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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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not good enough for you?

okay then

Well, no, they aren't. Your opinions are echoing what was already said in the thread, making them more of a summary, and half of them are speculation about the setup/flavor. Aside from not wanting BBM lynched, I really don't know what you're thinking.

I'm interested in your opinions on who we should lynch, not on flavor speculation. Leaving my vote on until I see that.

Also, Helios complained about Manix echoing and then backed off as soon as Manix made a post, even though the post was...the same post Helios had just complained about, reposted with little bolded summaries. Helios, you did this D1 with your votehopping, and now I think you're doing the same thing but without the votes: you pressure someone and then back off as soon as they reply, regardless of the content of the reply. And reading back through your posts, most of them are full of speculation about flavor and stuff related to Higurashi. You look like you're active lurking a bit to me.

We could lynch Kay to confirm this, but IMO Kay hasn't looked scummy enough for a lynch (though she hasn't looked all that townish to me). Otherwise we should start looking for someone else to lynch.

Okay, then tell us who you want to lynch. Pressuring inactives is all well and good but we've got less than a day, get your opinions on the lynch out there.

Wrt to my own opinions: Manix and Helios both seem suspicious to me at the moment, I'm slightly suspicious of Kay but am not sure I want her lynched at this point, as I said before.

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just gathering my thoughts here for public usage

d2 votals:

[5] Bluedoom: Subieko, eclipse, BigBangMeteor, Shinori, adiosToreador

[1] apocalypseArisen/Aere: Bluedoom

[1] BigBangMeteor: Elieson

[1] Elieson: Balcerzak

[1] Helios: San

[4] Not Voting: apocalypseArisen/Aere, Camtech, Helios, Rapier

d1 votals:

[3] scorri: eclipse, adiosToreador, BigBangMeteor

[2] BigBangMeteor: Shinori, San

[2] Elieson: apocalypseArisen, Balcerzak

[2] Shinori: Subieko, Camtech

[1] Subieko: Rapier

[4] Not Voting: Elieson, Helios, scorri, Bluedoom


Shinori - Eclipse -> Levity -> BBM

Elieson - Cam -> Scorri -> unvote

Helios - Subieko -> Kay -> Marth -> Eclipse -> Bal -> Unvote

BBM - Shinori -> Elieson -> Shinori -> scorri

Rapier - Shinori -> Helios -> BBM -> Subieko

Eclipse - Balcerzak -> Rapier -> Marth -> Rapier -> Shinori -> Cam -> Bizz -> Kay -> Scorri

Cam - BBM -> Marth -> Elieson -> Subieko -> Balcerzak -> Shinori

Subieko - Elieson -> Helios -> Shinori

San - BBM -> Rein -> BBM

Marth - Cam -> Scorri -> Subieko -> BBM -> unvote

Bizz - Subieko -> unvote -> Cam -> unvote -> Scorri


Elieson - Cam -> unvote -> BBM

Subieko - Marth

Eclipse - Marth

Shinori - Elieson -> Helios -> BBM -> Marth

BBM - Marth

Marth - Rein/Aere

Bizz - Bal -> Marth

Balcerzak - Elieson

Kay - Helios

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i have no clue what's up

but there's less than 24 hours left in the day so let's think of something fast

(out of curiosity who should I be watching tonight?)

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I didn't notice that Eclipse had that many D1 votes.

Manix's overall lack of serious insight is bothersome, because I've seen him press harder in pretty much every other mafia game that we've been in together.

But Moreso, Kay doesn't seem to care that she's in the spotlight, and that strikes me as strange. You'd think that her being proven as a visitor to a dead player would give her some incentive to say "Hey, I didn't do it, and let me present my reasoning as to why you should believe me".

Now reading that Eclipse is starting a Naruto Mafia and seeing ninja ninja ninja makes me consider the presence of a Ninja scum, but right now we have as much to prove that theory as we do for a malicious ITP and dual mafia squads. At least we have a reason to believe that there is a mafia poisoner out there (I mean, the presence of a Poison doc should be proof in itself).

I still don't have much of a reason not to vote Kay though. Cam brought valuable information to the table, and the presence of a doctor in a game as paranoid-inducing as this is something that we can't really toss out the window. After rereading some, I feel better about Cam now. Tonight's gonna be a big night for BBM though.

