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I know I know this is a baaaad idea, but I have to do this.

I was going to post this draft at the end of the month when most of my drafts are done or near finish, but I couldn't wait. Beside we need more fun and stupid ideaish drafts! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif


1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Marth, Jeigan, Ricardo and Gato are free for all to use.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, shop and be deployed in battle*.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to fighting with weapons healing units and opening chests/doors.

2.1 Julian is allowed to open the door in Chapter 6 to recruit Ricardo

3. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 19 before Turn 5.

4. Use of the warp staff is ban.

*All units are force to be deployed in battle


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

If rules need fixing please let me know. :)


PolterGhost: Navarre, Linda, Hardin, Raddy, Katua, Wolf, Zagaro, Jake, Chiki, Alan, Biraku, Riff

SRC: Abel, Kain, Barts, Minerva, Chainy, Boa, Julian, Est, Kashim, Maria, Saji, George

Dio: Sheeda, Marich, Banutu, Midia, Astria, Thomas, Rena, Roshe, Maji, Caesar, Ellis, Daros

Callum of Iris: Oguma, Wendel, Gordon, Machis, Paola, Beck, Doga, Roger, Samson, Lawrence, Thomth, Mishelan

[spoiler=Units remaining]

Edited by Callum of Iris
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You do realize that this game is notoriously hard, even with a full list of units, right? Hell, I'll do two drafts, I mostly know what I'm doing in this one. I am humored about

visit houses

As if it that really means a whole lot in this game.

Edited by PolterGhost
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You do realize that this game is notoriously hard, even with a full list of units, right? Hell, I'll do two drafts, I mostly know what I'm doing in this one.

Ummm... okay. 8P So I'm guessing you're joining or not, right?

As if it that really means a whole lot in this game.

LOL I just copypasta some of the rules from the Shadow Dragon ruleset.

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You do realize that this game is notoriously hard, even with a full list of units, right? Hell, I'll do two drafts, I mostly know what I'm doing in this one. I am humored about

That's odd, I heard grandjackal say the exact opposite.

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Yeah, I suppose maps such as Port Warren are much more obnoxious in the original, but as a whole, I don't think this game is much harder than Shadow Dragon.

Really, the worst problems are in the interface anyways.

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I think Shadow Dragon is a pain just because it makes all the units move at least one more space than normal, usually two. It's difficult to judge distances when you're used to normal guys moving six spaces and mercs moving seven, just to watch the enemy suddenly move around your defensive line without blinking.

But yeah, I like FE1, I'll do the draft.

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How much do you bet that the first four choices are the mercenaries?

Like $400 against. Besides Ogma and perhaps Navarre, none of them are all that RAD to be honest.

If anyone wants to pick Caesar #4 though I won't try and stop them.

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I've gotten lucky with Caesar. The fact that I trust him with an Armorkiller more than most of the other non-merc swordwielders is really my only consideration, though I might as well grab Marek if I want to kill armor, thinking about it...

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As much as I love the mercenaries(especially Oguma), I probably will go for one of the chapter one units first. :P

I also believe Wendel might be an early pick because he can fight and heal and healers can't get EXP.

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As much as I love the mercenaries(especially Oguma), I probably will go for one of the chapter one units first. :P

I also believe Wendel might be an early pick because he can fight and heal and healers can't get EXP.

Eh, Chapter One is pretty easy to solo if you waste time and camp at a fort

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Good luck with this draft.

The enemies have a chance at critting you no matter what. As Luck will not decrease the chance of it happening in this game. It's even hard with a full team.

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Good luck with this draft.

The enemies have a chance at critting you no matter what. As Luck will not decrease the chance of it happening in this game. It's even hard with a full team.

Thanks! ^^

The only luck I'll need is finding another participant, but then again who plays FE1?

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Cool beans, we have a full house!

Here is the drafting order: 3 2 4 1

So Ghost goes first, SRC second, Dio third, and I'm last.

Also, if you guys want, you can leave a pick list with me or someone if you're going to be offline.

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FE1 is not that difficult, just don't play it the same as Shadow Dragon ^^ For example Thomas is much more useful in this game because of how promotion works. Train him 2 levels, promote him and he'll suddenly have 14 speed! And the RNG system seems pretty screwed, like Gaiden. Don't expect anything when it seems like you have a 75% chance to hit...

The only problem of this game is the amateurisch translation patch ^^'

And healers can be leveled up pretty easily by having them stand on a fortress and having a thief attack them, they'll get 40EXP per enemy phase and won't die because of how hilariously weak those thieves are. For a draft this is not very useful, but in a normal playthrough you can have Riff and Rena at lvl 20 by chapter 2 already.

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