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FE7 Draft - RNG Style!


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thanks, I'm pretty sure it was 6, i'll clerify at the end.

CHAPTER 22 - 4/77 turns

start hyping Halberd!Dorcas

HECTOR      20.00   36 20 14 16 07 19 06 A AXE
MATTHEW     12.85   25 06 07 20 09 04 01 B SWORD
DORCAS   13/04.21   45 16 15 11 10 09 04 A AXE E BOW
ERK      15/04.80   32 12 14 14 08 11 12 A ANIMA E STAVES
WIL         14.80   28 12 11 10 08 08 02 C BOW
LUCIUS      12.90   22 13 13 13 04 01 09 C LIGHT


erk makes explosions

no stats


BOWS dorkass is so pro against lloyd

HECTOR      20.00   36 20 14 16 07 19 06 A AXE
MATTHEW     13.25   26 06 08 20 10 04 02 B SWORD
DORCAS   13/05.39   46 17 15 11 11 10 04 A AXE E BOW
ERK      15/07.31   34 13 14 16 09 12 13 S ANIMA E STAVES
WIL         15.93   29 13 11 11 08 08 02 C BOW
LUCIUS      15.53   23 14 14 14 05 01 12 B LIGHT

oh my god crazed beast with a bunch of 6 and 5 move units none of which can cross water

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oh my god crazed beast was horrible without a mount pirate or flier


erk dorcas and hector went up then dorcas and erk went right

lucius and matt took the bottom, Wil sniped with ballista

HECTOR      20.00   36 20 14 16 07 19 06 A AXE
MATTHEW     14.08   27 07 08 20 11 05 02 B SWORD
DORCAS   13/07.79   47 17 17 11 11 10 04 S AXE E BOW
ERK      15/10.37   36 14 15 18 10 12 15 S ANIMA E STAVES
WIL      19/01.00   35 17 16 15 08 12 06 B BOW
LUCIUS   18/01.00   28 17 16 18 05 04 17 A LIGHT C STAVES

CHAPTER 26 - 11/100 TURNS

such a useless chapter

erk hit d staves lucius hit b

HECTOR      20.00   36 20 14 16 07 19 06 A AXE
MATTHEW     15.65   28 07 10 20 11 05 02 B SWORD
DORCAS   13/09.49   49 17 17 11 12 10 04 S AXE E BOW
ERK      15/11.92   37 14 15 18 10 12 16 S ANIMA D STAVES
WIL      19/03.27   36 19 17 15 08 12 07 A BOW
LUCIUS   18/04.60   31 18 17 19 05 04 19 A LIGHT B STAVES
LOUISE   ??/06.24   28 12 15 18 17 09 12 A BOW

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Whee, Oswin couldn't hit some guy on EP4!.



I suck.




Lowen is epicly getting what he needs in str/spd to ORKO, and a buttload of def and good res....

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CHAPTER 27 - 7/107 TURNS


and holy shit kenneth is slow Dorcas doubled him

HECTOR      20.00   36 20 14 16 07 19 06 A AXE
MATTHEW     16.74   28 08 10 20 11 05 03 B SWORD
DORCAS   13/11.01   51 19 17 12 12 11 04 S AXE E BOW
ERK      15/12.50   37 14 15 18 11 12 17 S ANIMA D STAVES
WIL      19/04.61   37 20 17 16 09 12 08 A BOW
LUCIUS   18/05.97   32 19 18 19 05 04 20 A LIGHT B STAVES
LOUISE   ??/07.18   28 13 15 19 18 09 12 A BOW

CHAPTER 28 - 15/122 TURNS


erk hit b lucius hit a

erks magic still sucks horribly

HECTOR      20.00   36 20 14 16 07 19 06 A AXE
MATTHEW     18.09   29 09 11 20 13 05 03 B SWORD
DORCAS   13/13.15   53 20 17 12 13 11 04 S AXE E BOW
ERK      15/15.12   39 14 15 20 11 13 19 S ANIMA B STAVES
WIL      19/07.80   40 22 19 17 11 13 10 A BOW
LUCIUS   18/08.36   34 21 19 20 06 04 21 A LIGHT A STAVES
LOUISE   ??/08.88   28 13 17 19 18 09 13 A BOW
JAFFAR   ??/13.00   34 19 25 24 10 15 11 A SWORD