Aere still hasn't brought like, anything to the table though. And Helios is more interested in analyzing flavor and providing us with story information (which, as useful as that is, isn't helping our case a whole lot when it's just being thrown out there).

Where others may disagree, I'm sticking with my vote on Kay right now. I still don't see much of a reason not to vote her, unfortunately it's because we have so little else to go on right now.

Tonight's course of action, I have a suggestion, but I'd rather not post it for obvious reasons. Cam, I think you know who you should target. BBM, if you are indeed the doc, I think you know too. Subi, you're a threat to anyone, so whoever you pick is going to have to be exceptionally important.

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Also, Helios complained about Manix echoing and then backed off as soon as Manix made a post, even though the post was...the same post Helios had just complained about, reposted with little bolded summaries. Helios, you did this D1 with your votehopping, and now I think you're doing the same thing but without the votes: you pressure someone and then back off as soon as they reply, regardless of the content of the reply. And reading back through your posts, most of them are full of speculation about flavor and stuff related to Higurashi. You look like you're active lurking a bit to me.

Well I didn't really back off since I never voted him, all I did was make an "echo echo" post because all he's done so far is echo other thoughts in the thread. Then he quoted his old reply and I apologized if I irritated him it's just that most of what he said had already been stated in the thread. So I never really backed off him but I was never voting for him anyway. It was more of a "gentle nudge" that Kay asked me to do more often instead of just vote haha.

Question about the Avenger role or whatever role Subieko is. Is that normally a town role?

Okay, then tell us who you want to lynch. Pressuring inactives is all well and good but we've got less than a day, get your opinions on the lynch out there.

I want either Aere or Manix lynched, and I'm still thinking about Kay. Aere deserves a chance to defend himself at least before he does get lynched but due to process of elimination I think Aere, Manix, or Kay are scum, assuming everyone who claimed is telling the truth (I also assume Elieson and Eclipse are town). So I'm voting for Aere.

Another question: Do scum ever have passive roles?

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Subi- By exceptionally important, I mean it's important that you think very seriously before choosing. I don't mean pick someone important.

Just clarifying.

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i have no clue what's up

but there's less than 24 hours left in the day so let's think of something fast

(out of curiosity who should I be watching tonight?)

Planning in the thread who should target who might be bad because if scum have roles to mess with it they can ruin the plan. Or just use the kill on a member of the plan or whatever. Probably you should watch whoever you think is most likely to be killed or targeted?

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Another question: Do scum ever have passive roles?

Ninja, for starters. Scum Bomb or Scum Granny have existed from time to time. Not like we have reason to assume for this game, but Scum Neighbor existed in a game that you were in.

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I know who to target but NOC means i can't say it without giving away my plan (not that the plan isn't stupidly obvious but let's assume that the scumteam is made up of rapier and marth is stupid for a sec

I need to reread again and then I'll vote.

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Ninja, for starters. Scum Bomb or Scum Granny have existed from time to time. Not like we have reason to assume for this game, but Scum Neighbor existed in a game that you were in.

Is a ninja a passive role? I thought it was just a way to kill without getting caught by a watcher or tracker. And I don't think there'd be a scum!neighbor in this game but what do I know. I'm just wondering if there would be passive mafia roles if we had a town safeguard.

Oh and Elieson, when are you going to share that great info you were talking about?

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Where others may disagree, I'm sticking with my vote on Kay right now. I still don't see much of a reason not to vote her, unfortunately it's because we have so little else to go on right now.

But if you believe Bizz was indeed killed by a Poisoner, then why would scum visit her the night of her death? If scum poisoned Bizz they would know when she would die, so using a night action on her that night seems pointless. I'm not sure Poisoner and scum!Kay are compatible right now. Unless Kay has some kind of role that makes sense to use on someone who's dying that night, but I can't think of one. I do find Kay slightly suspicious, but what makes her more suspicous than the other suspects you mentioned? Right now I'm not seeing her as more suspicious than Manix.

Subi, you're a threat to anyone, so whoever you pick is going to have to be exceptionally important.

Maybe I'm better off just idling? If I pick wrong and die, then we lose two Town instead of one. It's kind of risky.

