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A question about weapon ranks and class changing


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Since you can change to different classes and get different weapons(especially the strategist) does that mean those ranks are kept

EX. My strategist is a sniper with b and a half rank and then i change him to a paladin and then after i change him to a bow knight.. Is my bow rank still B or goes back to E

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sorry to be late but thanks how do skills work when leveling up in termd of which one used if we are over the limit in quantity of them for a unit?

EX im an assassin and i got all my skills in that and then class change to a trickster and gain all those skills

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You can gain every skill from any class the characters reclass set(gender in MUs case) allows you to access but you can only have 5 active at any given time

also I am pretty sure all of this is on the site, why don't you take a look there it could answer some other questions you might have.

Edited by Velth
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thanks i thoufght the skills section just listed the skills it didint answer class change affected the skills you can pick unless saying you can freely pick means ir dosin't matter the class

Edited by spoon98
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To be honest, all the info on the site is slightly all over the place at the moment, so I think it'd be alright to ask around ^^

I just noticed the Skills section indeed doesn't mention Skills are kept after class-changing, but this point is mentioned in the Class-change page, although you'll need to keep your eyes peeled to find it.

Edited by VincentASM
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where does it say that also i have another question lets say i level up my knight to 20 and promote him to general then get that to 20 and class change to a lv 1 great knight. Do i get the caviler skills he missed due to not being one or no?

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where does it say that also i have another question lets say i level up my knight to 20 and promote him to general then get that to 20 and class change to a lv 1 great knight. Do i get the caviler skills he missed due to not being one or no?


To get cavalier skills, you have to level as a cavalier.

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Yeah, you can demote using a Change Seal at any time. I'm not sure if you could go straight from General to Cavalier with 1 Seal though. It might require two, to become a Great Knight and then a Cavalier.

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Yeah, you can demote using a Change Seal at any time. I'm not sure if you could go straight from General to Cavalier with 1 Seal though. It might require two, to become a Great Knight and then a Cavalier.

As far as I know you can go directly from General to Cavalier with 1 Change Seal.

There is no need to change to a shared promotion first.

Otherwise you couldn't change into Dracoknight or Pegasus Knight at all.

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You can promote Degel to General and then immediately use a Change Seal to make her a Cavalier.

ok something else poped up I was reading the wiki on mark and how his class is determined which said this "...Mark's starting class is also determined by the other parent: Mark will be the base class of the other parent unless My Unit marries Olivia, Chrom, Lucina or Valhart, in which case Mark will be a Strategist. In addition to this, Mark will be part of the Manakete race if My Unit marries Nono, Nn orTiki and will be part of the Taguel race if My Unit marriesVelvet or Chambray....." . Now does that mean if she marries a Manakete/Taguel she can be both one of those and a strategist or just a Manakete/taguel and not a strategist with it?

Also thanks

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Strategist is included. However, in that case, Mark, like other Manakete/Taguel, retains the beast/dragon classification in other classes, so it's not completely free.

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Strategist is included. However, in that case, Mark, like other Manakete/Taguel, retains the beast/dragon classification in other classes, so it's not completely free.

what do you mean by not completly free do you mean weapons like wyrmslayer are equally as effective if they were just a Manakete?

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Yep, a Wyrmslayer would be effective against a Mark whose mother was Tiki/Nono/Nn, no matter what class she's in. Same deal with a Mark whose parentage includes a Taguel against a Beast Killer. You can't get rid of their racial type from reclassing.

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Yep, a Wyrmslayer would be effective against a Mark whose mother was Tiki/Nono/Nn, no matter what class she's in. Same deal with a Mark whose parentage includes a Taguel against a Beast Killer. You can't get rid of their racial type from reclassing.

i guess ill have to let someone else marry my strat then thx

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Yes, you can. If you've checked out the base stats page, you might have seen Valhart with As in Swords, Lances and Axes.

ok thanks idk what max rank was if it was A or S and speaking of him i was planing on who should have whos child and a noticed his conquer skill would remove Chambrays beast weakness if Velvet was paired with Valhart. However when looking through skills for the Manakete version i didin't see this did i just simply miss it or is their no skill for it?

Also im trying to decide who marks other parent should be between one of the lords and tiki who do you think i should pick?

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ok thanks idk what max rank was if it was A or S and speaking of him i was planing on who should have whos child and a noticed his conquer skill would remove Chambrays beast weakness if Velvet was paired with Valhart. However when looking through skills for the Manakete version i didin't see this did i just simply miss it or is their no skill for it?

Also im trying to decide who marks other parent should be between one of the lords and tiki who do you think i should pick?

Max rank is A, yeah.

Passing Conqueror to Chambray isn't possible: Valhart can only be paired with MU, like the other secret characters. The weakness to Beastslayers isn't a big concern, though. And no, there's no other skill that works to protect against weakness to Wyrmslayers.

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Max rank is A, yeah.

Passing Conqueror to Chambray isn't possible: Valhart can only be paired with MU, like the other secret characters. The weakness to Beastslayers isn't a big concern, though. And no, there's no other skill that works to protect against weakness to Wyrmslayers.

what about weakness to wyrmslayers and that annoys me it should say Valhart's mark not his son very missleading.

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Weakness to Wyrmslayers isn't a big deal, either.

Talk to Vincent if you want to get the site to be more clarified.

Edited by Othin
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Weakness to Wyrmslayers isn't a big deal, either.

Talk to Vincent if you want to get the site to be more clarified.

Hey i was thinking of paring krom and female my unit together to get both mark and Lucina together. Will mark be able to gain both Aether and royal weapon like Lucina since its through Krom or just royal weapon because it would be treated as if Lucina had the child?

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