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Aureola Pointless?

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S rank wepons have next to no usefulness anyways, so who the fuck cares honestly?

...I do. sad.gif

Seriously though, S-Rank staffs have the potential to be pretty useful no matter which game you're talking about. Would've been cool to see something like the Valkyrie staff make a return; hell, I would've been satisfied by an augmented Fortify staff. Just something IS.

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...I do. sad.gif

Seriously though, S-Rank staffs have the potential to be pretty useful no matter which game you're talking about. Would've been cool to see something like the Valkyrie staff make a return; hell, I would've been satisfied by an augmented Fortify staff. Just something IS.


Actually Valkyrie would be nice. I'd like it a bit earlier on too, maybe midgame. :p

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hink the S weapons are all useful in the LA, if nothing else. No, wait... for DM users, all you need is Luna and Nosferatu... light magic can make use of Luce (dat crit :O) more than Aureola, with the exception of slaying wyverns, which Aureola is good at...

Excalibur is worthless, way more worthless than Aureola could ever be. You get it on the final chapter, and it does absolutely nothing at all. Ineffective VS the variety of DM users, including Nergal, and ineffective against the dragon, for the most part. At least the physical weapons are useful. Rienflache for Lyn, Hasta for Eliwood, Regal blade for Hector, and give a primary axe user the Basilikos, like Hawkeye or Oswin, if he's leveled enough.

Where was I going with this? Oh right, Aureola isn't completely useless because there's use in the LA.

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Excalibur is worthless, way more worthless than Aureola could ever be. You get it on the final chapter, and it does absolutely nothing at all. Ineffective VS the variety of DM users, including Nergal, and ineffective against the dragon, for the most part. At least the physical weapons are useful. Rienflache for Lyn, Hasta for Eliwood, Regal blade for Hector, and give a primary axe user the Basilikos, like Hawkeye or Oswin, if he's leveled enough.
And just how, exactly, is any of what I've bolded intuitive in any way? Sorry, but Hector's not a primary sword user, Lyn's not a primary bow user, Eliwood's not a primary lance user, and Oswin's not a primary axe user. And not to mention, if you're S-Ranking, you'll want to avoid non-Aureola S rank weapons.

@italics: Or Hector. I would say more, but that would be needless repetition.

Edited by Little Al
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Seriously though, S-Rank staffs have the potential to be pretty useful no matter which game you're talking about. Would've been cool to see something like the Valkyrie staff make a return; hell, I would've been satisfied by an augmented Fortify staff. Just something IS.

I disagree there, and by that I mean I strongly disagree. I just don't see much use in S ranking staves at all.

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and give a primary axe user the Basilikos, like Hawkeye or Oswin, if he's leveled enough.

Oswin is not a primary axe user. Looking at your post as a whole, I must ask: do you not understand how weapon access works?

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It seems he's suggesting you give different weapons to different people. It kinda makes sense with the lords, who get Prfs in their own weapons; might as well give them S ranks of a different weapon :P

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It kinda makes sense with the lords, who get Prfs in their own weapons; might as well give them S ranks of a different weapon :P

Too bad that Durandal and the Sol Katti completely suck... Also, you're talking about getting from D rank to S rank in only about 5 chapters' time.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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I disagree there, and by that I mean I strongly disagree. I just don't see much use in S ranking staves at all.

So nothing > a marginally useful staff that's also serves as a cool addition? I dunno, I just would've appreciated the gesture.

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So nothing > a marginally useful staff that's also serves as a cool addition? I dunno, I just would've appreciated the gesture.

Actually, my viewpoint's closer to "a marginally useful staff that does something I can do with another staff that has more uses is practically useless".

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It seems he's suggesting you give different weapons to different people. It kinda makes sense with the lords, who get Prfs in their own weapons; might as well give them S ranks of a different weapon :P

I honestly think S ranking the same weapon type the Prf is in makes much more sense. It's pretty much inevitable. And the extra crit, while small, is nice to have. And besides, that's like 4-8 chapters worth of using nothing but weapon types that wouldn't even get the chance to S-rank lest you happen to use certain weapons. Like Steel Lances in Eliwood's case, Blades in Hector's case, and Short Bows in Lyn's case. All of which have their disadvantages which involve either being too weak or too heavy. That alone should show you how pointless it would be.
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Actually, my viewpoint's closer to "a marginally useful staff that does something I can do with another staff that has more uses is practically useless".

Valkyrie staff? Some highly useful status staff? Get creative.

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Valkyrie staff? Some highly useful status staff? Get creative.

... ... ... ...

A revival staff wouldn't be much, if any, use to someone who resets every time a unit dies, and I haven't run into many situations where statusing the enemy would be more effective than just attacking them.

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besides, that's like 4-8 chapters worth of using nothing but weapon types that wouldn't even get the chance to S-rank lest you happen to use certain weapons. Like Steel Lances in Eliwood's case, Blades in Hector's case, and Short Bows in Lyn's case.

I tried that, and by the final chapter they just had A ranks in both weapon types. Hooray, I guess.

Edited by Baby Bonnie Hood
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... ... ... ...

A revival staff wouldn't be much, if any, use to someone who resets every time a unit dies, and I haven't run into many situations where statusing the enemy would be more effective than just attacking them.

...All I'm saying is that an S-Rank staff would've been nice to have, as it gives some advantage to an S-Rank in staffs. Doesn't mean you have to use it. Doesn't mean it'll apply to every playthrough or playstyle. But as-is, the absence strikes me as a combination of unimaginative and lazy.

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as a tie in with the valkyrie staff dealie, if Renault had S staves, and was more related to chapter 32x, it would have been neat to have him get the s rank (if it were valkyrie) to further expand on trying to bring back his friend, and better explain his character

i dunno why i thought of that though :/

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as a tie in with the valkyrie staff dealie, if Renault had S staves, and was more related to chapter 32x, it would have been neat to have him get the s rank (if it were valkyrie) to further expand on trying to bring back his friend, and better explain his character

i dunno why i thought of that though :/

Great idea, actually. I always like small things like this.

Speaking of fun facts, did you know that despite the map being covered almost entirely by magic seal (and hence any reasonable player wouldn't field a mage, let alone the worst mage on the team), Renault has the Tactician convo for 32x? In my mind it sort of hints at a greater connection between him and Kishuna, although it's nothing concrete. Pretty interesting!

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Renault has the Tactician convo for 32x?

I do know that, actually. Because I bring him along there for support purposes, which I can finally stop doing because his supports are finally all done.

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