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Making custom colours?


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I wasn't sure where the put this, and I couldn't find any posts on it, so I'm just going to ask here. How might I go about making my own GBAFE mug colours? I know that there's certain hue and something-else values that I need to have for colours and such, so I was just wondering if anyone here knew what exactly to do? Specifically I'm looking to make FE8 colours i don't care if they're too saturated D:< and my own 4-tier hair and clothing colours (as opposed to the usual 3) since default FE8 mugs only have like 4-5 samples of those, most of which are for blonde characters. So yes, I have been using FE8 colours from portraits but FE8 has so few colours that I'm starting to run out of different ones to use for my splices. Any help would be greatly appreciated :E.

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Also remember that FE6/7 styled colors are less saturation/contrast than FE8 styled colors. That makes a difference.

Here's an FE7-colored Tana I whipped up in a few minutes, all custom minus outline/skin.


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And it's not very good. It's too dark overall. The third shade is darker than the outline. That's a big no no.

Agro, this is something you just have to try to do. Not much I can suggest.

Edited by seph1212
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How might I go about making my own GBAFE mug colours? I know that there's certain hue and something-else values that I need to have for colours and such, so I was just wondering if anyone here knew what exactly to do?

In general, 15-bit RGB, I think. If you have a program editing/importing palettes for you they'll probably round the numbers to their nearest compatible value.

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Supposed to be in values of 8, but ROM hacking tools nowadays will round it out for you, so you can pretty much pick whatever colors and they'll adapt "automatically" when inserted.

I strongly recommend against using 4-tone colors. I went through an awful phase of giving everything an extra color. It's a bitch to clean up afterward. Just stick to 53331 (5skin, 3hair, 3clothing, 3other, 1border), for simplicity's sake

As far as actually picking colors goes, though, it entirely depends on what kind of look you're going for. Most of it's eyeballing, though, as well as receiving input from others. Personally, I dislike bright and saturated colors, so I tend to stick toward things with lower saturations and play more with values and hues, instead.

Edited by jellyFISH
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I strongly recommend against using 4-tone colors. I went through an awful phase of giving everything an extra color. It's a bitch to clean up afterward. Just stick to 53331 (5skin, 3hair, 3clothing, 3other, 1border), for simplicity's sake

I know, I know, except that I am but a mere splicer and so sometimes the situation calls for 4-tones like when you use Cameron's armour or Ninian's hair, which are not in great abundance. Though as it turns out the generic soldier in FE8 has 4-tone armour and there's five of them, so I've got a new lease on life, at least for now.

Thanks for all the help anyway, guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Supposed to be in values of 8, but ROM hacking tools nowadays will round it out for you, so you can pretty much pick whatever colors and they'll adapt "automatically" when inserted.

I recommend against just using any colors and letting the program handle it if you can help it, simply because the automatically adjusted colors could end up looking terrible if the RGB channels are close together or it's very dark, but otherwise yeah you only need to pay attention to the hardware limitations if you personally think it's important

just over here responding more than a week after everyone stopped caring about this topic

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It's really just a thing you pick up after testing for a while. I usually start off with a base color then alter it until it looks right.

Yeah. I do that too. I dont usually do a lot of custom colors. I used to early on before i learned that mixing certain color palettes was a bad idea. So yeah...

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