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CHAPTER 29 - 5/127 turns



start of turn 3

CHAPTER 30 - 4/131 TURNS

warp dorcas carrying hector

HECTOR   20/01.22   39 20 16 19 07 20 11 A AXE D SWORD
MATTHEW  20/03.57   35 11 11 21 16 07 05 A SWORD
DORCAS   13/20.00   59 25 18 17 16 12 05 S AXE E BOW
ERK      15/20.00   50 15 19 22 13 14 23 S ANIMA A STAVES
WIL      19/13.65   45 25 23 23 14 15 13 S BOW
LUCIUS   18/14.34   37 25 23 23 09 05 24 S LIGHT A STAVES
LOUISE   ??/12.94   31 14 19 12 19 09 15 S BOW
JAFFAR   ??/18.65   37 19 26 24 11 17 12 A SWORD

ERK got a robe and DORCAS got more speedwings

CHAPTER 31 - 11/142 TURNS




CHAPTER 32 - 5/152 TURNS




warp jaffar





stats in a sec

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I hate this.

Oswin OHKOs every with Silver, and Lowen got the bosskill.

Eliwood got the bandits and everything was fine until the Mage crit Hector right after 3 great LUs.



Fuck this one.









Fiora and Dart got the Morph kills.



Rush up, Dart killed Cameron, and got Legault and the member card.

Lowen got to B axes.

Eliwood ORKOs leftovers, while Thwomp OHKOs everything in sight.

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Chapter 11 - 6/6

*curses Hector and Matthew*

Chapter 12 - 5/11

*curses inability to use anyone other than Hector and Marcus*

*curses Marcus for leaving Zagan with 2 HP on EP 4*

*I don't care to start over*

Chapter 13 - 10/21

So let me get this straight: I have to visit Merlinus' village when I only have Hector, Serra, and Marcus for my units?

And Serra can't chop down stumps?

And Hector has to seize?

And I have to recruit Guy?

Yeah, I don't see how I could've done this faster than 10 and still get Merlinus' village and Guy.

Chapter 13x - 7/28

Zzzz ...

As you guys can tell, my TCs are going to be crap. I don't really care, drafts are fun but constantly trying to minimize TCs for every chapter is not.

Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   06.02 	24   09   07   06   06   11   00
Guy      06.15 	24   08   12   12   06   05   02
Serra    01.90 	17   02   05   08   06   02   05
Marcus   --/03 	32   17   17   11   08   10   09

... Dafuk? I had Rebecca too? :facepalm:

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Chapter 14 - 5/33

A turn more than usual, but oh well. I'm so used to Eliwood and Matthew being free. ._.

Chapter 15 - 7/40

Defense chapter. Rebecca won't gain speed or strength. Great. -_-

Conversely, Guy won't gain anything BUT skill and speed.

Chapter 16 - 5/45

Getting Rebecca levels is a struggle. Got Red Gem for cash, at least. Kent got a level. A pretty good one, too. Hector could've killed the boss and seized on turn 6, but I decided to save the extra turn.

Chapter 17 - 12/57

Could I have done this chapter faster? Most likely. But I didn't want to risk having someone die, so I took it nice and easy. Got the Knight's Crest only.

Chapter 17x - 6/63

If I'd tried to go any faster, someone would've died. This is good enough.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   14.09     30   14   12   11   09   15   00
Serra    04.51     18   02   06   10   08   04   06
Guy      12.73     28   09   17   17   06   06   03
Rebecca  07.35     22   06   07   09   05   06   03
Kent     10.41     28   11   09   10   06   08   02
Raven    07.25     27   10   11   13   04   07   02

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Chapter 18 - 3/66

Yes, three turns. THREE TURNS. Wanna know how I did it? KENT. AND NOT BEING CRITICAL HIT BY ZOLDAM! (Although he did get hit the first time.) HA!

Chapter 19 - 8/74

Bleh, could've saved a turn or two if things had gone how I wanted them to. But they didn't. Oh well.

Chapter 19x - 9/83

Once again, things didn't go my way. Could've saved a turn or two again. But my Kent is doing pretty well. So hopefully I'll save turns in future chapters.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   18.96     32   18   14   13   10   16   01
Serra    05.63     18   02   07   10   09   04   06
Guy      14.98     29   09   17   18   07   06   03
Rebecca  09.83     23   06   07   11   06   06   04
Kent     18.99     34   15   13   14   09   10   03
Raven    09.89     27   12   12   15   05   09   02

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Chapter 20 - 8/91

A little bit of bad luck, but I got Legault and all the stuff that he stole along with him. Hector hit level 20.

