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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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That's what I said. :/ Maybe I should have exerted more confidence so people actually take what I say with any weight.

But yay the town won! Even though I didn't do anything. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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To be fair, you did do a lot better on D3, actually providing some solid arguments. If you had done that from the start, maybe you would have done better. Here's the thing: Sometimes, you just need to say what you think! If you can explain why you think that way, it's less likely to be taken as echoing/sheeping, and it starts helping town some more.

It's a learning experience, to be honest.

Edited by Manix
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Yeah I think I have a much better idea of how to play this game now. I was way too cautious and quiet, both in night actions and discussions.

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but that's only because everyone else pretty much wanted me to

there are some things you can't compromise

This is like the situation where I wanted to save myself and hence voted Kay but you went all "You wanted Kay lynched" even though that wasn't the case.

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And now that I look over it, Helios was the main advocate for not lynching Iris.

I feel so stupid now.

Hey now I was making decent arguments to lynch nano over iris!

GG Town; Prims saved you all from an impending doom you had no idea was coming.

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also I vote my role for MVP, it was so op that a player that actively refused to read the game thread still carried the town with it

I vote I receive an award for this as well.

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Yeah I think I have a much better idea of how to play this game now. I was way too cautious and quiet, both in night actions and discussions.

Don't be afraid to mislynch early. It's most likely gonna happen, so give yourself a presence early. Talk things out, explain yourself, and if necessary, make others explain themselves. And don't ever self-vote again, unless your role directly relates to the lynch.

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That's good to hear! So you might come and play other games with us here?

Of course! laugh.gif

Don't be afraid to mislynch early. It's most likely gonna happen, so give yourself a presence early. Talk things out, explain yourself, and if necessary, make others explain themselves. And don't ever self-vote again, unless your role directly relates to the lynch.

Thanks. I was thinking that since my self-lynch was an instant hammer as soon as a host sees it, it would maybe persuade the townies to change their minds. Obviously that didn't work. I probably should have fought back a bit harder...

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Right. A part of the postgame is done in the host PM so I'm just going to post that for you guys.

Carnival Phantasm postgame, Ether section part 1:(Feel free to integrate this however when you add your bit and post it, Bal)

Night actions:



Shiki         	Kaoz           	Convert Strawman
Arcueid       	Eclipse            Watch Strawman

Shirou            Snike              Convert Paperblade
Saber         	Cap'N Flint        Idle

Caster            Subieko            Idle
Len/White Len 	Iris           	Idle
Akiha         	Strawman       	Manix
Sakura            Bizz           	Idle

Lancer            nano           	Inspect eclipse
Archer            Pride              Idle 
Rin           	Elieson            Idle
Ciel              Haze           	No Action
Nrvnqsr       	scorri         	Reverse Martyr Manix (People targeting Manix target scorri)
Kohaku/Hisui      Paperblade     	Asking about Roles with Misinformation. Answer: One (Mafia Jack)
Satsuki       	Marth              Martyr Flint (Flint acts on Marth)
Sion              Kay                No Action
Gilgamesh     	BigBangMeteor      No Action
Rider         	Manix              Idle



Shiki         	Kaoz           	Convert Subieko
Arcueid       	Eclipse            Scout Haze(Redirected to Paperblade)

Shirou            Snike              Convert eclipse
Saber         	Cap'N Flint        Track Elieson

Caster            Subieko            Ninja kill scorri
Len/White Len 	Iris           	Silence Paperblade
Akiha         	Strawman       	Plunder Paperblade
Sakura            Bizz           	Roleblock Marth

Lancer            nano           	Engage scorri
Archer            Pride              Idle
Rin           	Elieson            Heal Paperblade
Ciel              Haze           	Idle
Nrvnqsr       	scorri         	Send Chaos at Pride (Chaos 4, Safeguard)
Kohaku/Hisui      Paperblade     	Is BigBang's Claim his actual role? (Yes)
Satsuki       	Marth              Martyr Iris (Iris targets Marth)
Gilgamesh     	BigBangMeteor      Idle
Rider         	Manix              Idle



Caster            Subieko            Lynchdoc Strawman
Len/White Len 	Iris           	Silence Prims
Akiha         	Strawman       	Scan nano
Sakura            Bizz           	Roleblock Manix
                 Strawman       	Kill Elieson