Well I didn't really back off since I never voted him, all I did was make an "echo echo" post because all he's done so far is echo other thoughts in the thread. Then he quoted his old reply and I apologized if I irritated him it's just that most of what he said had already been stated in the thread.

Yes, I know you didn't vote him, that's why I said you were doing the same thing as D1 but without the votes. What I'm still seeing here is you said he was echoing, he reposted his post, and you apologized but still thought he was echoing. So you complained about his post, but then moved on even though he did not fix the problem. If you're trying to nudge/pressure people, it's not much use if you move on as soon as they post anything.

I want either Aere or Manix lynched, and I'm still thinking about Kay. Aere deserves a chance to defend himself at least before he does get lynched but due to process of elimination I think Aere, Manix, or Kay are scum, assuming everyone who claimed is telling the truth (I also assume Elieson and Eclipse are town). So I'm voting for Aere.

Another question: Do scum ever have passive roles?

Aere doesn't seem to be around to respond though. He's posted so little that I don't really have a read on him.

Wasn't Strawman a scum PGO in that one game? I don't know if passive scum roles are common but I don't think they're impossible.

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I was wondering if anyone remembered my claims of having great info to come.

Honestly, I don't have it. Reasoning: I'm physically unable to. I anticipated something happening last night phase, and it didn't happen. It was sort of a bluff to get something specific to happen, and it never did, so I'm dry.

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I was wondering if anyone remembered my claims of having great info to come.

Honestly, I don't have it. Reasoning: I'm physically unable to. I anticipated something happening last night phase, and it didn't happen. It was sort of a bluff to get something specific to happen, and it never did, so I'm dry.

I stopped mentioning your plan once I thought I had figured out what it was. In any case I think I know what Elieson was trying to do, and it makes me think he's likely to be Town. His actions so far make sense if I'm right.

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About this poison, I'm assuming that if someone is poisoned, that they'd be known of it, so they could call attention of the Poison Doc and say "Hey, I've been poisoned, please help me" or something.

I do believe the role itself exists, but I also am basing my thoughts on the above.

If Flavor really has nothing to do with the deaths of our players, then we could assume that Bal was poisoned. He didn't say much of anything that would've made me think he was poisoned, and if Bizz was made aware of herself being targetted, I'm sure she would've used her ability on herself.

And regarding your role, it is risky. I think you're a low demand kill though, unless you claim that you're idling. Same goes for Shinori (well, to a lesser extent). I don't want to say you should idle, but it does make you more of a target if you do.

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I really don't think that someone would be told if they were Poisoned. Think about it, it basically tells you one of the mafia roles right off the bat. You might say that Bizz lowering the stages of the Hinimizawa Syndrome by 3 implies there is a Poisoner, but I think the Syndrome happens by itself (accompanied by a mafia Poisoner who speeds the process along). Otherwise there would be no need for "stages" of the Syndrome. Bizz's role would just have been to remove the Syndrome entirely.

I'd like to see Manix and Aere post more.

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About this poison, I'm assuming that if someone is poisoned, that they'd be known of it, so they could call attention of the Poison Doc and say "Hey, I've been poisoned, please help me" or something.

I do believe the role itself exists, but I also am basing my thoughts on the above.

If Flavor really has nothing to do with the deaths of our players, then we could assume that Bal was poisoned. He didn't say much of anything that would've made me think he was poisoned, and if Bizz was made aware of herself being targetted, I'm sure she would've used her ability on herself.

And regarding your role, it is risky. I think you're a low demand kill though, unless you claim that you're idling. Same goes for Shinori (well, to a lesser extent). I don't want to say you should idle, but it does make you more of a target if you do.

I don't know the usual procedure for poisonings, but given that this is a bastard mod game, I don't think it's implausible for someone to get poisoned and not be told. I'm still not sure that Bizz's role is a counter to a Poisoner, either; the Hinamizawa syndrome could be something else entirely. I think we'll get more information about that with time, though, and at this point we don't have much to go on there.

Hm, well, I suppose all I can do is leave it a mystery whether I'm idling or not and rely on WIFOM.

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Good morning Shinori~! Thoughts?

I'm thinking that we either have a SK loose, or someone's an interceptor.