Chapter 21 - 5/96

I'm not too sure on this TC, it could have been 4 or 5. I'll have to re-confirm this. Raven got a surprise critical, killing Oleg in one round, which didn't let me check the TC.

Chapter 22 - 4/100

Kent rushed ahead and killed Eubans. Recruited Heath and Rath. Had a really close call because Kent was so low on health, but success!

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Chapter 23 - 8+4/112

I took a 4-turn penalty for letting Florina get attacked on this chapter. Had to get the Hero Crest and couldn't get her out of the way fast enough. But I am sick of restarting this chapter. Also, this chapter took so long because I had to get the Hero Crest and couldn't let Pent clear the map early. Guy and Rebecca promoted early for extra firepower.

Chapter 24 - 2/114

Afa's Drops to Guy, obviously no sidechapter. Barrier-staved Kent waited in range of Lloyd on turn 1, and on turn 2 he and Guy beat up Lloyd. Raven and Rebecca teamed up on a Sniper and got Raven lots of EXP.

Chapter 25 - 8/122

Had to wait for Farina. But because I had no flier before her and had to plow my way through, this might have actually not cost me turns. Anyway ... my TCs suck.

Chapter 26 - 11/133

Standard defense chapter. Raven promoted. Farina is so close to 20, and I want to wait until she does.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00     33   19   14   14   10   18   01
Serra    11.52     20   04   09   14   13   06   08
Guy      17/06     42   15   22   22   10   11   06
Rebecca  14/06     40   15   10   20   12   12   09
Kent     20/07     43   17   20   17   11   13   06
Raven    20/01     40   18   18   22   06   12   06
Ninian   04.41     17   00   01   13   13   06   07
Farina   17.03     28   14   15   16   13   11   14

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Chapter 27 - 9/142

I managed to beat the chapter without recruiting Harken/Karel. Took a lot of running around and splitting up the team. Could've done it faster if only Serra could attack ...

Chapter 28 - 15/157

Defense chapter. Gave me some problems, but hey ... it's done.

Chapter 28x - 157

This was a pretty crazy chapter. Had to rescue Jaffar and Nino to get them out of my way. But anyway, ran around the map, trying to cut a line to Sonia. Farina and Guy killed her. Hector seized on turn 17.

Chapter 29 - 10/167

Due to a positioning error that ended up triggering an extra wave of reinforcements, this took longer than I wanted to. But on the plus side, Serra promoted and Rebecca hit level 20.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20/01     36   19   16   14   10   19   06
Serra    20/01     29   07   15   18   18   09   14
Guy      17/17     51   21   25   30   16   13   10
Rebecca  14/20     50   19   18   28   19   13   15
Kent     20/16     52   19   23   22   14   15   07
Raven    17/13     51   25   22   26   10   15   06
Farina   20/16     45   23   22   24   21   17   20

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Chapter 30 - 8/175

Hahaha ... Serra's warp range sucks, and I just want to get this over with. Anyway, Serra warped a little, but it was mostly Guy and Hector rushing for the throne.

Chapter 31 - 11/186

Chapter 31x - 5/191

Forced defend chapters. Got EXP for Serra, hoping she'd get more magic for warp range. Hector got EXP too. Killed Denning early, on turn 4. Guy reached level 20. Grinded Serra in the arena so that she'd gain more magic, which she did.

Chapter 32 - 10/201

Raced Hector, Serra, Nils, and Kent towards Renault's village and the others through the center. Recruited Renault, killed Limstella on turn 9 EP, and Hector seized on turn 10. Kent and Farina reached level 20. Serra and Renault both have 12 magic. :facepalm:

Chapter 32x - 3/204

This is what happens when I don't have enough range to warp someone into Kishuna's room.

1) Warp someone to kill the General with the door key

2) Someone else kills the Wo Dao swordmaster in the way

3) If necessary, clear out the sniper that charges you and blocks your way

4) Kill Kishuna


Final - 6+1/211

Gave Athos Body Ring so he could double the dragon with Luna. Shuffled weapons around. Rebecca took forever to kill Uhai because she wouldn't crit, then I forgot to switch out her Longbow. Nergal left Hector with 1 HP, which I carelessly did not check. I thought I was going to have to restart, but then I got nearby Raven to knock Nergal down to 19 HP, and Farina got a lucky crit with the Killer Lance that just barely killed him.

