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Shining Force Mafia


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Also, for those who were curious

Dear adiosToreador,

You are Mawlocke, Third Party Card User.

Very little is known about you, but you aid the Shining Force and Princess Narsha. You use cards in battle to take on the powers of friend and foe alike.

At night, you may reply to your Role PM with 'Night X - Ask USER for their card.' USER will give you their card so that you may prepare for battle. You will learn the name of USER's character as well. You also have the ability to survive one attempt on your life.

You are allied with yourself. You win when you successfully retrieve 6 cards.

Strawman gave this to Shinori, so I'm pretty sure scum has a rolecop. It explains Marth dying early and all that.

Basically, leave me alone until N5 so I can collect my cards, and everything is peachy. So far I have three. I ask not to be roleblocked or re-directed under any circumstances, and I promise that I come in peace.

So far, I have Hika's, eclipse's, and Blitz's cards.

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Oh, and Shinori is convinced that I'm scum for some reason. It's really irritating and he better not betray me for any reason, because I put a lot of trust in him to help keep me safe.

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Okay. SO SEC.

The only thing I've stated towards you is that I have the possibility that you ARE scum. Because everything currently matches up with that possibility. I haven't said that I'm pretty sure you're scum, I haven't said I was going to do anything to you this night phase at all. I stated that there are possibilities of things I can do. I stated that I could possibly ask for you to be roleblocked, didn't say I was going to, because if you are actually third party and that IS actually your role, then it shouldn't matter that much, because scum have your role, so they have no reason whatsoever to shoot you and if i block you until either A all of town is dead or B all of scum is dead guess what you still fucking win.

You need to not put words in my mouth if you are actually third party. I haven't put anything in concrete against you yet so stop saying that I'm CONVINCED that your scum when I'm not.

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I don't mean to put words in your mouth. I'm just really fucking pissed because apparently you don't trust me as much as I asked you to trust me, and I'm paranoid that you're going to involve me in some plan without telling me that hinders my ability to win based on 'possibilities.' You have absolutely no reason to do this and it makes me very upset.

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When I said leave me alone, I meant LEAVE ME ALONE. I like my little corner and I want it to STAY THAT WAY.

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Anyway, sorry about that. As long as I'm not killed for some stupid reason then I guess there's not really much to worry about. I just want you to tell me what you plan on doing to me before you do it.

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But I never once said I would do anything against you, the possibility of you being scum and the possibility of you being third party are both there, and I intend to leave them there for now. Unless I come across new evidence that states otherwise I hadn't planned on messing with you, So I am not quite sure where you suddenly decided to randomly message me yelling at me to leave you alone, for like the third time today, when I never stated I would do anything to you.

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You can't be killed except by being lynched because lolbpvest. So calm down. If mafia shoot you then that makes me feel more comfortable, so they obviously won't shoot you and my vig is dead. So I have no ability to kill you except lynch, and if I lynch you it will be because I have some sort of evidence against you.

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