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[FE7]Banana's Funky FE7 Draft


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Yes, I am. Once drafting is done, I'll give the first round 48 hours, to make sure that everyone's paying attention. After that, it'll be roughly 24 hours.

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Guy, which leaves Paper with Renault. Everyone is free to start. Get your updates to eclipse by Thursday!

Oh, and if people tie for lowest TC, they both get first, the next person gets third, etc. Just in case anyone gets confused.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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I feel a bit better than before (not falling asleep randomly), so here's the results so far:

Reporting in for Chapter 11:

Turns: 8

Boss Quotes: Hector

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 11

TC: 6

Boss Quotes: Hector/Wire

Unit Recruited: None

Chapter 11

TC: 6

Boss Quotes: Hector

Unit Recruited: None

Chapter 11

TC: 6 turns

Boss Quotes: Hector

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 11

TC: 6

Boss Quotes: Hector

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 11 possible bonuses:

Boss quote: One of Hector/Matthew

Units recruited: None

Scores so far:

Name           Total
Bananas          7
Paperblade       7
PKL              7
XiSrOn           7
BBM              3

EDIT: Messed up BBM's score. Sorry!

Next is Chapter 12. If you already submitted it, you're good. If you haven't, you have 24ish hours from this post to do so. If you want to submit additional chapters, go for it. Have fun~!

Edited by eclipse
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Possible correction to Paperblade's name: Hyperboloid. ANYWAY!

Chapter 12

TC: 4

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 12

TC: 4

Boss Quotes: None

Unit Recruited: None

Chapter 12

TC: 6 turns

Boss Quotes: Default one only.

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 12

TC: 4 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 12

Turns: 7

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 12 possible bonuses:

Boss Quotes: Don't remember if Hector/Eliwood have one, and pretty sure neither can get the quote and finish the map by turn 6

Units Recruited: None

Name           Total
Bananas         12
Paperblade      12
PKL             12
XiSrOn           9
BBM              4

Next is Chapter 13. If I'm too lazy to get on after 24 hours passed, I'll get to it whenever I get on next.

Edited by eclipse
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This is why your update was held up:


Back to drafting~! Since you guys are awesome, you're getting two chapters this time~!

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

TC: 5

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: Guy

Chapter 13

TC: 6

Boss Quotes:

Unit Recruited: Guy

Chapter 13

TC: 6 turns

Boss Quotes: Default one only.

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 13

TC: 6 turns

Boss Quotes: Hector

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 13

Turns: 9

Boss Quotes: Hector, Eliwood

Units Recruited: Guy

Chapter 13x

Chapter 13x

TC: 7

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 13x

TC: 7

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 13x

TC: 7 turns

Boss Quotes: Default one only.

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 13x:

TC: 7 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 13x

Turns: 7

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 13 possible bonuses:

Boss Quotes: Hector, Eliwood

Units Recruited: Guy

Chapter 13x is a flat 5 points to everyone.

Name           Total
PKL             24
Bananas         23
Paperblade      23
XiSrOn          18
BBM             16

Chapter 14 due date is about 24 hours from this post or whenever I get bored of IIDX, whichever comes second!

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Bananas, there's a reply box at the bottom of a PM, so you don't have to send me separate PMs for everything.

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

TC: 4

Boss Quotes: Hector

Units Recruited: Erk

Chapter 14

TC: 4

Boss Quotes: Hector

Units Recruited: Erk

Chapter 14

Turns: 10

Boss Quotes: Hector, Eliwood

Units Recruited: Erk, Priscilla

Chapter 14:

TC: 9 turns

Boss Quotes: Hector

Units Recruited: Erk, Priscilla

Chapter 14

TC: 5 turns

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: Erk

Chapter 14 possible bonuses:

Boss Quotes: Hector, Eliwood

Units Recruited: Erk, Priscilla

Name           Total
PKL             33
Bananas         32
Paperblade      31
BBM             25
XiSrOn          23

Chapter 15 go, even if you're only getting five points!

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Chapter 15

Chapter 15:

TC: 7

Boss Quotes: None

Characters Recruited: None

Chapter 15

Turns: 7

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 15:

TC: 7 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 15

TC: 7 turns

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 15

TC: 7

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 15 is a flat five points to everyone.

Name           Total
PKL             38
Bananas         37
Paperblade      36
BBM             30
XiSrOn          28

Next is Chapter 16~! You've got roughly 24 hours from this post. GO!

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My Bartre is pretty brokenly blessed:


He's 11/2 so:

Name     	HP 	STR 	SKL  	SPD 	LCK 	DEF 	RES
Expected 	40.5   15  	10.5 	7   	7   	10  	5.5
Actual   	39 	17  	10   	9   	7   	9   	8

That's -1.5HP, +2STR, -0.5SKL, +2SPD, -1DEF, +2.5RES. The speed is the huge part. He ACTUALLY doubles some people.

Edited by XiSrOn
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Caelin invasion!

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Turns: 5

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 16:

TC: 5 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 16

TC: 5

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 16

TC: 5

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 16

TC: 5 turns

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: N/A

Chapter 16 possible bonuses:

Boss Quotes: Dunno if Lyn has one, but I'm pretty sure putting her near the boss is a bad idea.

Units Recruited: None

You guys are boring.

Name           Total
PKL             43
Bananas         42
Paperblade      41
BBM             35
XiSrOn          33

Chapter 17 go~! You've got about 24 hours!

Edited by eclipse
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You get two chapters. Not that Chapter 17x was hard or anything.

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Turns: 12

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: Raven, Lucius

Chapter 17:

TC: 11 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: Raven, Lucius

Chapter 17

TC: 9

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: Raven, Lucius

Chapter 17

TC: 12 turns

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: Raven, Lucius

Chapter 17

TC: 10

Boss quotes: Hector? didnt check if he had one

Units Recruited: Lucius, Raven

Chapter 17x

Chapter 17x

Turns: 3

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: Canas

Chapter 17x:

TC: 4 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: Canas

Chapter 17x

TC: 3

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: Canas

Chapter 17x

TC: 4 turns

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: Canas

Chapter 17x

TC: 4

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: Canas

Chapter 17 possible bonuses:

Boss Quotes: Lyn might have one; pretty sure Hector doesn't (and if he does, you're the ones that need to catch this, not me)

Units Recruited: Raven, Lucius

Chapter 17x possible bonuses:

Boss Quotes: You guys didn't even bother talking to Damian. . .

Units Recruited: Canas

Name           Total
Bananas         58
PKL             56
Paperblade      53
BBM             48
XiSrOn          43

Next up is the Chapter 18! GO!!!

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I fought Damian with both Hector and Eliwood on my first run of that chapter just to confirm, and Damian definitely didn't have any convos. Nor were there any convos with Bernard.

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##Vote: BBM

Chapter 18

Chapter 18:

TC: 3 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 18

TC: 3

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 18:

TC: 3

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter: 18

Turns: 3

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 18

TC: 3 turns

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: N/A

BORING. No bonuses on the boat.

Name           Total
Bananas         63
PKL             61
Paperblade      58
BBM             53
XiSrOn          48

Chapter 19 is the same deal; depending on how much IIDX I play, the update may be delayed a bit.

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