thing I'm confident on is what everyone else is, that Haze is looking like the only surefire town guy.

I certainly haven't added very much but my one vote, but hey, it looks like leaving that wagon on BBM is getting people to act strange, eh?

He comes to his own defense as best he can, day 1 being day 1, we push him on it, and just as pressure's falling off and Paperblade and eclipse start going after other people, Manix calls for folks to get off BBM. It doesn't look like a scum move to me, because like I said pressure was already falling off BBM, why call attention back to him? Then right away Capn' seems to have a problem with that, so from here I just wanna know why.

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Paper: Random votes Nano, random votes Strawman(prolly based on inactivity), then votes Marth because my posts were 'off' (as I understand it, gut feelings)

I voted you because it feels like you're fishing for information

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I voted you because it feels like you're fishing for information

huh? While the second link you provided might make me look kinda scummy, I still don't see how the first link makes me look like that. All it has is joke posts. :|

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