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[FE7]Banana's Funky FE7 Draft


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Oh god, I totally did not do 32x and that means I broke the rules :/ (never done Hector mode before so I didn't know it existed). I don't actually have a savestate that goes that far back either.

Edited by XiSrOn
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XiSrOn, it doesn't really matter to me. Maybe a 5 point penalty?

Anyways, I just finished. Also, shit, I forgot to check my tactician stars. :facepalm: Did anyone bother with those? Also, I calculated my EXP, and XiSrOn slaughtered me. I hope everyone else didn't get similar EXP counts.

Also, my final stuffs:

Supports: Eliwood x Ninian A, Eliwood x Hector B, Jaffar x Nino C

Paired Endings: Eliwood x Ninian

Rankings: 5 stars in Tactics, Combat, Survival, 3 stars in Funds, 1 star in EXP (19 total)

Final levels:

Hector: 20/11 (~2900 exp)

Eliwood: 20/20 (3800 exp)

Priscilla: 12/9 (~1700 exp)

Florina: 10/20 (~2600 exp)

Legault: 20/8 (~1500 exp)

Harken: --/20 (1200 exp)

Nino: 11/14 (~1900 exp)

Jaffar: --/20 (700 exp)

Ninian/Nils: 10 (~900 exp)

Athos: --20 (0 exp)

Total EXP: ~17200 exp

Level 20 characters: 5 (Eliwood, Florina, Harken, Jaffar, Athos)

Tactician Stars: 7

Final TC: 194

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Okay, PKL gave me the idea of going back to an old save and checking. Luckily I had a savestate from the last turn of Value of Life, and I got 7 stars. SO I'll edit that in.

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Final TC: 147


RavenxLucius A

HectorxMatthew C

Paired Endings: RavenxLucius OTP

Tactician Stars: 8


Hector- 20/11.67 (3067 exp)

Nils- 8.20 (720 exp)

Matthew- 20/20 (3700 exp)

Dorcas- 14.05 (1105 exp)

Raven- 10/20 (2400 exp)

Fiora- 20/20 (3200 exp)

Rath- 17/20 (2700 exp)

Wil- 11.65 (765 exp) oh god...

Lucius- 16/20 (3200 exp)

Total: 20857 exp

Ranked stars:

Tactics- 5

Survival- 5

Funds- 3

Exp- 1

Combat- 5

Level 20 promoted units:







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Let's assume PKL does the best he can do, 1st in TC for 32, 32x, and Light. The worst I can be is 4th for 32 and 32x (since I unlocked 32x and XiSrOn didn't), and 5th for Light. So he can get a maximum of 10 more points than me there. If I'm 5th in overall LTC and 5th in EXP, and PKL is 1st in overall LTC and 2nd in EXP, he gets anoher 14 points more than me there. 1 more tactician star and 1 more level 20 promoted unit makes for 3 more points, for a 27 point lead.

Now, I have two extra support levels, so that's down to 21 points. I was also 4 points ahead at the end of 30, so down to 17. Assuming he got both the Hector and Athos boss convos, I have 10 more boss convos than him on Light, for 20 points, meaning I beat PKL. WHEW.

Now I just have to worry about SB! He had the same points as PKL after CoD, and I beat PKL by only 3 points, so if he has more supports than PKL did, he could still win.

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And just like I predicted since the beginning, boss quotes are really OP. I shouldnt have aimed for LTC. I could have almost tied BBM if i had known the kaim boss quote counted. Seems like everyone knew it did except for me.

Edited by Professor PicKLe
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Building for supports was a humongous mistake. I have tons of potential supports, but they just grow much too slowly to actually get any of them. Heath and Kent only got to C because I just left them at the start for about 3 maps in a row.

As for my exp, I took 44 turns on 32x just to farm that entire map and finishing capping all of my characters - I also had an extra character over everyone else (Bartre/Karla).

