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Shining Force Mafia


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Facepalm_emote_gif.gif That is not the way you go behind it man. >.<

Also votes off SB for now, I've got his claim and it doesn't seem like a good idea to lynch him atm.

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Also SB voted me for an argumentum ad hominem, his only reason was "because it's stupid". He didn't do it because I attacked Bizz and as such I looked scummy (as Straw stated).

1. Rapier. Ad hominem is dumb. I think SB is newbtown, not newbscum. Look at how SB signed up. "Uh, Okay." Not very enthusiastic. And I talked to Eli, and he said that although SB had wanted to learn mafia, he did kind of give him a push to join, because we needed only 2 people at the time. I think he's just not paying very much attention to the game, and while that's annoying and frustrating, I don't think we should lynch him for it. So ## Unvote, ##Vote: Rapier

2. Disregarding Shinori, I have to say Proto and Hikarusa. Neither have made very many posts, but the ones they have made look good. Bizz would be here too, but her claims about being able to know if she got targeted are weird and while I don't think she's mafia, I'm not quite sure what she's up to.

3. Not Shinori. Possibly Eclipse? None of the people who had any suspicion on them today and are actually townie, because from the mafia POV, those could lead to mislynches later on.

4. Objectively speaking, any of the people who have/had suspicion on them this phase. In order, that's:





I think those were the only real suspicions, but I might have forgotten someone. Other than that, I dunno.

Eh, but once something happens that you don't expect like that, it makes you realize your scum hunting has some holes and you had better look out for scum trying to play the noob!town card. Its not for sure, but it'd be silly to not pay attention to stuff like that.

On the topic of Rapier. ##Vote: Rapier Hmm, unless you were reaction testing on Bizz, I think your reaction was pretty anti-town. Attacking other people's play styles doesn't have any in game relevance, at all and doesn't really count as relevant discussion. :/

And then about what Proto said: I see what you're talking about but I'm more inclined to believe him off his claim. It seems like a mostly dumb role for mafia since they'd basically want that guy to die and seems like a bad fake claim because it would become suspicious if he didn't die or have have at least something happen to him. I dunno, and it seems like a risky move that someone might just pull in order organize the town. Granted, we don't and won't have the actual cop come in here and tell us because that would be silly and skepticism is understandable(since I've got some myself), but it would also be silly to hinder what could lead to town organization.

For me, Straw's answer was focused on my behavior, and not on my action. So I like his answer.

Imo that's enough to vote BBM. We're supposed to scum hunt here, saying someone is being dumb and needs to be voted isn't the point.

##Vote: BBM

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So host error, I may have two different win conditions for the town

and by that I mean exactly the same with the words rearranged

the mafia knows the town's win conditions anyway, so don't think this is anything other than my fault

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I just felt like I needed to answer someone.


Well, it was more what I would do if I was in that position, but it would clear my name, which is a major plus. I'm not one of the mafia, so I have nothing to fear. Now watch this decision screw me over.

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I would rather people leave me alone about my playstyle in general, if that's okay. How I played in past games isn't relevant to this game.

Anyway, I'm on a computer now.

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Shinori found in the claims that there were two different town win conditions floating around. Now, obviously if Psych thought that all town win conditions were the same, that'd be a pretty nice indication as to who was scum. But, since there are two win cons out there, it's not an for sure indication of a fake claim.

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I would rather people leave me alone about my playstyle in general, if that's okay. How I played in past games isn't relevant to this game.

Anyway, I'm on a computer now.

It's ok. Sorry about my overreaction, Bizz. =P

SB kinda helped me a lot with reads, so his votes weren't that bad in the end. After all, the crows love meat~

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Wow, I fail.

##UNVOTE adiosToreador

##No lynch

I really don't need to make any more enemies.

Ok, so an OMGUS and a NL on n1? ## Unvote: Hikarusa. ##Vote: Serious Bananas

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Ok, so an OMGUS and a NL on n1? ## Unvote: Hikarusa. ##Vote: Serious Bananas

Man, did you read the rest after his vote? He realized his mistake...

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I'm going to leave my vote for the time being. SB, can you explain your answers to those 4 questions a bit? You seem to have bandwagoned rapier.

I'll answer those questions in a sec.

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Like I said, I wasn't sure about Rapier. Not enough to actually vote him, he just feels slightly more suspicious than everybody else.

Shinori for most towny, because he's taking a big risk attempting to pull everyone together. I think he'll survive the first night, but I'm doubting his longevity.

eclipse, because even if the mafia have a target in mind, they could dispose of her and insure that we get no information out of her whatsoever. There's also the risk of a key figure being protected by someone, so picking off someone smaller at first may prove to be a smart move.

Myself, was to clear my name. I answered this one a little while ago.

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Answer these questions when you get a chance. Phase ends tomorrow at like 8:30 am so its like 30 hours from now. That should be enough time for people to see this.

1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

4. As a cop who would you target tonight?

1. I'm not really sure. I'm unable to read noob!SB actions regardless of his alignment; I'm not that experienced. However, I'm wary of Helios and Proto from my pm convo.

2. I have to say Shinori, or I wouldn't have sent him my role pm. Other than that, I guess clipsey because I dont think mafia would kidnap one of their own on n0.

3. Shinori or Kay or Bizz, tbh. Definitely not SB, or rapier. Because they are suspicious enough to possibly cause a lynch.

4. I'd target Helios, elie, or BBM.

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Like I said, I wasn't sure about Rapier. Not enough to actually vote him, he just feels slightly more suspicious than everybody else.

Shinori for most towny, because he's taking a big risk attempting to pull everyone together. I think he'll survive the first night, but I'm doubting his longevity.

eclipse, because even if the mafia have a target in mind, they could dispose of her and insure that we get no information out of her whatsoever. There's also the risk of a key figure being protected by someone, so picking off someone smaller at first may prove to be a smart move.

Myself, was to clear my name. I answered this one a little while ago.

We don't know anythin from clipsey anyway, and she hasn't spoken to anyone.

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1. Who do you find the most scummy currently?

I... can't really say, judging from what I know, unfortunately, except for maybe Elieson (I'll respond to your PM, just give me a bit). I would advise everyone to pay close attention to those lying low on the radar, however. I used to have scumreads from BBM, Rapier, Aere, and SB, but I'm not so sure on their being scum anymore, sorry.

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

My town reads so far, in order from strongest to weakest: Shinori for obvious reasons, Helios for being otherwise pretty helpful and outgoing (despite not posting too much in the thread, come on, man!),

3. Who do you think is the most likely to die tonight?

Shonori, to be completely honest, because I suspect the mafia has a hitman. If the kidnapper is scum, however, then I don't think they have another method of roleblocking, but I could be wrong. I better not be targeted for death at all, because bad things will happen. I promise.

4. As a cop who would you target tonight?

Eclipse, definitely.

FOREWARNING: Today is my little sister's birthday, and I'm currently making her present as I type this. I'll be a little busy later on in the day and therefore might not be around for quite a few hours.

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Oops, didn't finish my town list

2. Who do you find the most town currently?

My town reads so far, in order from strongest to weakest: Shinori for obvious reasons, Helios for being otherwise pretty helpful and outgoing (despite not posting too much in the thread, come on, man!), Marth, Manix, Aere. My reads have been a little fuzzy this game, though, and I'm probably missing someone. I'm getting HUGE town reads from Strawman's recent post.

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iris and blitz have not posted once, right? But they have claimed, apparently.

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I talked to Blitz and he has valid reasons as to why he hasn't been able to post yet. Iris makes high school (I think she's in high school at least) look a lot harder than I remember it being.

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