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Make out/Marry/Kick

Airship Canon

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Stefan, Karel, Joshua

Marry Jyosua (AW YE-), Make out with Stefan (Sweet swordmaster, and a branded, I like this guy), Kick Karel (This was tough because I kind of liked him in FE6, but in FE7...eh, he can get out)

Matthis, Dolph, Macellan (I'd like to see how this turns out)

ACK! I was beaten to it!

Edited by TheBritishEltshan
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FE13!Tiki, Olivia, Sariya.

Marry Olivia (she's quite nice), Make out with FE13!Tiki (I find her surprisingly attractive...must be the green hair), Kick Sariya ([spoiler=Noire]How dare you do what you did to Noire?! If I were to marry you, I'd be classified a terrible father!


Marry Roger (Gullible Knight~<3), Make out with Radd (Why not?), Kick Caesar (He got to be the unfortunate third place)

Gotoh, Athos, Nagi

Edited by TheBritishEltshan
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Make out with Rebecca, Marry Tanya, kick out Dorothy [sorry nothing against you personally!]

Farina, Fury and Sheeda [Caeda, Shiida whatever the heck you call her]

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