And then, onto the dragon. Hector doubled it with Armads for 24 damage a piece, then Athos hit it with Luna for 30 damage apiece. He didn't crit, so I had to use Serra and Renault to spam the final two uses of Fortify to heal them. Kent and Farina rescued Eliwood and Lyn to avoid penalties with those two. Dragon attacks Athos on EP, dies.

Final unit analysis coming in next post.

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Final shown TC is 230, and chapter 21's TC was indeed 5. Uh ... took a 4-turn penalty. Subtract 17 turns from NoF. Six defend chapters (13x, 15, 26, 28, 31, 31x). That does give me 211 turns.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20/12     45   28   22   23   11   25   06
Serra    20/13     35   12   17   23   24   12   23
Guy      17/20     54   22   28   30   19   13   11
Raven    17/20     56   25   25   26   10   15   08
Renault  --/17     44   13   22   20   10   15   18
Rebecca  14/20     50   19   18   28   19   13   15
Kent     20/20     56   20   24   24   15   16   08
Farina   20/20   48   23   23   25   24   18   20
Nils     10.50     21   00   01   17   19   07   11

Hector: He was rather blessed, as you can see. Got a lot of key stats, especially early on, and never really fell behind. He got the boots. Unfortunately, his resistance was rather nonexistent. I think he didn't get a single point of resistance until level 16. That caused me a spot of trouble with Nergal, and I was lucky to not have to restart. Curse you, Kent and Farina, for not being able to rescue him!

Serra: Eh, to be honest, I don't really value healers anymore. They level up too slow and get in the way. Serra was no exception. Last to be promoted, although she did provide a little healing. I could've promoted her sooner, but I wanted to get as much magic out of her as possible. But as you can see, her magic SUCKS. At least she was extremely defense blessed so that thieves in chapter 30 tinked her.

Guy: I love Guy, he is awesome. I gave him Afa's Drops because I didn't have Rath, and he clearly excelled with them. Saved me a turn by critting Kishuna, killed stuff in his ways, did a lot of stuff.

Raven: Great as well and nice to have. But wasn't as valuable as Guy (as odd as some of you may find that).

Renault: At least I don't take a penalty for getting him attacked. I like his Fortify and is a nice backup healer. Wish I had someone more useful, though.

Rebecca: Uhh ... she hit level 20 before everyone else? She helped out in a few places, but she's just kind of deadweight.

Kent: He was blessed early on. While he slowed down a bit in stat gains later on, he made earlygame mostly painless. Thanks, Kent!

Farina: Why you have to cost turns? Aside from that, she helped out a lot. Fliers are nice, even if I wish she came before chapter 25 so she could actually help with a quick clear of that stupid chapter. (No other fliers = pain in the butt.)

Ninian/Nils: Low-leveled as usual, died a few times. But refreshers are always helpful.

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Hmm...since thieves can obtain necessary promotional items, could I have Matthew or Legault visit the village in C21 for the Elysian Whip?

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Don't you mean Ch21? If so, then I believe it is a penalty because I take the thing of thieves being allowed to that as them only being allowed to steal the item. Unless anybody else can point out that they can get a promotional item by any another means is standard, then it is a penalty.

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Raven>Guy, due to 1-2 range and better durability.

Don't start with me, Green, I know Raven is better than Guy objectively because of 1-2 range and durability advantage. I'm just saying that Raven wasn't more helpful to me than Guy was in this draft.

Also, I didn't CHOOSE to have Raven, Guy, and Serra, which therefore forced me onto Jerme's map.

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Wow, that Serra turned out absolutely terrible. Aside from her average busting speed and defence, that magic... wow. That's pretty embarrassing that her magic turned out worse than Renault of all people. At least the rest of the team came out looking good.

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Wow, that Serra turned out absolutely terrible. Aside from her average busting speed and defence, that magic... wow. That's pretty embarrassing that her magic turned out worse than Renault of all people. At least the rest of the team came out looking good.

Hahaha, I think Serra hates me most of the time. I actually drafted her another time, and her magic sucked then as well. Her refusal to gain magic most likely cost me a turn or two in 32x. Renault conveniently lacks the magic to warp someone into the room, so I need someone with > 12/13 magic.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, let's do some chapters!

