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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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...oh fuck

Thank you, Subi.

I doubt it was Town Roleblocker, I would have seen them N1 (I was on BBM, I got no results).

Ohh, I get it now. WAIT WAIT Scorri was the safeguard. Kay can't be the safeguard.

## Unvote

## Vote BBM

I want to see what Kay says, but this is just too much.

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Subieko just pointed out something big. Thus my vote stays on BBM.

Kay COULD still be a hitman role. I agree that BBM's claim is not looking solid at the moment but I want to see Kay's claim too. If Cam is right and the number of kills is going to increase, we can't risk lynching the doctor without at least considering Kay's claim.

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Shit, I totally forgot that Scorri was the SG. So maybe Kay was the one who became mad and mad killers can't be blocked by the Doctor? But seriously, don't lynch me guys.

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Kay COULD still be a hitman role. I agree that BBM's claim is not looking solid at the moment but I want to see Kay's claim too. If Cam is right and the number of kills is going to increase, we can't risk lynching the doctor without at least considering Kay's claim.

...but if Kay was a hitman the mafia could have used it N1 unless it was oneshot, and in that case why use it on Bizz, I don't think she was seen as obvTown at that point. Okay I am dumb, there's just too many holes in this. ##Vote: BBM

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Also, has anyone considered that Cam is lying? What happened to people thinking that he was scummy? Also I'm at like L-2 right now, wait for Kay to get here.

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You basically confirmed that you were on Bizz earlier >_>

how would i possibly be able to make up that information

Mafia Watcher? I have no clue, but I'm trying to come up with reasons for why Bizz got killed even though I was on her.

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Also, has anyone considered that Cam is lying? What happened to people thinking that he was scummy? Also I'm at like L-2 right now, wait for Kay to get here.

Actually I thought Cam was at least leaning Town towards the end of D1, and I pointed out his watcher breadcrumb-ish thing before; this claim didn't come out of nowhere. Also, if you really thought Cam was lying, why didn't you say that back at the start of this discussion when he said he saw you visit Bizz? This feels like a last-ditch defense.

I would like to see more people post and contribute to the discussion and today's lynch, but I'm actually not sure if I want Kay to claim anymore. If I'm right and you're scum, then having Kay claim will only out another role to the mafia.

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if my theory is right (Lieris apparently disowned me and JB gave me a "gtfo" so I'm thinking I'm onto something), then I don't know how much i want to risk lynching the doctor

that being said though...

can you give me your role name (flavor, I am furuude rika and shinori is apparently ryuugu rena for example)

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I admit, I started to panic a bit when I realized that Kay couldn't be the Safeguard and people started to pile their votes back on me. Not because I'm mafia, but because I'm the Doctor and don't want to get lynched.

If you're wrong and I'm not scum, you lynch the Doctor.

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I admit, I started to panic a bit when I realized that Kay couldn't be the Safeguard and people started to pile their votes back on me. Not because I'm mafia, but because I'm the Doctor and don't want to get lynched.

If you're wrong and I'm not scum, you lynch the Doctor.

Well, you're at L-2 and there's still a lot of time left in this phase. I want to see more people weigh in before we lynch anyone.

And yeah, if I'm wrong and you really are the doctor I will be facepalming to infinity. But right now, your claim doesn't seem that solid. I can only think of one way Bizz could have died even though you were on her. We know you weren't roleblocked, since Watcher saw you visit Bizz. We know Kay isn't Town safeguard because that was Scorri. Mafia safeguard plus Town safeguard seems quite unlikely. So all I can think of is a hitman role. But it seems like it can't be infinite use because then why not use it N1 (I'm assuming the no kill was due to something stopping the kill, not due to mafia idling or anything)?

So then the question is, is it that likely that the mafia would use a one-shot hitman power to kill Bizz N2? It's possible, but it doesn't seem overwhelmingly likely to me. Assuming they even HAVE such a power, which we don't know either.