Lancer            nano           	Engage Strawman
Archer            Prims              Eliminate Strawman
Rin           	Elieson            Heal Manix
Ciel              Haze           	Idle
Kohaku/Hisui      Psych              Ask some dumb question about pg 52
Gilgamesh     	BigBangMeteor      No Action
Rider         	Manix              Protect Strawman



Caster            Subieko            Strongman Psych
Len/White Len 	Iris           	Persuade BBM to Prims
Sakura            Bizz           	Roleblock Manix
Kill              Subieko            Psych

Archer            Prims              No Action
Ciel              Haze           	Activate
Kohaku/Hisui      Psych              "Are Iris and Haze of the same alignment?" - No
Gilgamesh     	BigBangMeteor      No Action
Rider         	Manix              Protect Psych



Caster            Subieko            Janitor Prims
Sakura            Helios         	Roleblock Psych
Kill              Subieko            Prims

Archer            Prims              No Action
Kohaku/Hisui      Psych              "Are Manix and Helios of the same alignment?" - No
Gilgamesh     	BigBangMeteor      No Action
Rider         	Manix              Protect Psych



Caster            Subieko            idle
Kill              Subieko            Idle

Kohaku/Hisui      Psych              Announce "Hey Manix, did we win yet?"
Gilgamesh     	BigBangMeteor      No Action
Rider         	Manix              Protect Manix



Dear Subieko, you are Caster


You are the spirit Medea, summoned into the Caster class.

You are a master of magecraft, your spells considered near True Magic to modern magi. You have a wide range of spells in your arsenal. However, you would not want your spells to become expected, and as such, will only use each one once.

-During the night you may reply "Night X - Eviscerate <USER>". You will perform the kill for your teammates, and using a massive magic spell, utterly destroy the target to the point where no one but you will be able to discern what they were. If you were to die, however, the information would come to light with your passing.

-During the night you may reply "Night X - Use Rule Breaker on <USER>". You will perform the kill for your teammates, and make use of your Noble Phantasm, the Rule Breaker. As such, no matter what abilities the target may have acting upon them, your kill will be guaranteed to go through.

-During the night you may reply "Night X - Lend my robes to <USER>". You will allow USER to wear your robes for the next day, and if USER were to be lynched, the shroud of the robe will cause it to fail.

-During the night, you may reply "Night X - Cast at <USER> from afar". You will perform the kill for your teammates using long-range magic, and as such, will not be seen exiting your base of operations.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if you achieve parity with the Town.

Ether: The mafia jack. This role was comprised of abilities that I felt would either be too weak, or too strong as their own individual roles, and thus they were compiled here for Caster's use. They were mostly tweaks to the nightkill, aside from the Lynch Doctor, which I felt was an interesting concept and wanted to use. Subieko played well for her first game, but it was still fairly easy to see that she was buddying with the other mafia members(or from my PoV, anyway). She could do well to try and post a bit more often, as well. Survived the longest of all the mafia members.

Dear Iris, you are Len and White Len



You are a pair of Succubus familiars, distinct via your opposite colour schemes.

You are succubus familiars, able to manipulate the dreams of those around you. However, as White Len is determined that she is superior, the two of you cannot act together on the same night. You may perform one of the following each night:

-During the night, you may reply "Night X - Making <USER1> dream about <USER2>". As Len, you will manipulate USER1's dream, causing them to obsess over USER2 for the next day. USER1 will have to mention USER2 in all of their posts, and cannot place a vote for anyone other than USER2.

-During the night, you may reply "Night X - Torment USER". As White Len, you will invade USER's dream, and in a bid to prove your superiority to Len, you will force them to endure so great a nightmare that they will be unable to exit their house in the morning out of fear, and thus will be unable to post the next day.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if you achieve parity with the Town.

Ether: The Silencer/Persuader, two roles that I felt were a bit weak on their own, and that couldn't normally be together in the same game(they could have here due to Silencer mechanics, but those were not in place when the role was conceived. I wanted to write persuade flavour since the beginning, and in the end, the only time I might have been able to, I was in too deep to be able to focus on it ;-;. Anyway, Iris was the mafia's logic board, so to speak. Most of their plans were her doing, and she was the one they tended to ask before acting. She would have won the game for the mafia had Haze not activated his Lightningrod.

Dear Strawman, you are Tohno Akiha


You are the younger sister of Tohno Shiki, as well as the head of the Tohno family.

Your Tohno blood gives you the form of the Crimson Red Vermillion, with the ability to plunder life force from your victims. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Plunder <USER>". You will use the Crimson Red Vermillion, sapping USER's life force until, in a final desperate plea for life, they give you their full Role PM.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if you achieve parity with the Town.