Quintessence - Canas, Pent, Bartre/Karla, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, Harken.

Tactitian: Quint, Affinity: Wind

Chapter 11 - 6/6

Hector rushes west while Matthew opens some doors. Hector got Hp, Str and Def, nice.

Chapter 12 - 4/10

Marcus rushes UP, Hector heads east and Wolf Beils the fighter boss. Bartre killed two bandits and got a chunk of EXP.

Chapter 13 - 5/15

Marcus rushes through the southern path. Hector was able to reach the throne by turn 4, but Bartre wasn't able to reach the village, so I took an extra turn :(

Chapter 13x - 7/22

Hector rushes up, Marcus gets the gold and Bartre kills the myrm and the mage. Hector and Marcus, then, reach the mercenary's area and kill him.

Chapter 14 - 4/26

Serra recruits Erk. Marcus gets Hector and drops him near the southern part, then he kills the cavs and some enemies by the northwest. Hector kills the southern cav and a couple of pirates, while Bartre killed two loldiers and an archer.

Chapter 15 - 7/33

Made a nomad survive and hit Merlinus constantly in order to make Priscy heal him and get EXP. By the way, Bartre hasn't gotten any str but loads of def, res and lck. He managed to get the Silver Axe by killing the thief, yay!

Chapter 16 - 5/38

Marcus grabs Hector and equips a Hand Axe to OHKO the archer and the mage. Marcus got good level ups...sighs. Bartre and Priscilla defend Merlinus, Priscy got Hp, Skl, Sp, Lck and Res. Lyn and Wil team up so she can steal some kills. Sain gets the Heavy Spear, some kills and Hp, Sp and Lck :). Marcus crosses the fort and drops Hector in exactly 5 tiles from the seize spot.

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More chapters!!!

Chapter 17 - 10/48

Sain grabs Hector and drops him and rescues him again to clear some enemies and to survive. Lyn and Priscilla support them from the rear. Bartre and Matthew get the Unlock (Chest Keys) and the Hero Crest, respectively. Lyn is so awesome that she kills the thief and grabs the Knight Crest.

Chapter 17x - 3/51

Sain equips a Steel Sword and rushes, Priscy gets Canas, Bartre gets the Devil Axe. Enemies attack Sain but he dodges and kills the Devil Axe pirate. Bartre, Hector, Lyn and Canas team up and clear Sain's path. Priscy heals shit and Sain charges. Lyn kills Demnian.

Chapter 18 - 3/54

Sain rushes to the baws with some Javelins. The rest shop and kill. Priscy heals ^^.

Chapter 19 - 5/59

Sain promotes, lights a torch, rushes and kills the thief, gets the torch staff, sends it to Merlinus, Priscy grabs it and torch spams for EXP. Canas goes UP and gets Nosferatu, Bartre and Hector go to the middle isle, Lyn deals with the pirate reinforcements. Sain rushes with the torch and double javs (PP4 + EP4) and horseslays Uhai.

Chapter 19x - 4/63

Bartre promotes by level 12, just for convenience. Sain is somehow sp screwed and can't kill Aion by its own, so Bartre follows him. Canas gets some peg kills, he OHKOs them, Lyn gets some mage kills and gets the Goddess Icon. As soon as Bartre and Sain+Hector reach Aion, Bartre hits him with the Bow and Sain finishes him. I'm trying to avoid Jerme's map but I think it is just, unavoidable.

Sighs...more chapters tomorrow ^_^!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I need to do this. :P

Nino: Bloody loli mage.

Rath: Boron's obsession.

Karel: Bro.

Hawkeye: Tall, tanned, and handsome.

Isadora: I always get Isadora. She can't stay away from me. Sorry Harken.

Florina: Muy bien.

Heath: Another bro. Who's trying to get into Priscilla's skirt, which I don't approve of.

Chapter 11 - 6 turns (6)

Whomp whomp whomp.

Chapter 12 - 4 turns (10)

CHOMP. Hector/Marcus duo, fuck.

Chapter 13 - 6 turns (16)

Couldn't get Marcus to spawn near the village, but a 6 turn of this with only two units isn't bad.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns forced (23)

Hector and Marcus TRAIN. No one died, surprisingly.

Chapter 14 - 9 turns (34)

This not being a 4 turn makes me sad. Very sad.


Chapter 15 - 5 turns forced (39)

At least something goes right. >_<

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