Seems that BBM's following me in day votes? It's a bit early to tell, though. I'm really, REALLY not happy with Elieson - claiming "something important" is more likely to draw the wrong kind of attention to you, and why do you want to force town PR's hands? If you want to draw mafia attention, be active and scumhunt. The more you practice, the better you'll become.

I'm still not happy with Kay; she's making no effort to defend herself at all, but her scumtell (really weird logic) is half-present. Her presence is scummy, but the kind of scummy that should go down to a vig shot (or needs to explain herself ASAP, and in a wall of text).

Wonder why all the big-name players are being killed? If so. . .Cam made a nice list on the D1/2 votes. . .let's see. . .Bal didn't like me/Eli (not helpful), and Bizz thought one of Marth/Aere/BBM was scum. The person I liked least on D1 still hasn't made that much of an impression, so. . .

##Vote: Manix

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My thoughts on the situation I really think we should go with a lynch on either BBM or kay, since BBM claimed doc and people are worried about that, I'd say Kay. I don't think she ever claimed though which could be risky, but that would be our best bet at getting info based on what happened.

I know I stated this previously, but if we assume that levy did die to a poisoner then both BBM and kay are, for the most part, cleared. UNLESS there are indeed two mafias. In which case that could still equivalate to one of them being scum.

Also something we haven't mentioned I don't think, what are the chances of their being two mafias, and a scum doctor on one of the two mafia teams? Or something similar.

However first off, since we don't like the BBM lynch, ##Unvote. And now back to the present issue, a better lynch target, as stated, I feel Kay is best for information purposes, but assuming poisoner in the game and only one mafia they are both most likely town, which brings us to everyone else.

Townie read from eclipse/camtech leaves only:






Out of these remaining people I feel Subieko might be town based off his role, however I don't like how he and BBM have reacted towards each other most of the game, they seemed to buddy a lot of the early game, then when cam claimed watcher Subieko seemed extremely quick to jump onto BBM assuming he was going to go down, as if to say, "Sorry partner, but I wanna look town so I'm gonna try to get on the early train here." However then when people seemed wary of voting BBM Sub went right back to being on his side if I am remembering correctly.

Manix didn't post all that much a few paragraphs of a post which could have been simplified to at most one paragraph. Supposedly most people think he was 'echoing' a lot of his thoughts, whatever, I can see that.

Elie, originally I thought he was town, but since the early beginning of Day 2 he's been acting weird, saying he has info but not really saying anything except drawing attention to himself, which I don't really like, especially since he didn't die at all during Night 2 when he supposedly claimed a role that gave him information.

Helios seems to think flavor is everything or something, I mean whatever. Not sure what kind of read I have from him, Scum hunting through flavor in some games doesn't quite help that much as others have said, I need to reread his posts.

Aere is playing this game?

Question for Subieko:

Did you target someone with your role last night so that if you die this day phase you will end up killing someone with you?

And as for my vote...

##Vote: Elie

What the fuck was this post about?

I was wondering if anyone remembered my claims of having great info to come.

Honestly, I don't have it. Reasoning: I'm physically unable to. I anticipated something happening last night phase, and it didn't happen. It was sort of a bluff to get something specific to happen, and it never did, so I'm dry.

You are confusing me and seeming extremely sketchy to me at the moment, thinking back on it your first post originally starting conversation I jumped to your defense thinking it was a townie move, but it could be either way in your defense. Then as I stated above you kept saying you HAD info and that you would also have more info to come, painting a giant bulls eye on your forehead with a flag on top of your head saying "Please shoot me." Yet, you didn't get shot, and you didn't claim blocked so nothing should have happened to you, then you come out with this post saying it wasn't true but a bluff. What the hell?

Thinking back on this you could most likely end up being town since you have been known to lie about your roles in the past when you are town but that DOES NOT HELP, and I would hope you learned about that already, so could you please explain yourself a little bit to make me feel a little more comfortable about you?

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If he's oracle and he was WANTING shot I would say we always have the possibility of lynching him because oracle effect normally persists through out the day phase as well. That's only if we don't have a better target, anywho if he is oracle or whatever I guess that pretty much leaves Aere, Manix, or Helios. Need to think.

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