Ether: Standard scum fullcop. Strawman didn't do a whole lot overall, lurked and was eventually found scummy. The mafia planned to stall his death using the lynch doctor, but he was shot by Prims instead.

Dear Bizz Helios, you are Matou Sakura


You are a friend and caretaker to Emiya Shirou, who has been corrupted by Zouken's worms.

You have been twisted beyond repair by Zouken's worms, and though you regained your conscious state, your morality and emotions have become a psychotic distortion of their prior form. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Drag <USER> into the Shadows". You will attack USER, dragging them into your twisted form for the night, causing any actions they were performing to fail.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win if you achieve parity with the Town.

Ether: Standard hooker. Bizz didn't do much before she subbed out due to personal issues, and Helios subbed in her place. His play was solid enough for the beginning of his play time, but he was far too obvious with his buddying lategame.

Ether's mafia MVP: Iris


Dear Manix, you are Rider


You are the Heroic Spirit Medusa, summoned in the Rider Class.

You possess Cybele, the Mystic Eyes of Petrification, held back by your Breaker Gorgon. This Noble Phantasm ranks as Jewel under the Noble Colours classification, and is more than capable of severely weakening, if not completely incapacitating even powerful opponents. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Use Cybele to protect <USER>". You will pursue USER throughout the night, using Cybele to force anyone attempting to target them into retreating. Killers however, will not be deterred.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: This role was meant to be a standard safeguard. As usual, it is a powerful role, and could interact with the Lightningrod in many different ways. Manix played the role itself pretty well, but his play in general was frought with indecision and second-guesses. Try not to be so flip-floppy in the future.

Dear PaperbladePsych, you are Hisui and Kohaku



You are the twin maids employed at the Tohno mansion. You were brought there at an early age to serve the master as Synchronizers. With Makihisa's death you are now engaged in more mundane services.

As Hisui, you are a diligent cleaner. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Announcing <Message> for <Phase Y>". Message must be 500 words or less. After you have finished your cleaning during the night, you will leave a note out containing <Message>, that will be appended to the host update for <Phase Y>.

As Kohaku, you are a master planner. In order to better craft your plans, during the night, you may reply "Night X - Asking <Question>". <Question> must be answerable in a single word, and may not directly ask about the alignment of a player, and you will receive a truthful result.

You may only act as either Hisui or Kohaku on any given night.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: Never again. I thought a vanilla announcer was a bit underpowered relatively, so I wanted to think of something to add to it. Having never seen a question asker played well, I had no idea how strong the role could be. To make matters worse, originally the two roles could be used at the same time(this was changed when Bal wrote the role PM, and I left it be for lack of reason to change it). Brad showed me the strength of this role, and I will never again underestimate it(or put it in a game). For all of Brad's time in the game, he was questioning us about his limitations, and we pretty well had to moniter this slot so it didn't break the game. Brad was eventually told something he wasn't supposed to know by Snike, and was force-subbed. Psych played the role the way I usually see it played, and didn't put as much thought as Brad overall. He was cryptic overall and nearly got himself lynched, despite Brad's efforts making him nearly clear.

Dear BigBangMeteor, you are Gilgamesh


You are Heroic Spirit Gilgamesh, King of Heroes.

You are peerless in combat, with the limitless Noble Phantasms afforded you through Gate of Babylon. However your fatal flaw is hubris, so despite this you are still easily killed. However, when it is apparant that you are about to die you will fight back with everything you have. If killed at night, you will kill the person who attacked you. If lynched during the day, you will kill one random USER who voted for your lynch.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: A Universal bomb. I felt this role would be better off in the game then either of it's halves. BBM was pretty quiet most of the game. He claimed early on and was left alone as a result. There is not much else to say really.

Dear PridePrims, you are Archer


You are Heroic Spirit Emiya, summoned in the Archer class.

Your primary class skill is Independent Action, which you intend to use to accomplish your own goals. Once per game, during the night, you may reply "Night X - Eliminate <USER>". You will kill <USER> using a Broken Phantasm.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: A standard single-shot vigilante. Prims began leading the town to victory as soon as he came in, shooting Strawman and thus foiling the mafia's subterfuge attempt, and generally being the voice of reason for the town. Played exceptionally well as usual. Also Unlimited Vig Works.

Dear Haze, you are Ciel


You are Elesia, formerly the 17th host body of The Infinite Reincarnater Roa and currently the 7th member of the Burial Agency.