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And just like I predicted since the beginning, boss quotes are really OP. I shouldnt have aimed for LTC. I could have almost tied BBM if i had known the kaim boss quote counted. Seems like everyone knew it did except for me.

Well, those numbers up there are assuming I did the worst it was possible to do and you did the best. I don't think that actually happened.

Also, haha, I didn't realize just how many points boss quotes were going to get me at the beginning. I just realized that no matter what, I simply wasn't going to win LTC, so I tried building my team around a different goal that could maybe net me 2nd or 3rd. And, tbh, it's not so much that boss quotes were OP as that no one else paid attention to them while drafting at all. If I'd missed out on any of Eliwood, Legault, or Nino, I probably would have lost. It only worked because I built my entire strategy around it.

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I've got everyone's stuff, but I've been rather busy. I should have time tomorrow, so that's when you get the final update.

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HI THERE FREE TIME! I need to catch Paperblade later; while he gave me a lot of relevant info, he didn't give me tactician stars! SORRY!

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Since I don't feel like counting tactician stars, if you forgot it, you're getting a 0.

Chapter 31x

Chapter 31x:

TC: 5 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 31x

TC: 5

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 31x

TC: 5

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter: 31x

Turns: 5

Boss Quotes: N/A

Units Recruited: Karla

BBM didn't tell me he went here, so he gets 0 points for this chapter.

Chapter 32

Chapter 32:

TC: 6 turns

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: Renault

Chapter 32

TC: 4

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 32

TC: 4

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter: 32

Turns: 6

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: Renault

Chapter: 32

Turns: 44

Boss Quotes: Not sure if Hector had one or not, didn't pay attention, but only Hector attacked her

Units Recruited: Renault

Chapter 32x

Chapter 32x:

TC: 1 turn

Boss Quotes: n/a

Units Recruited: n/a

Chapter 32x

TC: 1

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter 32x

TC: 1

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

Chapter: 32x

Turns: 3

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None

XiSrOn forgot to go here, so he gets 0 points for his efforts.



TC: 4 + 1 turns

Boss Quotes: Athos

Units Recruited: n/a


TC: 4+1

Boss Quotes: Nergal - Athos, Lyn, Hector

Units Recruited: None

Final: Light Part 1

TC: 3

Boss Quotes: Hector, Athos

Units Recruited: None

Final: Light Part 2

TC: 1

Boss Quotes: None

Units Recruited: None


Turns: 14

Boss Quotes: Hector, Athos

Units Recruited: N/A


Turns: 2

Boss Quotes: N/A

Unites Recruited: N/A

Chapter: Light

Turns: 9 + 1

Boss Quotes: Legault x Uhai, Nino x Brendan, Legault x Brendan, Nino x Lloyd, Nino x Linus, Legault x Lloyd, Legault x Linus, Eliwood x Nergal, Nino x Nergal, Jaffar x Nergal, Hector x Nergal, Athos x Nergal

Units Recruited: None

Final ratings and all that jazz



Tactics: 5

Survival: 5

Funds: 3

EXP: 1

Combat: 5


Hector: 20/7.04

Ninils: 7.30

Athos: 20

Pent: 20

Sain: 19.05/20

Dart: 20/20

Hawkeye: 20

Isadora: 20

Vaida: 20 (hooray sands of time)

Renault: 20 (thank god for staff spamming and stealing last hits...)

Marcus: 5

Total EXP gained: 16490

Supports: none

Paired Endings: none obv

Final turn count: 164

[spoiler=Serious Bababas]


Hector = 20/9 = 27

Lowen = 19/20 = 37

Rebecca = 17/20 = 35

Guy = 20/1 = 17

Erk = 17/20 = 35

Lyn = 20/9 = 24

Farina = 20/20 = 27

Louise = -/11 = 7

Ninils = 8/- = 7

Athos = -/20 = 0

216 levels gained in total. 5 characters reached second tier level 20, 4 if you disregard Athos.