Also, you said you targeted Eclipse N1. D2, Eclipse seemed very upset about some information she had gotten. It seemed like she didn't have that info D1, which suggests to me that something happened to her during the night. So, you admit to having visited 1) a person who had something negative happen to them at night, and 2) a person who was killed the night of your visit. It COULD be a coincidence but it's just so suspicious. (the Eclipse stuff is just inferences based on her posts though and hope she will correct me if I'm wrong)

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Holy Crap. So much has happened.

BBM, You realize that you claiming Doc right now, when you're at L-3 or L-2 or w/e, is sort of expected. Whether or not it's true, I dunno, but apparently one Poison-Doctor was already killed (Yup, mafiascum.wiki has Poison Doctor as a Role. I checked).

There isn't that much else to go on. Kay and you visited Bizz last night. Bizz died. Either you're doc and Kay is hitman, or possibly vice versa. However, you claimed 2 likely impossibilities (bastard mods could do just about anything), and that's that Kay is SG, and Kay is Ninja. Both have logical evidence to prove otherwise, and to me it seems like you're just fishing for whatever you can come up with to try to make yourself look innocent.

-Now I know you said it's a typo, but still, you've posted an impossibility, and then a doc claim. Those aren't easy pills to swallow, and they're awfully convienent (even if they are somehow true).

I'm sorta less suspicious of Cam now, because of his role as Watcher. Though if for some reason, BBM does flip Town, I'm gonna have a legitimate reason to be suspicious of him again. I mean, he has some pretty good ideas about this. If they happen to be true, it is convienent. Still, he has information, which is something our town seriously has lacked until today.

Kay's claim would bring a lot more to the table, since we're down to 10 players, but it might still be wise to leave her claim out, if we're still not sure. I'll ponder that for a while before cementing on a decision regarding that.

Eclipse, I really wanna hear your side. Apparently she was messed with. I'm wondering if she was messed with again, and I'd like to hear some specifics as to what happened. Not just "Oh my rolePM is different and now I'm mad", because that only adds more to the paranoia that's flooding through this town right now. Something concrete. At least, "It's been changed again!" or something. If something else changed, then Bizz' 3 stages vaccination would make more sense, and be slightly trackable. I'm really worried about Eclipse, because there's a lot that could've happened to her with this virus.

Aere, get in here eventually!

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AGH, I said 3 times that that was a typo. I'd meant to say Kay is mafia, not Ninja. Seriously, if anyone brings that up again, I'll get pissed.

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is it now?

If it helps. I check my RolePM constantly throughout the day. I haven't noticed a single change with it. If anyone else has, it'd be rather nice to hear about it.

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Cam, I have no idea what you're referring to.

okay i'm stupid and just used to checking the OP for info on the current phase


If it helps. I check my RolePM constantly throughout the day. I haven't noticed a single change with it. If anyone else has, it'd be rather nice to hear about it.

Mine hasn't changed either.

maybe it's like a mafia poisoner or something?

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AGH, I said 3 times that that was a typo. I'd meant to say Kay is mafia, not Ninja. Seriously, if anyone brings that up again, I'll get pissed.

It's just that 'ninja' and 'mafia' are not very similar words. Like if you had put 'mafa' that would be a typo. Putting 'ninja' looks much more like you slipped up. You know, like when you're typing and talking at the same time and accidentally start typing what you were saying? So in this case it's like, maybe you know that there's a ninja, were thinking about it, and typed it by accident.

I know you have said three times it was only a typo, but the thing is it's just a very strange typo and looks like a slip.

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Guys, I just got home from work. ;/

My role changed after N1, but I wasn't told what/how it changed. I asked about whether or not it can kill, and apparently it doesn't. Thanks to the events from last night, I have a much better idea of how my role works. No new changes to report!

I'm quite suspicious of BBM's doctor claim, but I do NOT want this phase ending before Kay can get in here and say things. I will abstain from voting until she shows up. I feel way better 'bout Cam-san now~!

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