The world itself refuses to allow you to die, a paradox remaining from the peculiarities of your involvement with Roa. As such you possess nearly flawless defenses, and opponents who engage you quickly decide they are better off engaging another target. They will be leave their confrontation with you, and with the little time remaining in the night, choose a new random target.

Once per game, during the night, you may reply "Night X - Activating the Seventh Holy Scripture". Armed with your ultimate conceptual weapon, rather than be left alone by users targeting you, instead everybody performing an action that night will view an engagement with you as of the utmost importance, and they will all converge on your location, choosing you as their target.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: A Nexus/Lightningrod. The concept behind this role was that of polar opposites, with one being the ultimate defense, and the other almost an assured death trap without prior planning. Haze claimed PGO immediately, in order to avoid redirecting townies at random. He added snippets to his fakeclaim throughout the game, which was taken surprisingly well, but didn't do a whole lot overall before activating his Lightningrod and dragging the persuade to the grave with him.

Dear nano, you are Lancer


You are the Heroic Spirit Cu Chulainn, summoned in the Lancer class. You are an efficient and well-balanced fighter, specializing in survival.

You are bound by a Command Spell forcing you to not kill your opponents, only to scout their abilities. However, the best way to know someone is to know their sword, and no one is better at that job than you are. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Engaging <USER>". You will challenge <USER>, and from your bout, learn of their abilities, receiving <USER>'s full role PM.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: A standard fullcop. nano showed that he was new to the game, being unable to properly defend himself and causing the single most important mislynch of the game to occur. nano's targets in themselves were solid, just that his luck with them was as horrid as his character would imply. Both his clear and his mafia out were killed the very same night he scanned them, and he felt it unnecessary to message eclipse after finding her alignment. Were I in his place, I wouldn't have waited to start drilling eclipse in private, and would likely have outed when the itp confusion started.

Dear Elieson, you are Tohsaka Rin


You are Tohsaka Rin, successor to the Tohsaka family magic crest, and proficient user of magecraft.

You are particularly adept at Jewel magic, and using Jewels that you have infused with your magical energy you can bring people back to life from the brink of death if you reach them in time. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Healing <USER>". If user was to have killed during Night X, you will instead save their life.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: Standard doctor. Elieson found himself the target of some ridicule early on, being seen as somewhat scummy before claiming. Overall, he didn't do a whole lot of note.

Dear Marth, you are Yumizuka Satsuki


You are Yumizuka Satsuki, an ordinary schoolgirl. You were attacked and killed by a vampire, but instead of becoming one of The Dead, or a Ghoul, you become a full Dead Apostle.

You were originally intended to have a route in Tsukihime, but during development it was scrapped. During the night you may reply "Night X - Isn't it sad <USER>? ;-;". You will relate the sorry state of affairs, and mourn your lost chance for love. USER will agree with you, and perform their action on you, rather than their intended target.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: Standard Martyr(though the name seems to be a subject of confusion, no one knows what anyone else calls it). Marth was "obvscum", and was lynched fairly early. Should likely work on appearing town.

Dear scorri, you are Nrvnqsr Chaos


You are the Tenth of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors, a being comprised of 666 different creatures.

You house within yourself a manner of Primordial soup, with 666 different creatures comprising your being. As such, you have a host of different abilities, and a creature specified to each. However, it seems that whatever power brought you here has also tampered with your ability to fully control them. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Sending Chaos after <USER>". You will perform one of the following actions at random, and will be informed of the result in the morning:

1.You will protect USER from any fatal actions.

2.You will receive USER's full role PM.

3.Any actions targeting USER will target you instead.

4.Any non-fatal actions targeting USER will fail.

5.You will kidnap USER, preventing them from acting or being acted upon. In addition, USER will not be present the following day.

6.You will empower USER, allowing them to kill someone during the day.

7.You will intervene on any attempt to lynch USER the following day.

8.You will prevent USER from taking any action for the night.

In addition, during the night, and only once, you may reply "Night X - Focus Chaos on <USER>, <NUMBER>" Number must be a number from 1 through 8, and corresponds with your 8 abilities. You will perform you chosen ability on USER.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: This role, oh this role. Rein asked me what the hell I was thinking when I made this role, and I don't really blame him. This was my take on an alternate JoaT, with multiple different playstyles to consider. Did it use the inspect early and draw heat after it's guaranteed shot was used up, or did it wait until later on and become a toolbox for the town? scorri loved this role, and the mafia found it very powerful, since when she snagged their N0 inspect, they focused on her as their first kill.

