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Question(s) about Reclassing...

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Okay... So I was looking at some of the character portraits and got to thinking:

Do characters like Richt and Loran always wear that witch/warlock-esque hat regardless of the class they're in? Judging by the fact that Donny always has a pot on his head regardless of class...

If this is true, it makes me much less interested in using Loran(specifically) than I was before.

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From what I've seen, they should keep the hat. I know Richt keeps his hat when he's a Great Knight (as seen in one of the videos), so Loran should keep his. Again, I'm just guessing here, so I dunno for sure.

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Okay... So I was looking at some of the character portraits and got to thinking:

Do characters like Richt and Loran always wear that witch/warlock-esque hat regardless of the class they're in? Judging by the fact that Donny always has a pot on his head regardless of class...

If this is true, it makes me much less interested in using Loran(specifically) than I was before.

I'm not sure how Mage hats transfer on reclass. I don't think they do, but I can't be certain. Someone who has played can be more helpful.

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What about size? If you make a Short MyUnit, will he become large if he reclasses to Barbarian or become a buff midget?

I'm fairly certain he'd still be a scrawny dude, just holding an axe twice his size. XD

But seriously, since it keeps stuff like your hairstyle, hair color, and face, I'd figure it'd keep your body height.

Great, now I wanna see a short MU with general armor.

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Just took Miriel (Dark Knight, had her hat) and reclassed her to Battle Sister. Still has the hat. Just for fun, I reclassed Valhart to General. Still has that silly head piece. The heads are unique. Bodies, not so much.

I think the short MU would have a large body... Marth has a similar problem. He looks kinda funny in a lot of classes (head is a little small).

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If this is true, it makes me much less interested in using Loran(specifically) than I was before.

I find the hats amusing. I might be more inclined to play with them now haha.

So would a short MU reclassed to Barbarian be the exact same size as other Barbarians?

Someone actually needs to test this for us--I imagine it wouldn't take too much time...

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Loran's battle model still has the hat as a Barbarian, yeah.

I don't see the problem, but whatever. It's worth noting that his map sprite doesn't keep the hat, but he does keep the glasses.

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Characters tend to have a unique quality or two in the body of their starting class and promoting classes compared to the generic battle garb for a class. For example, Wood wears yellow instead of blue when he is a mymridon/swordmaster and Sairi wears pink instead of blue. However, once reclassed into something outside of their normal branch, characters wear a generic suit for a class. Heads are unique, as they ought to be.

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If this is true, it makes me much less interested in using Loran(specifically) than I was before.

Opposite here. It would really irk me if there was such a large disconnect between their portrait and their model, so even though I don't actually like big poofy hats, if they lost them during reclass I probably wouldn't bother using them at all.

This is also why Callum and Dezel are doomed to stay Generals, sadly.

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