HectorxLyn C

RebeccaxLowen C

LouisexPent talks obtained.

Louise and Pent have an ending.

Turn Counts:

Chapter	Turns	So Far
11	6	6
12	4	10
13	6	16
13x	7	23
14	4	27
15	7	34
16	5	39
17	9	48
17x	3	51
18	3	54
19	5	59
19x	5	64
20	6	70
21	2	72
22	3	75
23	4	79
24	5	84
25	6	90
26	11	101
27	8	109
28	15	124
28x	20 (not counted)
29	5	129
30	4	133
31	11	144
31x	5	149
32	4	153
32x	1	154
Final	4+1	159

159 turns total.


Tactics		*****
Survival	*****
Funds		***
Exp		*
Combat		*****

7 Tactician Stars.

[spoiler=Professor PicKLe]

Final TC: 147


RavenxLucius A

HectorxMatthew C

Paired Endings: RavenxLucius

Tactician Stars: 8


Hector- 20/11.67

Nils- 8.20

Matthew- 20/20

Dorcas- 14.05

Raven- 10/20

Fiora- 20/20

Rath- 17/20

Wil- 11.65

Lucius- 16/20

Ranked stars:

Tactics- 5

Survival- 5

Funds- 3

Exp- 1

Combat- 5

Level 20 promoted units:








Final turn count: 234

Support Levels: 1 (Heath/Kent C)

Paired Endings: 0

Tactician Stars: 7

Ranking Stars: 18

Total EXP: 28890

Level 20 promoted units: 9

That should be all of it, the other stuff was already incorporated.


Supports: Eliwood x Ninian A, Eliwood x Hector B, Jaffar x Nino C

Paired Endings: Eliwood x Ninian

Rankings: 5 stars in Tactics, Combat, Survival, 3 stars in Funds, 1 star in EXP

Final levels:

Hector: 20/11 (~2900 exp)

Eliwood: 20/20 (3800 exp)

Priscilla: 12/9 (~1700 exp)

Florina: 10/20 (~2600 exp)

Legault: 20/8 (~1500 exp)

Harken: --/20 (1200 exp)

Nino: 11/14 (~1900 exp)

Jaffar: --/20 (700 exp)

Ninian/Nils: 10 (~900 exp)

Athos: --20 (0 exp)

Total EXP: ~17200 exp

Level 20 characters: 5 (Eliwood, Florina, Harken, Jaffar, Athos)

Tactician Stars: 7

Final TC: 194 (not counting 28x)

Next post will have the final scores. This is a lot of info, and I need to find Paper's final turn count manually.

Edited by eclipse
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Scores before the last bout:

Name           Total
BBM            150
PKL            146
Bananas        146
Paperblade     131
XiSrOn         115

Scores after the game (but before endgame stuff):

Name           Total
BBM            183
Bananas        171
PKL            170
Paperblade     152
XiSrOn         130

Final scores (all endgame stuff counted, including Athos for two points):

Name           Total
BBM            244
Bananas        233
PKL            232
Paperblade     191
XiSrOn         182

Turns out that boss quote in Chapter 30 is what caused Bananas to beat PKL. My thoughts:

- While interesting in concept, I think this would've been better if there were four people instead of five; poor Paperblade had to get really creative, and the amount of experience he got is a good indicator of this.

- Final rankings in Tactics, Survival, etc. seemed pointless. Probably want to take that out next time.

- BBM won this one on boss convos.

- Otherwise, this kind of felt like the usual LTC draft.

If I screwed up my maths anywhere, lemme know~!

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1. Geez PKL, you were battling it out for second place. Calm down.

2. No problem~!

Huh? Im completely calm. If I were hurt in the slightest by losing by 1 point. I would be yelling: "DONT COUNT THE BOSS QUOTE YOU GUYS NEVER SAID IT COUNTED" or something :p

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