Dear Kay, you are Sion Eltnam Atlasia


You are an Alchemist from the ATLAS organization.

You possess the Etherlite monofiliment. You can use the Etherlite to connect to the bodies of the fallen, and access the memories of the final moments before death. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Access <USER>'s memory with Etherlite". USER must have been killed at night. You will find out whether anyone aside from the killer visited USER on the night of their death, and if so, you will determine the names of all players that visited USER.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Ether: The forensic investigator, another role I was interested to see in action. Kay claimed D1 to clear some heat, but her abilities were misinterpreted, and she was lynched. There isn't much else to say, really.

Ether's Town MVP: Prims, for generally steering the town away from landmines and leading them to victory. Honourable mentions to Haze and Paperblade for stopping the persuade and general competence and information trafficking.


Dear Kaoz, you are Tohno Shiki


You are the main character of Tsukihime, who possesses the legendary Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

After the merging of Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night, you became good friends with Emiya Shirou. However, that boy is optimistic at his best and downright delusional at his worst, and this could very well be his worst yet. He is trying to amass a fanbase to somehow change the future, how silly is that? Since you want to do well be your friend, you've decided to snap him out of it, by amassing an even bigger fanbase than him! That'll teach him that just having fans won't change anything.

During the night, you may reply "Night X - Show <USER> my anemia". You will go out to attempt to prove to USER that you are more worthy than Shirou, but in the process, you end up having an anemic attack! How embarrassing... this has no lasting effects, however, and it seems that you managed to charm them enough while they were helping you out to make them a fan. This isn't set in stone, however, they could still be coerced into becoming a fan of Shirou.

During the night, and only once, you may reply "Night X - Use Mystic Eyes of Death Perception on <USER>". You will remove your glasses and unveil your Mystic Eyes, in order to bring USER down. Using your abilities, you will strike USER's point of death, killing them instantly, regardless of other abilities in play. Using these eyes is taxing on you, however, so you can only use them on someone who you know is a fan of Shirou.

During the night you may reply "Night X - Send Arcueid to scout <USER>". You will send Arcueid to check up on USER, finding out who USER is a fan of. However, this process takes some time, and thus Arcueid will be unable to perform her normal action for the night.

You are a hidden player. You are immune to the actions of revealed players so long as you are hidden, and cannot place a vote while hidden. You do not contribute to the win conditions of any revealed faction so long as you are hidden. If you post in the main thread, you will be revealed as playing this game, and thus will become susceptible to revealed players. As you are playing this game, you may not participate in OC. If a revealed player were to contact you, not knowing you are in the game, you may speak with them, however, this must be reported to the hosts immediately with logs. You must not share any knowledge you have of the game, nor allude to the fact that you are playing. You may not initiate a conversation with another player, aside from your partner.

You know that Arcueid Brunestud is in the game, and is eclipse. Arcueid was your very first fan, and is completely loyal to you, thus any attempts to convert her will fail. You may speak with eclipse in the PM provided. You may speak over IM, however, logs must be posted in the provided PM.

You know that Emiya Shirou is in the game as a hidden player.

You are allied with Tohno Shiki. You win if Tohno Shiki has more fans than Emiya Shirou at the conclusion of the game.

Ether: Now that is a mouthful. The conflict between Shiki and Shirou was meant to be the hidden backbone of the game, and it was for a little while... Kaoz played his role well as could be expected, gathering information in an attempt to eliminate Shirou and gain smooth sailing to victory.

Dear eclipse, you are Arcueid Brunestud


You are the White Princess of the True Ancestors, the most powerful of the True Ancestors.

Under the light of the moon, your status as a True Ancestor makes you nigh-on invincible. As such, you cannot be killed at Night.

In addition, you possess the Mystic Eyes of Enchantment, ranked Gold under the Noble colours system. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Hypnotize <USER>". You will use your Mystic Eyes to see what USER sees, and thus will find out who visited USER during the night.

Once during the game, during the day, you may reply to the thread "You cannot stand up to the world's chosen, <USER>, Marble Phantasm!". USER will be killed as soon as a host sees it.

You know that Tohno Shiki is in the game as a hidden player, and is Kaoz. You may speak with Kaoz in the PM provided. You may speak over IM, however, logs must be posted in the provided PM.

You are allied with Tohno Shiki. You win if Tohno Shiki has more fans than Emiya Shirou at the conclusion of the game.

Ether: This role was meant to be Shiki's contact, and his catalyst to steer the game in his direction. eclipse played well, finding and killing Saber, causing Shirou to essentially give up, before the itps were removed from the game entirely.


Dear Snike, you are Emiya Shirou


You are the main character of Fate/Stay Night, an amateur magus thrust into the Holy Grail War.

You know the fate that shall befall you if you continue on your path, having met the anti-hero EMIYA. You are determined to continue on your path without going astray, and have decided to amass a fanbase to help you. After all, if everyone loves you, they are less likely to pull a tragic betrayal, right? There is only one thing standing in your way, and it is fellow protagonist Tohno Shiki! He is trying to amass a fanbase as well, and if his was bigger than yours, you might end up simply repeating Archer's cycle!

During the night, you may reply "Night X - Show <USER> that I'm a superhero!". You will perform feats of incredible courage in front of USER, and they will be so amazed that they will decide to become your fan. This isn't set in stone however, they could still be coerced into becoming a fan of Shiki.

During the night, and only once, you may reply "Night X - Project <USER>'s demise". Unleashing Archer's arm, you will create the ultimate projection, and use it to utterly decimate USER, killing them regardless of other abilities at play. However, you are trying to be a Super Hero, and will not kill without due cause, thus you must know that USER is a fan of Shiki.

During the night you may reply "Night X - Send Saber to scout <USER>". You will send Saber to check up on USER, finding out who USER is a fan of. However, this process takes some time, and thus Saber will be unable to perform her normal action for the night.

You are a hidden player. You are immune to the actions of revealed players so long as you are hidden, and cannot place a vote while hidden. You do not contribute to the win conditions of any revealed faction so long as you are hidden. If you post in the main thread, you will be revealed as playing this game, and thus will become susceptible to revealed players. As you are playing this game, you may not participate in OC. If a revealed player were to contact you, not knowing you are in the game, you may speak with them, however, this must be reported to the hosts immediately with logs. You must not share any knowledge you have of the game, nor allude to the fact that you are playing. You may not initiate a conversation with another player, aside from your partner.

You know that Saber is in the game, and is Cap'N Flint. Saber was your very first fan, and is completely loyal to you, thus any attempts to convert her will fail. You may speak with Cap'N Flint in the PM provided. You may speak over IM, however, logs must be posted in the provided PM.

You know that Tohno Shiki is in the game as a hidden player.

You are allied with Emiya Shirou. You win if Emiya Shirou has more fans than Tohno Shiki at the conclusion of the game.

Ether: The other half of the independent power struggle. Snike was distraught by Blitz' dissapearance, and eventually was modkilled for breaking OC.

Dear Cap'n Flint, you are Saber


You are the Heroic Spirit Arturia Pendragon, summoned into the Saber class.

As Saber, you have very well-rounded combat parameters, being able to stand up to almost any opponent without fear. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Perform reconnaissance on <USER>." You will track USER throughout the night, determining who they visited.

In addition, because you are the Holy King of Knights, you are unable to be lynched.

Once during the game, during the day, you may reply to the thread "Your time is at an end, <USER>! EXCALIBUR!". USER will be killed as soon as a host sees it.

You know that Emiya Shirou is in the game as a hidden player, and is Snike. You may speak with Snike in the PM provided. You may speak over IM, however, logs must be posted in the provided PM.

You are allied with Emiya Shirou. You win if Emiya Shirou has more fans than Tohno Shiki at the conclusion of the game.

Ether: Shirou's contact and way to influence the town through words. Had computer issues, and was killed off by eclipse in short order, causing Snike to doubt he was still able to win, and eventually causing him to get modkilled. Didn't do much, and was killed in the limbo before he was subbed.

Alright, so you're up, Mr. Dr. Sir Moderator Balcerzak

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At least we get the actions and comments. Some of these are quite interesting, now I have to go reread certain parts..

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Now is the time for action. You've waited long enough. You glance over to Nanako, nod and state plainly your intentions. Ever the loyal tool, she obeys, turning into her weapon form. Now, fully armed and ready to do battle, you leap across lampposts in your Executor outfit, ready to engage one, engage all.

The evening was going well for you, you were accomplishing all of your goals, up until the point where the crooked dagger lodged itself between your shoulderblades. While unable to truly die, the opponent has hopelessly incapacitated you, and you may no longer participate in the Carnival.

(aka, you're dead, but you expected this)

So can I get some help over here or not?

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